Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 941 Magnetic Field

Chapter 941 Magnetic Field
How could there be such a person?Li Jie also felt that this idea was too naive. He wiped out this little hallucinatory power user again, and then reacted very quickly to the partition on the optic nerve, and slapped the partition with his palm. Before his hand touched the optic nerve, that little illusionist reappeared and blocked his attack this time, which made Li Jie very annoyed, it really was endless, I think You are really looking for trouble, Li Jie, frowned angrily, and then, he has a very powerful ability, so that the surroundings are all surrounded by his magnetic field, and other people's abilities cannot enter at all, and this is only him. It can be done, his ability control is very powerful, other people can't do it at all, the ability of the hallucination person can't get in at all, that little illusion, the ability person can't do it again Appeared, and then Li Jie gathered in his hands and slapped the partition on the World Neurology Sheet. In an instant, the scenery around him changed, from the peaceful prairie to ruins. It has always been an old experimental base, but not far away, Yu Qiran is confronting a mutant species. This mutant species has a very powerful attack power, and Yu Qiran is also very difficult to deal with him. After all, he also It's not a melee attacking supernatural power, but a mind-manipulating supernatural power, so Li Jiema rushed over to help him.

As for the human face, the Spider Corpse King, when he saw this little hallucinatory power user, he didn't take him seriously at all. He summoned his own eight tentacles in his mind, among them Two roosters, the little hallucinatory power user, and the remaining tentacles attacked the partition, and this little power man couldn't stop it at all.


Then after Li Jie came out of that illusion, he arrived in the real world, and then he saw Yu Qiran confronting that mutant species. Obviously, that monster was very powerful. He opened his big mouth and exuded a very hungry expression. The smell of smoking, his whole combination is very strange, it looks like an octopus, but it doesn't look like an octopus, and his face is actually a human face. What kind of mutant monster is this? However, as a psychic, he has no way to attack such a big monster because he has no physical attack but only mental attack, so he understands that she must help him, but he has just walked from the illusion to the reality. In fact, there are still some ignorant states, and I haven't figured out what the situation is now.

Yu Qiran looked at the monster in front of him, he seemed very angry, kept roaring, opened his big mouth, showing its fangs, he was constantly demonstrating towards Yu Qiran, but he didn't respond to Yu Qiran Sending out a substantive attack is like teasing him. Every time you want to move, he will let out a loud roar. I don't know what this miraculous monster is thinking?What is he doing just looking at me like this? Could it be that he doesn't want me to leave? It's not right. I don't have any plans, so I want to leave.He thought of it very puzzled, but he didn't dare to act rashly, because he knew that he couldn't beat this big monster, and then she also found that Li Jie seemed to have come out of the illusion, but why did he feel that he was in a daze Yes, it seems that it has not adapted to reality.

.But he didn't dare to act rashly. This big monster has been staring at him. Whenever he moves, the big monster will move. What if the big monster sees Lin Ye and the others and launches an attack on Lin Ye and the others?Therefore, now he can only concentrate all of this big monster on himself, and absolutely cannot concentrate his concentration on Li Jie and Lin Ye, but what are Lin Ye and Li Jie doing?Did they come out of the illusion?No?Oh, I feel that they should find one out with their strength, why haven't they come out yet?

On Li Jie's side, it's not that he didn't react, it's just that he looked at Lin Ye and the others, and Lin Ye couldn't see him. In other words, only he returned to the real world from the illusion, and he also discovered the big monster and, He confronted her naturally, but he didn't know whether he should go or not, because the way he looked at her seemed to say that he should not let him pass, because the big monster was always looking at him.

As for Lin Ye, he is about to make a breakthrough, but it may be because of Ms. Li Jie and the Man-faced Spider Corpse King. Both of them seem to have made a breakthrough, leaving the illusion and returning to the real world. Only Lin Ye was left alone, and then, in this hallucination, the supernatural person concentrated all of himself and his mental power on Lin Ye, trying to stop it with all his strength, let Lin Ye not leave the illusion, just to prohibit Lin Ye from leaving , so you also have a headache, this illusionist, what is he going to do?He is really hateful, why come to stop him alone.

Obviously this illusionist has reached a very extreme place, and now he has reached his limit. The only thing he thinks now is to prevent Li Jie from going out of this illusion. After all, he promised Zhou Yangshen that he must Prevent these people from leaving the base, but Zhou Yangshen is really thoughtful. She thought of the Man Faced Spider Corpse King early on, who might betray him, and deliberately arranged him at this exit. He, the illusionist, has a new killer outside, so he feels that it is impossible for these people to leave this place safely, but their power is really beyond the imagination of the illusionist, That game is of course a psychic power user who can break through his illusion. It is still understandable for this hallucinatory power user, but he never expected that the ordinary power user broke through his illusion just now. It can be seen that the psychic power user who was still very powerful just now, he can let these people who are not psychic power users escape from the illusion of his hallucinatory power user. It can be seen that he His strength is by no means ordinary, and it is by no means comparable to him, so the only thing he can do now is to keep Li Lin Ye, the powerful ability on this person, this illusionist can feel it So to stop him here, it is impossible for those two people to beat Zhou Yangshen's trump card, and this is also the last step he can take.

(End of this chapter)

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