Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 945 The Monster Keeps One Hand

Chapter 945

That and Yuran's, spirit, and abilities are much higher than him, and he has no way to resist at all, he can only be controlled by Yuqiran obediently, and then Yuqiran controls the hallucinating ability user, facing The mutated monster implemented the illusion ability, allowing the mutated monster to surround the mutated monster, and soon the mutated monster entered the illusion, and what was waiting for him in the illusion was Lin Ye's continuous attacks. The mutated monster was entering the illusion. He lost his way inside. He lost his sense of smell and hearing, and couldn't tell the direction Lin Ye and the others were in. He could only be beaten continuously. He could only roar in pain, and he had no ability to fight back. His ability was simply He couldn't release it, because he couldn't confirm the direction, so he panicked.

Xin Yu and the others also joined the battle, constantly releasing various abilities against the mutated monster, and soon mutated, and the monster was covered in bruises. Seeing his body crumbling, he was about to fall to the ground. At this moment, the mutated monster The monster suddenly roared, and his body instantly grew taller!
This mutated monster suddenly had something strange, which caught Lin Ye and the others by surprise. They never thought that this mutated monster would still have such a hand, but look at his now suddenly taller body, and his sudden reddening. The appearance is the same as that of the previous Man-faced Spider Corpse King, so Zhou Yangshen may have made a ghost again. Zhou Yangshen has left himself another backhand. He is really good at predicting things. He knows all these things that will happen in the future, and he has predicted them all, so he has thought out every countermeasure. It really makes people feel a little bit of fear. What kind of person is this Zhou Yangshen?

However, they didn't mess themselves up. Although the mutated monster suddenly became stronger, its attack speed became faster, and its strength became stronger. The change of the manager was caused by him. Any changes may happen, if he is what he is, he will always be what he is, but at this time, the grassland, which was originally peaceful, has been made a little smoky by this mutant monster. It is conceivable that this power is still very strong , even the hallucination power user can't control it, and of course, You Qiren is still controlling that illusion, the power user, he is constantly strengthening the strength he can control in the illusion, trying to limit the actions of this mutant monster Motivation, and then let Lin Ye and Li Jie continue to strengthen the attack. The attack must not be stopped. If it stops, the mutated monster will fight back, and it will be troublesome at that time. The most important thing for them now is to beat the mutated monster first. At that time, after his body is injured or his function cannot keep up, he will definitely not be a threat. Therefore, the most important thing for them now is to continue to strengthen their attacks. Attacks cannot Stopped, and then, the monster couldn't tell the left and right directions, so he could only roar continuously, but his attack couldn't hit anyone, because he couldn't tell the direction, so he couldn't be sure about Lin Ye and the others. The position of the person, so he can only hit indiscriminately. Although his attack speed has increased, this does not mean that he can hit people, but the range it affects is much higher, making those half-humans who have no combat power The semi-zombies and Ling Wei hid further away.

The mutated monster opened its bloody mouth wide open, and roared continuously at the direction it was being attacked. Then, the rancid smell from his mouth spread in the illusion, making the air in the entire illusion extremely It's not good, so, they can't continue to waste time any longer, they have to solve it as soon as possible, and now they can solve this mutant monster as soon as possible, so they can leave quickly, what time is this time, they are already here Too much time wasted inside, thinking of this, you can't help speeding up your hands, yes, and he summoned the ice dragon, and then attacked together, and then his ice thorns, ice sword, and Ba Qihan Swords, all of them are used, all of them are greeted like mutated monsters, the damage is definitely not covered, what's the matter?Lin Ye is also an epic-level ability user. The powerful attack wave made those around him a little unbearable, and the mutated monster kept howling in unbearable pain. He is very uncomfortable now. His Although his strength has increased, his attack speed has also increased, but there is no smell or sound in the stripes here, he just feels the pain in his body, and he is constantly being attacked, and his world Only a blurry scene can be seen.

"Roar!!!!!!!" This alias monster let out a huge roar last time, obviously he was extremely angry, his body became taller again, and then he began to rotate himself continuously His body rotated so fast that it looked like a tornado. The wind was so strong that Lin Ye and the others had to retreat farther away. Why did he mutate again?It is still different from the previous Man-faced Spider Spider King, what's going on?
"I think it's probably because I don't have any intentions for this mutant monster. He just has the consciousness of being a monster. After he was controlled by Zhou Yangshen, he followed Zhou Yangshen's arrangement. Zhou Yangshen drugged him and asked him to Constantly mutating, he has no way to restrain himself, so he can only continue to watch movies. The human-faced spider corpse king loses one, he is the corpse king, and he has his own meaning, and his IQ is also very high. It was because Zhou Yangshen threatened him, so when he decided to follow Lin Ye and the others to Zhou Yangshen to get the antidote directly, he could completely get rid of Zhou Yangshen's control. He himself meant that he would not be controlled by Zhou Yangshen anymore. It was only the threat of the man in red that was controlled, which made him have to obey Zhou Yangshen's arrangement, but this monster itself had no intention of its own. After he was controlled by Zhou Yangshen, he completely lost his original nature. His nature is evil, and after being controlled by Zhou Yangshen, his evil was magnified again, and Zhou Yangshen didn't know what medicine he gave him, which made him so terrifying and powerful now, so, this It's still very difficult to deal with." Lin Ye analyzed that when he was fighting the Man Faced Spider Corpse King, he always had his own ideas, and he had to follow Zhou Yangshen's arrangement just because of his friend.

(End of this chapter)

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