Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 933 Concentration

Chapter 933 Concentration
"It's really not something you can find in a short time. I said that I have studied a psychic for many years before I can distinguish all these nerves. How can you learn it in just a few minutes? Now You two sit down and calm down, close your eyes and follow what I say, do you?" Yu Qiran said.

"Okay then, but please speak slowly. I really don't know much about nerves or spirit." Li Jie said.

You and Li Jie sat on the ground and closed your eyes as You Qiran said, trying to calm your heart and let your brain empty, just listening to You Qiran's voice alone.

"Now, you guys, carefully feel the location of your brain, that is, the location of your thoughts every time you think about something. That is the location of your brain. Only when you confirm the location of your brain can you find the location of each nerve. Don’t go too far now, just drill into a dead end, and you’ll be very relaxed. Feeling the brain, the brain must be thinking now, how does the brain feel about this feeling? That’s where he thinks is where he is, that’s The location of the gate, do you two have that feeling? The brain belongs to the whole body, commander in chief, only by knowing where the brain is, can you feel the location of every organ and nerve in the body from the brain, so , being able to feel the position of the brain is the real key thing, well, you two should not be impatient now, absolutely not impatient, but slowly, slowly, and feel it." Said by nature, his tone is also Very, relaxed, and not too nervous. He didn't want to cause tension to Lin Ye and Li Jie. After all, it was his first time contacting such a thing. Even if he encountered difficulties, it was inevitable. Success, so now I can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Okay, the two of you have probably confirmed the location of the brain up to now, even if you haven't confirmed it, don't continue to feel the brain carefully. Now let me feel the thoughts that each of your brains thinks. Or every time you want to do something, it is actually a signal sent by the brain. For example, if your eyes see something, it is first passed by your brain through the nerves, and then transmitted to your eyes. The eyes can see this thing, or your ears hear something? It is not your ears that hear it first, but the brain wants to hear it. After the brain hears it, it transmits it to your ear through your auditory nerve. Then your ears will hear this sound, so the reaction speed of the brain is very fast. If you want to feel the information reflected by it, you two must concentrate more, maybe you can use your abilities to use your abilities. I can come to make my spirit more concentrated." I continued to say some strange words, anyway, Xin Yu and others, the people outside have already heard very confusedly, and of course the Man Faced Spider Corpse King also followed suit, But he still can't do it, it's really hard!

"Okay, it doesn't matter even if you don't feel it, remember, don't be impatient, don't go to a dead end, stop wherever you can feel it, that's what you call the limit, if you're too impatient, you won't feel anything , the brain and the heart are connected. If you worry about your mind, your brain will definitely be messed up, so you must calm down when you meditate, and then we will continue. Now you can feel the basic position of the brain and also feel the sound coming from the brain. The basic information is like saying that your visual nerve is transmitting to you, everything you see is a piece of grass, the brain is transmitting this information to you, right? No, the brain is not transmitting this information to you, And the real information sent from the brain was cut off by the hallucinations, and then changed to another person, who controlled your visual nerves, your world nerves, and passed your eyes, but some hallucinations are some illusions, Now you need to transmit the real information transmitted from the brain to the optic nerve, and then transmit it to the eyes. It is to interrupt and block the hallucinations. It depends on the strength of your own abilities. This step is actually the simplest. Now let’s feel where the optic nerve is. The information transmitted by the brain cannot be completely cut off. Now let’s feel what information the brain is transmitting to the optic nerve. Catch up with the most authentic information, think carefully now, what you want to see now is not a vast expanse of grass, but the real information that your brain wants you to see, feel it carefully.” Having said that, I won’t say any more. The rest is up to Lin Ye, Li Jie, and the Man-faced Spider Corpse King. They themselves have to feel and whether they can concentrate to feel the brain and the visual nerves. , as long as the brain and optic nerves can be felt, it can be cut off, blocked by hallucinations.

"I think it's a bit too general for you to tell them this way. First of all, they don't feel where the brain is, so they must not be able to feel everything you said behind you. I think now Don't be too anxious, first come one by one, you first describe the brain to him, what the sensed brain should look like, and then let them feel it themselves, step by step, first tell them Confirm that they have felt the brain, and then confirm the central nervous system, the visual nerve below." Xin Yu suggested.

"Yes, I think what he said is right. First of all, we couldn't understand a single word of what you said just now, let alone feel the place where these too general things exist. That's really true. There are some difficulties. After all, you are a psychic user. You can definitely understand it. They are not. Although they are high-level psychic users, after all, they do not involve the aspect of spirit, so I think It’s better for you to take it step by step slowly. You first explain to them what the brain is. Although we know what the brain is, how can we feel the location of the brain? We know that the brain is in the head, but , It is still very difficult to use the mind to feel the brain." Ling Wei said.

Hearing what the two of them said, he pondered for a while, and then said: "I'm afraid that if I say too much detail, it will affect their thinking even more. After all, this thing can't be rushed. The more anxious you are, the less you can feel it." Yes, I can only feel it with the most relaxed and relaxed state of mind. If I talk too confidently and meticulously, I feel that they will be very nervous. Alas, yes, I don’t know which method is more suitable ? But since you said, after all, you also belong to the people who don’t understand this part, and since you have said that this method is better, then we and I should think about it more carefully.”

(End of this chapter)

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