Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

932 - Finding a Breakthrough

932 - Finding a Breakthrough

"Oh, I understand what you mean. If you want to break the current situation, you can only find the breakthrough you mentioned, but what are the characteristics of this breakthrough? How should we find it? After all, we have never been in contact with this illusion. People with abilities, I just heard a little bit of doubt before, I always thought that people with hallucinations and people with psychic abilities are the same, but I didn't expect them to be separated." Lin Ye said.

"Looking for a breakthrough is to find an illusion, which is not combined with reality. The good thing, let's just say that, no matter how powerful this illusionist is, even if his ability is very high, It is absolutely impossible for his illusion to match reality completely, so we will find her place where it does not match, but it is difficult. If the illusionist's ability is high, his breakthrough will be even smaller, and he will not There are fewer matching places, and it is even more difficult to find, so if you want to find this breakthrough, you need to carefully check bit by bit." You Qiran said.

"Actually, when it comes to this hallucination, I have some understanding of the supernatural person. I have encountered it once before and fought with him. The main purpose of this hallucinatory supernatural person is to control your visual nerves, and then It makes you unable to see the real phenomenon in real life, so he himself is not threatening, as long as you are not controlled by him, then this illusionist is not threatening, in fact, there are other One method, this breakthrough is very, very difficult to find. After all, do hallucinators rely on this vision and confusion to attack the enemy? His breakthrough and his inconsistency are impossible for you to find easily. Another method That is, to make one's own visual spirit uncontrollable by him, this has to be broken through by one's own abilities, and those with higher abilities than this illusionist , may break through his visual mind control, so I think you two epic-level superpowers and corpse king are the human-faced spider corpse king, and the three of you should be able to break through his visual control." Xin Yu analyzed. Said.

"That's right, there is this way. The optic nerve originates from the ganglion cell layer of the retina. The fibers from the nasal half of the retina pass through the optic chiasm and combine with the fibers from the temporal half of the retina of the opposite eye to form the optic tract. In the lateral geniculate body, after neurons are exchanged here, fibers are sent out to form optic radiation through the posterior part of the internal capsule hindlimb, and terminate in the central cortex of the wedge gyrus and lingual gyrus on both sides of the occipital fissure, that is, the striate area. The macula Fibers project to the back of the striate area, and fibers around the retina project to the front of the striate area. The path of light reflection does not pass through the lateral geniculate body, but enters the midbrain superior colliculus from the optic tract through the superior thalamic arm, and Oculomotor nucleus connection. Its inspection mainly includes vision, color vision, visual field and fundus examination. The optic nerve is the nerve fiber of the retina. It starts from the ganglion cells of the retina, and after the nerve fiber goes to the blind spot, it passes through the cribriform layer of the sclera to become the optic nerve. The optic nerve It is the second pair of cranial nerves, belonging to the sensory nerve. It runs backward and inward in the orbit, passes through the optic foramen at the orbital apex, enters the middle cranial fossa, and enters the brain through the optic chiasm and optic tract. The optic nerve is covered by dura mater, arachnoid mater and carapace Membrane. The space between the dura mater and the arachnoid is the subdural space; between the arachnoid and the pia mater is the subarachnoid space, which contains cerebrospinal fluid. The three layers of membranes are continuous with the meninges. The pia mater is close to the optic nerve Around, the protruding connective tissue trabeculae and the glial cells in the optic nerve form a septum, which separates the optic nerve into many nerve fiber bundles. In the central axis of the optic nerve, there are central arteries and central veins. In the central septum, there are Capillaries. The function of the optic nerve is mainly to transmit visual impulses, so it is very difficult to break through the visual mind control of hallucinatory powers. Even if your powers are higher than his powers, it is not good. Then break through Yes, first of all, you need to know where your optic nerve is, and you can control your optic nerve very freely. For example, I can control all the nerves in my body, so I can also Easy Zhongpo, the visual mind control of the illusionist, the reason why I don’t have Zhongpo is because if I break it, I won’t be able to see what’s happening on your side, so there’s nothing I can do about it Protect other people, Lin Ye, if you want to break free, you should carefully feel where your visual nerve is, and then control him to get rid of the control of the hallucinatory psychic, so that you can get rid of this illusion now You can also see the real world we are in now." You Qiran explained that he is also worthy of being a psychic, and he said a lot of things that he knew, but in fact, others said I didn't quite understand it, but it felt so powerful.

Although many things were not understood, but the most important thing for Lin Ye was to understand. The meaning of it is to let them feel where their world nerves are, and then they can control their world nerves, to get rid of hallucinations, and to be different. The ability to control the visual nerves of a person requires a strong concentration and a high ability. It is actually a big challenge for Lin Ye. After all, he is an ice-type ability person and has no mental ability Too much understanding, and Li Jie is a melee supernatural being, let alone understand the spiritual aspect, the two of them are actually very confused.

"Although I have already understood your general meaning, what you mean, let us find our own visual spirit to get rid of the visual and visual mind control of hallucinatory psychics. Although this is easy to say, it is really true in practice. It’s hard, I don’t know where my optic nerve is at all, I only know where my eyes are, and then I can use supernatural powers to feel where my spirit is, including where my central nervous system is , I really can’t tell which nerve is which nerve. Is there any other way to help distinguish it? There are too many of these nerves. I haven't studied it too much." Lin Ye said.

"Don't talk about the visual nerve, I don't even know where the central nervous system is. This is really embarrassing me. Although I am an epic-level supernatural being, I really don't know anything about the spiritual aspect of this article." I don’t even understand, after all, I’m a fighter in the physical realm, um, so it’s really difficult.” Li Jie said annoyedly, he also wanted to concentrate on feeling the visual nerve they mentioned, but he didn’t even have the central nervous system. If you can't feel it, where can you feel the optic nerve?He doesn't know how many nerves there are in the human brain, so let him distinguish what each nerve is?Nervous, how is that possible, he is not a god!
(End of this chapter)

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