Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 938 Unknown mutant species

Chapter 938 Unknown mutant species
Since he came to this experimental base, even since he entered this underground experimental base, he felt a little different and strange, but he didn't say it out, he was afraid that Lin Ye and others would have concerns, Even the guild interrupted their train of thought, but he had been very careful before, only observing the surroundings carefully, because he felt something strange, so he couldn't let this strange thing hurt them, but unexpectedly, he encountered hallucinations. Those with hallucinations, but human beings, they couldn’t do it last time. What you can do is like a person with psychic abilities. You couldn’t do it last time, and neither can mutant monsters, so I say Out of their group, there is another person in this place, that is the illusionist, which makes you wonder whether this illusionist is also arranged by Zhou Yangshen?Zhou Yangshen may have expected that someone would come to this place to look for serums. First, he asked people to use the serum of the guardian of the Spider Corpse King, and then arranged for hallucinations to block them. If they were really hallucinations If so, it can be guessed that the exit must not be far from this dilapidated experimental base, so the new superpowers often perform hallucination powers on them here, and Zhou Yangshen did everything that did not do all of this. Ghosts are neither possible nor impossible, but Zhou Yangshen is insidious and cunning, but he has a lot of worries and thoughts, and the possibility of him is also very high. Therefore, we must think of a perfect plan to deal with the danger that is about to appear now. When You Qiran was thinking of this, suddenly there was a loud noise in front of him, and then a huge figure jumped in front of him, at such a fast speed, he came to You Qiran in a blink of an eye.

The monster in front of me is as high as two meters, and it is not a human body. He has four arms and four legs, just like an octopus, and its head is a human head. This head The eyes on the head are three white eyes, and then the mouth is very big with sharp teeth inside, his nose is very big, and there are things like scales on it. Its whole body has things like scales, it will flash In a flash, it was a very strange thing. I had never seen it, and I never knew that there was a mutant species in this sentence.

Lin Ye and the others seem to have made new progress, but when it comes to Lin Ye, he seems to have vaguely felt the nerve line between the brain and eyes mentioned by Liu Xuan, but he is not too sure whether it is caused by It is the visual nerve line mentioned, but he feels it is this thing, because this thing gives him a different feeling, he wants to feel this line tentatively, so he feels this set of lines carefully, and then From it, I thought about the words of letting it be, to see if there were hallucinations, traces of the obstruction of the supernatural being, didn't I say it too?If you find the visual nerve line, then look for it to see if there are hallucinations, the partition of the supernatural person, if there is a partition of the hallucination supernatural person, it means that this is the visual nerve line, because this partition is , reality and fantasy, two different places.

Then he felt this line carefully, and felt it carefully and concentratedly, and then he actually found something strange, that is, this world nerve line, if it is a yellow line, then the upper part is yellow , the lower part is red, and the red part is probably the illusion, so the yellow part must be rendered completely, and the red part is probably so simple, you can understand it yourself, but ah, there is There is one thing that needs him to come, worry and think about it, that is how to make all the yellow parts render the red parts, after all, this is not a simple matter, even if she is Fang Yinong, it is impossible for her to make all the yellow parts render the red parts, isn’t it that simple? It can be done, and then she is not a psychic, let alone a psychic, so he can't control things on the optic nerve line. It doesn't work inside at all, he can only feel the position of the visual nerve now, what method can be used to solve it?He didn't say anything because of it, and he didn't understand it too well, so he could only try it first.

You also think that in your brain, there is a villain who puts you in this villain version of yourself. Where is the villain version of Lin Ye who is lying in front of this visual nerve line and still thinking about yourself? His body still has supernatural powers, and he feels that he can release another kind, that is, his thinking is in this villain version of Lin Ye, his whole brain is in this villain version of Lin Ye, This villain version of Lin Ye is a shrunken version of Lin Ye, so you must feel that you can release supernatural powers.Don't give up if you come here, it is to help Iran release the ability, and it will definitely be able to release the ability!
It was like self-hypnosis, and then slowly, Lin Ye seemed to really feel himself, and seemed to be able to release such a trace of skills, although this time the ability was very weak, maybe even a silver-level ability Those who are capable are not counted, but this shows that he has already started, it can be done, and this method is also feasible, as long as he works harder and concentrates, and learns to apply the abilities of the whole body to the brain. Inside, this method, yes, this method seems to be feasible.

As for Li Jie, he also felt this visual nerve line, and the rest of the world he felt was not like what Lin Ye felt, the red part and the yellow part were so distinct, he did what he saw. The line is a very fuzzy line. Although they know that this line is the visual nerve line, he can't confirm which side is the partition made by the illusionist, and he can't confirm which part of the world is reality and which part is illusion .

He can only see it, let alone make a good analysis, which makes him very confused. However, Lin and Li Jie, as a melee user with supernatural powers, who are strong when they are strong, can be very powerful. Well, make good use of the powers of your whole body, it can concentrate all your powers in one part, this is one of your strengths, Li Jie, and also one of his specialties, and then he also thought that he has this method , so he concentrated all the powers of his whole body in this part of the brain, and then he felt that he could release the gestational sac in his brain, and this power allowed him to see the world more clearly Nerves.

(End of this chapter)

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