Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 939 Attack Power of Mutant Species

Chapter 939 Attack Power of Mutant Species
Soon, he also analyzed the two parts of the timeline. One of the partitions has another appearance, and the other part has another appearance. He also knows that this represents the real world and the fantasy world. As long as the two The two parts are integrated into one, so that the real world covers the fantasy world, then even if they leave the fantasy world and really return to the real world, although it is very simple to say, it is really very difficult to do, after all This is their first time, and it can be regarded as a way to enter psychic powers.

As for the human face, Spider Corpse King, he has actually seen the world's nerves, but he is different from Lin Ye and Li Jie, he is not a supernatural being, he is a corpse king, of course she can feel the hallucinatory power The location where the person exists, but he just has no way to think about how to put it together with us, how to think about it, reality should not be mixed with illusion, the problem of all of them now is this, how to let reality cover illusion, As long as they do this, they will be successful.

Let’s talk about Yu Qiran’s side, that huge monster was confronting him, the monster didn’t intend to attack immediately, of course Yu Qiran wouldn’t be so stupid as to attack him first, the two of them seemed to be fighting each other Looking at the other party, Liu Jingran has never seen such a mutated monster, and I have never understood why he mutated into such a shape.This is very strange. This is a new type of mutant species. Looking at its shape, it does not look like an octopus, nor does it look like an octopus, nor does it look like a monkey. It seems to be a combination of many species. Looking at it That face, it is obviously a human face, but the facial features have been distorted to the point of deformation, so this mutant species may have fused many objects into it, which made him so strange, of course, it must include Human, love, let it be, he has already realized the nausea and horror of this experimental base, but he doesn't want to say it out loud. After all, Zhou Yangshen's heart is extremely dark. He said that everything he did It won't make them feel strange anymore, it just makes them hate this person more and more, and they will never let him go easily when they find him.

The glass of the broken laboratory table was covered with gray stains, a little bit of gray mist, and only a little bit of hazy light could penetrate. Their attention was only focused for a moment.their sight.Just transferred.Glass touches.There was a loud noise, something hit the distorted limbs, and there was a thin, low voice, and the figure was not human.It was clearly an ugly monster.The face is hideous.It hit the glass.Although the laboratory is dilapidated, the glass has obviously been specially treated. It failed to shatter the glass for a while, but the glass began to show small cracks, and the monster couldn't come in. It obviously started to get angry, opened its bloody mouth, and started Roaring, the force of the smashing also began to increase, the crack increased, and the disgusting smell also became stronger, Youzhi began to sweat coldly, licked his dry lips, locked his brows and stared intently, entrusted by others, Obligatory. ";tnnd Lin Ye, this has caused me a lot of trouble."; You Qi shrank his neck.But, after a while, he raised his head with sharp eyes.He has always kept promises, since he promised Lin Ye, he will definitely do it.What's more.According to the current situation, he must fight.Otherwise, defeat means death.Especially a psychic ability user.He is neither ranged nor melee.And the monster he had to face had no human consciousness.He couldn't communicate with it.The most proud ability is almost useless.It seemed like a dead end game.But especially, without flinching.Since Lin Ye entrusted him with this task, based on his understanding, Lin Ye must have his own considerations.I can only bite the bullet.You Qiran made up his mind and was about to rush forward.Fight to the death.Suddenly there was a sneer behind him. "Hehe! Old You. You are in big trouble." He used the title.Kind, but without the slightest warmth, it makes people feel the deep-seated hatred.You can understand who the person behind you is without even turning your head.At his young age, he has a good ability.Young and frivolous, with great power in his hands, but he doesn't know the severity.Because of impulsiveness, he created irreversible killing karma.He understands the person in front of him.Because he lost a loved one.Hate him to the bone.He should have chosen to risk his life for his for his sins.But just when he chose to give up resistance.The glass in front of me was hit hard again; it made a loud cracking sound.This reminded him of what he had promised Lin Ye; and the sufferings of those around him.With his meager strength, although he cannot save the overall situation, he may be able to make a small contribution.Turning his head to look at the person behind him, You Ran deeply understood Lin Ye's intentions.Sorry old friend, after I finish what I should do.I will repay my debt to you.Right now; I'm afraid I can only, and I owe you another sum.Thinking of this, You Qi's eyes turned red.He began to call on his psychic abilities.His hands couldn't stop shaking.This is because of guilt.It is also because of a strong inner struggle, and restlessness.The monster broke through the window just at this time.Youzhiran finally made up his mind, let out a loud cry of mourning, and the eyes of the enemy behind him instantly lost focus.He began to attack the monster in front of him uncontrollably.

Besides, Lin Ye and Lin Ye have actually started to make new progress. Before that, he transferred all his supernatural powers to that little Lin Ye in his brain, and then that little Lin Ye could emit supernatural powers. , and then this little Lin Ye can attack the partition on the visual nerve line, as long as the partition is broken, then the yellow part will cover the red part, so that the real world can be imagined, in front of his eyes, Lin Ye He has already started to concentrate and release the ice thorns released by the supernatural power, attacking the partition on his direct nerve line, his brain feels a little painful, but this is unavoidable, after all, they are in their own right now. The nerve lines of the world attacking themselves in the brain, they can still bear this little pain, but if they are epic-level superpowers, if they can't even bear this little pain, then it is really unreasonable, but, what they have experienced before The pain is much stronger than this, and you are still constantly attacking that partition, and soon, he felt the supernatural energy reaction of that hallucinatory supernatural being, and the energy reaction of this supernatural person actually felt his supernatural The level is not very high, just around the level of extraordinary and other episodes.

(End of this chapter)

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