Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 928 Forming a Team with the Corpse King

Chapter 928 Forming a Team with the Corpse King

In fact, Lin Ye thought of this sentence at the beginning, but when he finished speaking, Li Jie suddenly grabbed his arm and said, "Brother, you are so talented, you actually thought of making people face spider corpse king?" Let’s walk together later, why didn’t I think of it? By the way, he can take this man in red to walk with us, and then we will go to find Zhou Yangshen and bring back the antidote. It’s better than waiting here for him to give you a cure. Medicine, okay, and then, because we don’t know whether Zhou Yangshen will come again, so you go to find him with us, we are also going to find him, we have a friend in the morning and he is the same as Zhou Yangshen Guys, we are together, we can take care of each other, you say, right?"

The Man Faced Spider Corpse King stood up slowly, and then he pulled Xue Wu up, and then he looked at Lin Ye, the two of them, and said, "Can I really find him? Can I really get him?" Back to the antidote? If I believe you, I, I don't do it for anything, as long as I can get this, my friend will come back, I am willing to do anything, no matter what it is for Zhou Yangshen or for you? As long as you I would do anything to save my friend."

The tone of the Man Faced Spider Corpse King at this time is completely in stark contrast to my arrogant and domineering tone before. He may have fully understood by now how important the existence of his friend is, and he knows that if he continues to If he continues to be so arrogant, he may lose this person who is willing to help him for these three months, because he has stayed here for so many years, and has never received news from Zhou Yangshen again. He just stayed here stupidly, waiting for Zhou Yangshen , to give myself an antidote, and I was cowardly enough at that time, so I was completely restrained by Zhou Yangshen.

"If you're willing to come with us, we'll leave this place right now, and we can't waste any more time. We should hurry to find Zhou Yangshen, because we still have to look for the other four serums, and we're always looking for the Fifth Middle School The serum you had here before was just one of them, and it was the first one. We have wasted a lot of time, so please help me, and buy it for me before going to bed, and then you leave with us, How about we go find Zhou Yangshen? In addition, I have a friend who is a psychic. Maybe it can enter your friend's spiritual world and try to wake it up. Is it? He was also controlled by Zhou Yangshen, and then he was awakened by my friend with psychic powers, and Zhou Yangshen was expelled from his mind. Zhou Yangshen could no longer control him. Maybe I can let my friend try it. See if he can wake up your friend, it's not impossible, after all, he is a very powerful supernatural being." Lin Ye said, he also thought of this method before, but he didn't expect to make people face spider corpses before. Wang walked with them, so I didn't think about it. Now I really thought of letting the spider corpse king leave with them. When they meet with You Qiran, you can let You Qiran try it. I can do it naturally, after all, he is very powerful.

The Man-faced Spider Corpse King, after hearing Lin Ye's words, the eyes on his face instantly glowed, and he stopped crying. He was a little excited, and then he didn't know what to say, he hesitated for a long time Then he said: "I have to ask you friend to give it a try. I am willing to find Zhou Yangshen together with you. As long as I can save my friend, I am willing to do anything. As I said, I can help you find the leftovers together." I will help you solve any obstacles encountered with the four serums. I just ask you to save my friend and help him take it off once. It is in this state. He has been in this state of suspended animation for more than two years. I really don’t have it. There is a way, if he continues like this, maybe he can, maybe he will enter the real death from the state of suspended animation, I really have no other way, if you are willing to help me, I am really grateful, as long as It can make my friend recover, really, I really do what I say, and I will do what I am asked to do." The Spider Corpse King said some incoherent words, but it can be seen that his emotional words are Very, very excited, at this time he may be completely, completely in order to save his friend, he doesn't think about anything, he just wants to save his friend, he just wants to wake him up, that's fine, later, let's talk about other things, as long as, If he can help him, he is his friend, and he can do anything, even if he sacrifices his own life, he is willing to do it.

"Well, since you are willing to go with us, please give me the serum, and then you bring your friend with you, and we will leave here together. After all, there are still many troublesome things in this, and I don't want to be here Continue to stay here, we have to leave here as soon as possible, the purpose of our visit this time is to find the serum, since we have found the serum, we can't waste time here, we need to leave here quickly, and then find other For the matter, I have to go to Zhou Yangshen to get the antidote and come back to cure your friend, but the most important thing is to let my friend help you to try it first, see if you can wake up your friend." Lin Ye Said, he is also a little impatient to stay here now, because it is very uncomfortable for them to find the breath of all the things in it, and then he is taking him now to get the serum, and he doesn't want to mess with it anymore He doesn't want to fight or conflict with any incidents and momentum, and there are many mutated zombies. He wants to leave here now, and then, join his partners, and hurry to find the other four The serum can find Zhou Yangshen, help, and save the friend of the Man Faced Spider Corpse King.

"Okay, I'll leave here with you, and for this matter, the serum that Zhou Yangshen gave me will be given to you, as long as you are willing to help me, I will do anything!" Mianzhu Corpse King handed the serum to Lin Ye.

The serum is a small, red liquid in a glass bottle. It seems that this is one of the serums. Lin Ye carefully put the serum into his bag, and then, facing the person , Spider Corpse King said: "Then let's hurry up and get out of here."

The Man Faced Spider Corpse King carried the man in red on his back, and his eight tentacles had already been retracted into his body.

However, when they returned to the room they had agreed with Yu Qiran, they found that Yu Qiran had never returned at all, nor did they leave any signs, and then they had some doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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