Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 931 Reality and Illusion

Chapter 931 Reality and Illusion

When they saw such a strange combination of Lin Ye, Li Jie, and Xuewu coming to them, they felt helpless. What happened to this human-faced spider corpse king?How did it become like this?And who is the man in red behind him?

Lin Ye also knew that they were very suspicious, so he told them the whole story, saying, "The Man Faced Spider Corpse King was controlled by Zhou Yangshen, who put the man in red into a state of suspended animation. The Man-faced Spider Corpse King is a very important person, so Zhou Yangshen took the man in red to blackmail the Man-faced Spider Corpse King, and asked the Man-faced Spider Corpse King to look at the serum Human-faced Spider Corpse King for him, in order to keep the man in red safe. , also in order to get the antidote to the state of suspended animation, so I had to help Zhou Yangshen look at the serum here. Although we had a fight with him before, but now we have reached an agreement, the man-faced spider corpse king will go to Zhou Yangshen with us , to strengthen the state of suspended animation. After all, Zhou Yangshen is a sinister and cunning person. , let’s go find the other four serums together, and go find Zhou Yangshen by the way, and grab all our previous enmity and the antidote to the state of suspended animation.”

"Oh, it turns out that this is the person who is the scourge of Zhou Yangshen again. Zhou Yangshen is really everywhere, but wherever we go, his name will appear. Do you think this person has a grudge against us? Did he early? I just foresee that we will do what she likes, so is she constantly hindering me? When I see this person, I will definitely beat him up." You Qiran said that Zhou Yangshen, a people really It was a headache, especially when he helped solve Qilian's matter before, he could feel Zhou Yangshen's strength. Although Zhou Yangshen is very powerful, he is really like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, and he can be seen everywhere to him.

"Brother, I can understand your feelings. If I see Zhou Yangshen, I will beat him up too. This person is really annoying. She is everywhere, and I can meet her everywhere. We met her." He gave us all kinds of problems. You said that this person is really useless. The viruses he invented, the viruses he invented, and the antidote, and those antidote he invented, let others show him , do you think there is something wrong with this person? Hey, how can there be such a person in the world?" Li Jie was also very angry, saying that he was going to put up with Zhou Yangshen before, and it was beyond the limit, but they don't know at all now What kind of person is Zhou Yangshen and what he looks like? He is also really mysterious. He arranged these things early on. Just like what Lin Ye said before, maybe this Zhou Yangshen really has the ability to predict the future. No, how could he give us so many problems, and they are problems we have to go through. Although this person is hateful, he also has some horrors.

"You should calm down first. After all, we are still trapped in this place. We have found that it is very strange. You look at a vast grassland, and you always think it is strange. What else will happen here? Do you have anything? Did you find it?" Xin Yu asked.

"It's because I just came here and found something different. Although it feels very safe here, there is always a strange feeling and the wind blowing. This is not a simple prevention. He may make people feel Falling into a deep sleep is just like them, they are not sleepy by themselves, but blown by the wind, the reason why we don’t? Sleeping to sleep may be because our ability is relatively high, um, can resist the power of the wind , and these half-human half-zombies without supernatural powers, and ordinary human beings are Ling Wei. You see, they are all asleep, but we supernatural beings have not fallen asleep, which means that the power of this wind is still very strong. Weak, but still a little strange, we must be vigilant." Lin Ye said.

"Actually, I am very familiar with this feeling. I seem to have seen it before. It seems that there was a kind of supernatural power before, which told you to be able to perform illusion. This kind of supernatural power is actually very similar to the spiritual supernatural power. It is to control the human spirit, and the plague sufferer is to control the visual spirit of the person, and make people's vision produce an illusion. This kind of mental supernatural person cannot do it, that is, the supernatural person can control the human spirit. But it can't control people's hallucinations, visual spirit, and this hallucinatory psychic can control people's visual spirit, so that people can see illusions, um, maybe this is done by illusionists, I think your spirit This friend of the supernatural person may have feelings." The Man Faced Spider Corpse King said, since he is planning to help Lin Ye and the others now, he will tell them what he knows and let them solve the problem.

Although listening to what the Man-faced Spider Corpse King said, he suddenly felt some enlightenment. He said: "Yes, I felt it before. It's strange, but I can't remember what it is at the moment. After you remind me , It’s really good because hallucinations have done it. I’ve seen a hallucinations before. This kind of people is even more mysterious than our psychic ones, but there are a lot of them. Hallucinations are more mysterious than spiritual ones. People with supernatural powers are easy to practice. They only need to practice and control a kind of visual spirit. Although we spiritual supernatural beings can't control people's vision, we can control all human spirits. If this is really a hallucination supernatural power I do, I think I can break it easily, but first, I have to find out where his breakthrough point is." You Qiran said.

"That's right, the illusions created by this kind of hallucinations have a breakthrough. As long as you can find a breakthrough, it is easy to break the illusion here, but what makes people headache is that this illusion is only your world. Illusion, but there are still other unknown things in the environment where your own body is, so if you are, what dangers do you encounter in your real body? Your eyes can’t see it.” The man-faced spider The corpse king continued: "I have seen a person with supernatural powers before, but I didn't do it with him. The opponent was another person I knew who became a rival to him. That person, I was possessed by hallucinations. The former controlled the visual nerves, so she couldn't see what was really happening around her, but she could only see the illusion given to him by the illusionist. Therefore, after he was controlled by the illusion, it was after he was controlled by the visual spirit. He can't see the surrounding situation and hit him and he won't respond when you attack him, and then, unless he is killed directly, but to crack this, the illusion of the illusionist can only find a breakthrough."

(End of this chapter)

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