Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 946 what to do

Chapter 946 what to do

So this monster is still different from the Man-faced Spider Corpse King. Of course, it is not so easy to deal with. They can't discuss with the Man-faced Spider Corpse King like they did before. This movie, it's my fault that I can only defeat him , they can leave here, if they don't defeat him, they have no way to leave at all, and if this situation continues, this choreographer may become stronger again, you become stronger now, and now they deal with this mutant monster It's a little uncomfortable. If the mutant monster is becoming stronger, it will be even more difficult to deal with, so they must find a way to subdue this mutant monster as soon as possible, and they can't delay any longer. If this The mutated monster was strengthened again, and it wasn't just them who were injured. Lin Ye and the others were a little nervous. This time, they really met their opponent. easy to solve.

Lin Ye talked about his thoughts in detail with the others, and the others understood him very well. They also knew that the current situation was very critical. The previous countermeasure might not be implemented, and the mutated monster was still spinning. A huge tornado was created around him, and then, the wind was very strong, and your damage was also high, making it impossible for Lin Ye and the others to get close. What's even more terrifying, this wind can interrupt their abilities, such as Say, you also stabbed your own ice thorns, and the wind will blow your own ice thorns away, and you can't attack that at all, the movie, blame me, and the ice dragon can't get close, the ice dragon, if you rely on it If you get too close, you may be turned by a tornado, and you may be crushed in the end.

Xin Yu originally wanted to open his own dark world, and then attack this mutated monster, as long as the mutated monster enters his own dark world, because Xin Yu's dark world itself can isolate anything from the outside world, and then let his enemies enter the dark world In the future, he can hide in the dark world. Others can't see it, but he can see the enemy. Who knows, after Xin Yu applied the case, he found that this mutant monster was completely unable to respond to his dark world. What's even more strange is that the tornado he said could really be said to take a bath on the first floor, not that it was very early. If you look closely, you can find that it was really a bath, that is to say, it seemed that Lin Ye and the others were taking a bath. All the abilities are absorbed, and one second after absorbing, the mutated monster seems to become more powerful. What kind of move is this?This clothes, is there such a thing that can absorb supernatural powers?This Zhou Yangshen can actually invent this kind of thing, which is really scary. This is a bit troublesome. If they can't use their abilities to attack this mutant monster, then they can't do any harm to this mutant monster?After all, the mutant monster is so big, and there is such a strong tornado around him, Lin Ye and the others have no way to enter the mountain. Even if they can enter the mountain, they are just ordinary fists and kicks, and they can't cause any damage to the mutant monster, but If the ability is used, the mutated monster can absorb their abilities, and he himself will become stronger. Isn't this even more difficult to deal with? This is really a bit embarrassing, let them, don't know what to do.

"I don't think we can use one ability on this mutant monster anymore. You see, he has absorbed all our abilities, and he himself has become stronger. If we continue to use abilities on him, then he Wouldn't it become stronger and we won't be able to deal with it at that time, we need to think of a new countermeasure." Li Jie said, because he felt that if he continued to attack like this, everything would become more troublesome, At that time, if this mutated monster cannot be defeated, they are likely to be wiped out here. This is definitely not what any of them want to see, and they have already gone through so much money. One serum was found, the other three haven't been found yet, how could they fall down here?This mutated monster must be defeated, this is their ultimate goal!

"That's what I said, but what new method is there? If we can't use the ability, we will just use our own fists and kicks this year, and we won't cause any damage to this mutant monster at all. It's not even worthy of tickling? So Said, we must use the ability, but we should think in that direction, how to stop him from absorbing our ability." The illusion controlled by it, the ability user said, he himself Half of his mental power is on himself, and half is on this illusionist.

"That's right, if we stop using the ability, there will be no hope of victory. After all, the enemy we are facing is a mutant monster. Only us with abilities can defeat him. If we are not familiar with it, then there is no difference between us and ordinary people. How can ordinary people fight against the mutated monster? So, we must find a way to let him stop it and continue to absorb our abilities. We must first Find it, absorb what I have no ability, the root cause is the tornado he created, or this mutant monster, what substance does he carry to absorb our seal? After all, he said that when we attacked, he did not He didn't absorb our abilities. It was only when he mutated for the second time that he began to absorb our abilities. Maybe this is what drug Zhou Yangshen used on him to make him look like this? We must Starting from this step, let's analyze what kind of medicine Zhou Yangshen used to make this mutated monster look like this?" Lin Ye said, he is also very anxious now, and of course he also wants to solve this problem quickly. Now he is also very upset. After all, they have all come to this point. If they fail like this, he will definitely feel very uncomfortable. If any one of them sacrifices here, it will be their last ruined ending. After all Ah, none of them are willing to sacrifice here, and then pay back, and they don't want anyone to sacrifice here, so they have to think about a good solution as soon as possible to solve the current problem.

"I would like to ask, Lord Corpse King, how did you feel when you were transformed by this drug before? Is there any way to stop him from continuing to transform? After all, we only have you, Feeling Zhou Yangshen's power and the power of the medicine, maybe you know a solution, and then, if you share this thing with us, maybe we can analyze it and come up with a better way." Li Jie said to the human-faced spider corpse Wang said.

(End of this chapter)

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