Natural phenomenon
"Could it be that they haven't found the exit to leave, so they haven't come back here, but it's been such a long time, even if it should be enough to visit the whole practice base, why haven't they come back? That's why One is strange, it must be some kind of danger." Li Jie said speculatively.

"No one can tell. I don't know where they are now, and I can't contact him, but it should be possible to contact us unilaterally. Can he spread information spiritually? But he hasn't Spread any spiritual information to us, which means that they should not be in danger, and they may find some new discoveries, and then find a new exit. Why don't we wait patiently here for a while, or what, and then go, then ask Do you know if there is any way to leave here?" Lin Ye asked, looking at the Man Faced Spider Corpse King.

The Man-faced Spider Corpse King shook his head and said: "Hubei Man-faced Spider Corpse King threatened to bring it here, then went directly to that place, and never left again, so I don't know much about this experimental base. I can’t help you to check, I don’t know this place, this layout, this is, but this experimental base seems to be very big, but no matter how big it is, it won’t take too long to pass it on and export it. , there should be an exit over there, why not go directly to that exit?"

The exit that the Man Faced Spider Corpse King mentioned was the entrance that Lin Ye and the others came in: "That exit has been sealed, and there will be other mutant zombies there tomorrow, what kind of strange vine zombies, flame zombies, they all In it, why did the two zombies fight when they met? Are they enemies? Is there any hatred between zombies?"

"Are you talking about those two mutated zombies? In fact, the two of them had no enmity before they mutated, because how did they mutate before? Their zombies are a combination of human zombies and plants. Let me tell you this. , They are mutated zombies formed by a combination of a person and a plant, and the other is a flame zombie formed by combining a person and a flame. Are fire and wood incompatible? Needless to say in hardware? Fire, fire, and wood are not Compatibility, fire attacks wood, so flame zombies, and strange vine zombies always have the upper hand when fighting, but the number of strange head zombies is relatively large, so they are relatively evenly matched. They've been fighting since I came, but of course they don't dare to provoke me," said the Man Faced Spider Corpse King.

"It turned out to be like this. It turned out to be a way for people to combine with this natural phenomenon. In fact, their abilities are similar to our supernatural beings. For example, we want water-type supernatural beings, fire-type ninjas, and ice-type supernatural beings. There are also lightning-type superpowers, all of which are made by wasting opportunities like this, but one of them is a zombie, and we are all human, which is really, miraculous." Lin Ye said.

"Actually, this principle is similar, but there are still many things that are different. I haven't studied it too much, because although I have been here in recent years, I have not had any dealings with them. I myself am In order to help my friend, and then I don’t want to deal with them, but if your mother wants to leave directly from there, I can let them all leave, are they zombies? There is no human consciousness, But he can feel that my aura will automatically recede." said the Man Faced Spider Corpse King.

"Don't worry, we have to wait for my friends to come back. They are also looking for an exit. If we agree to meet in person here, if her mother doesn't come back, we will go find them, eh , who knows what happened to them now? It’s been so long, and they haven’t returned to this room. Maybe they have encountered some trouble? I think if there is any trouble, it should be given to me The one who sent the message, why didn’t he say anything? Could it be that they really found a place far away and are checking something, I don’t know too well, I hope they are fine, we wait here How about we go out and look for them if they don't come again?" You also said that he also felt a little weird, why hasn't he come back for so long?This experimental base is not very big, and it doesn't take long to find it. I haven't come back until now. It should be something happened, but it shouldn't be a big deal. If it is a big deal, let it go. I have already sent a message to him. If it is a small matter, it may be more troublesome and difficult to solve, but it will not be a big problem. It should be like this. Well, I hope they can come back sooner.

Next, they can only wait quietly in this room. From time to time there will be a few mutated zombies screaming outside, but they dare not approach this room at all. After all, there are such tall supernatural beings in this room. There is disappointment, they can only fight each other outside the door, and then bow their heads to tie it but dare not approach, the aura here is too big, and this is the only way to offset their inner fear, Because they have always known that there is a corpse king in this place, but this corpse king did not come out, launched any attack on them, nor did he come to absorb their incapacity, just stayed in that place quietly, guarding a man in red clothes. Man, this man-faced spider corpse king is actually relatively ambitious among all the corpse kings. He didn't say anything about destroying all human beings and ruling the entire world. He just guarded one of his friends and waited. Zhou Yangshen saw his friend’s awakening just for this point. Zhou Yangshen used his best friend to blackmail him, forcing him to participate in this kind of conspiracy and struggle. He was actually very wronged, but he didn’t The way, Zhou Yangshen chose him.


Besides, on their side, they have been walking forward for a long time, and finally found a new place. This place seems to be really an exit. When you go out from that exit, there is a vast grassland. , I have never seen such a vast grassland with green and faint grass since the end of the day, blown by the breeze, and the baby still has a fragrance of fragrant soil, which really makes people feel refreshed and happy. Comfortable, and then, Yu Qiran released the ability, and passed the news to Lin Ye and the others. After Lin Ye and the others got the news, they took the Human Face Spider Corpse King to think about the clues given by Yu Qiran. That place set off.

(End of this chapter)

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