Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 942 Terrorist Power

Chapter 942 Terrorist Power

And Liu Xiang is still confronting this big monster. This big monster obviously has a very obvious purpose. He just wants to prevent him from leaving here. Then when the big monster reflects that Li Jie also came out of the illusion, he He roared again very angrily, and then, his whole eyes were focused on You Qiran and Li Jie. He didn't want anyone to leave here. This is his task and something he must complete. If these people leave here, then he will disappear from this world and never exist again.

Of course, he will not be restrained by him. He has a new method, but this new method requires someone to cooperate with him, but Li Jie can't get past this big monster at all. When they came to his side, the two of them looked at each other across the big monster. Obviously, Li Jie couldn't understand You Qiran's eyes. I sent Li Jie my thoughts and told Li Jie my method. After Li Jie received the method of letting it go, all the teammates who knew it gave a thumbs up, indicating that they knew it. , chose to ignore it.

However, although Li Jie loves this person very much, his strength is still very high, so he naturally thought that this method should be feasible, as long as he tries to keep this monster away from those people in the illusion, then it will be, much easier to say, Although this monster feels that he is very powerful, it is not impossible to deal with it. Li Jie has also come out, and the man-faced spider corpse Wang Ye seems to have come out. After they all come out, the next thing to do will be much easier Much more.

In fact, the method you think of is not what?What a strange way, what he thought of was that although the zombie species is very powerful, he also has his congenital shortcomings. For example, zombies will lose their vision. He can feel it through hearing, so in the time when the illusion and reality intersect, it is just possible to confuse him,
Zombies can exert as much force as a living person.The specific power that can be cast varies depending on the individual differences of the zombies.The strength possessed by human muscles during life is retained after death.Unlike a living body, adrenaline is believed to have no effect on the dead, preventing zombies from unleashing the bursts of power we humans can unleash.One advantage the living dead possess is their never-ending staying power.Think of burnout, or any other occasion where exhaustion is extreme.Pain and exhaustion can sap your maximum strength.And none of this affects the dead.They continue their action with the same amount of force until the muscle literally falls apart.

Even if it means increasing numbers of weaker and weaker zombies, it still makes the first attack extremely powerful.It's no surprise that some barricades, enough to exhaust 3 or 4 adults, will come crashing down under the blow of a single zombie.

The "walking" dead are actually limping or stumbling forward.Even without damage or high levels of decay, their lack of coordination resulted in an erratic gait.Speed ​​is basically determined entirely by leg length.Tall zombies have larger strides than their shorter counterparts.Zombies don't seem to be able to run.The observed (ordinary) zombie with the fastest walking frequency can only reach a mere 1 step and 1.5 seconds.Like strength, though, the dead have an advantage over humans in that they are tireless.Those who thought they had thrown off their undead stalkers had better remember the tale of the tortoise and the hare.Obviously, in this case, there is a good chance that the rabbit will be eaten alive.

The average sensitivity level of a living person is about 90% higher than that of the strongest zombie.This is largely determined by the strength of the dead muscle tissue (so they have difficulty walking).The rest stem from their underfunctioning brains.Zombies have poor hand-eye coordination, which is one of their biggest weaknesses.No one has ever seen a zombie jump, whether it's from one place to another or simply up and down in place.Balancing on narrow supports is also beyond their abilities.Swimming is also an ability reserved by living people.One theory states that if an undead is inflated enough to float on water, it will become a floating nightmare.This is very rare, however, given the slow rate of decay making the accumulation of by-product gases extremely time-consuming.Zombies that walk into or fall into bodies of water are more likely to find themselves lingering on the bottom until they dissipate completely.They can be successful climbers, but only under certain circumstances.If zombies perceive prey above them, for example, on the second floor of a house, they will continue to attempt to climb up.Zombies will attempt to scale any surface, no matter how inaccessible or even impossible.In all even the simplest cases these attempts lead only to failure.Even in the presence of ladders, only 4 in 1 were successful when it was necessary to perform the simple hand-to-hand maneuver of climbing the ladder.

So this monster is a combination of this series of advantages and disadvantages. No matter how powerful these mutant monsters are, it is impossible for him to stay away from these things. Therefore, it is best to break through based on these things, but , I wonder if Li Jie understood the meaning of what he said?The plan is that the vision of this mutant monster is very poor, he all relies on hearing and smell to feel the position of people, so, the smell of Lin Ye and others in the illusion, this mutant monster is smelling He couldn't, and then he couldn't hear their voices. He could only see, but his vision was not very good. He also passed this idea to Lin Ye and told Lin Ye that after this idea, Lin Ye Ye has actually been confronting that hallucinatory power user all the time, so after receiving the idea of ​​letting it go, he should not give up and argue with the hallucinatory power user, because it is actually more difficult for him to stay here in this illusion. Okay, and there is Li Jie and You Qiran in the real world, so there is no need to worry too much, just try the method You Qiran thought of, defeat the mutant monster outside first, and then , and then they try to find a way to get rid of this hallucinatory power user. After all, this new power user will not pose any threat to their lives. The biggest threat now is the mutated monster. Just get rid of the mutated monster first, or Defeat him first, everything else is easy to say.

(End of this chapter)

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