Chapter 947
Because the human-faced spider corpse, the king is the corpse king, and only it has experienced Zhou Yangshen's power, so the only way to solve this problem is to ask him. After all, none of them has contacted Zhou Yangshen, and only the human-faced spider king has contacted Zhou Yangshen. I can only see what he can do to deal with this mutated monster. There is only one way to deal with it. Something that can be felt, after all, he was controlled by Zhou Yangshen before.

I think this is Lin Ye's big bottom line. Although none of them have met each other, and they didn't know each other very well before, there has been a lot of grievances between them, and they are very happy. The obvious hostile relationship, and because of Qi Lian's matter before, they did not fully hold Zhou Yangshen accountable. After all, Qi Lian fell in love with Zhou Yangshen, and Qi Lian also helped them a lot of things. They can be regarded as giving Qi Lian a face , but, unexpectedly, Zhou Yangshen did so many things afterwards, so many things that hindered them, these things seem to be a series of things, starting from when they went to the hospital before, from knowing the name Zhou Yangshen, everything after that Everything seems to have Zhou Yangshen at the beginning. From the beginning of the virus creation, to the matter of Qi Lian, to the place where the antidote will return, he has calculated everything. This person has always known what everyone will do after that ?He also talked about the traps and obstructions step by step. It happened that Lin Ye and the others were responsible for all the accounts, so they knew that all these things had something to do with Zhou Yangshen. They didn't understand Zhou Yangshen from the beginning. , Up to now, they feel that he is a sinister, cunning, and very scheming person. Although none of them have met each other, they know each other so well. This is a very scary place. All of them They have not met each other, but they have become enemies with each other. This Zhou Yangshen is very powerful. They must have some understanding of this Zhou Yangshen, and the Human-faced Spider Corpse King is the only one among them who has come into contact with Zhou Yangshen. You can only find out by asking him. The reason for this is that the mutated monster is still spinning non-stop, but because he has no sense of smell and hearing, he can't threaten Lin Ye and the others for the time being, but Lin Ye can't be threatened by any means. He, after all, their abilities cannot be used.

The human-faced spider corpse thought for a while, and then said: "Actually, I don't have much contact with Zhou Yangshen. After all, he is a person who threatens me. I disdain her very much. Before, he found me first and said that he wanted to let me go. I help him look at the serum, I am definitely not willing, who knows where he caught my most important person? He used the drug of suspended animation on him, and then threatened me that if I don’t help him, then This friend of mine will always be in this state. If I help him read the five years of study here, after that five years, he will ask me to bring the antidote to me. There is no way. I swear to test whether his words are true or false. After all, my friend's life is in his hands, I can only guard here, help him look at the serum, who knows, he has injected another drug into my body, I told him this The medicine is the medicine that will make me stronger. I have no way to refuse it, because I put all my heart and mind on my friend, and I can only be at his mercy. When the medicine enters my body, I feel hot all over, with a Things want to control my body and mind, of course I won't let him succeed, I can only suppress him hard, then Zhou Yangshen didn't say anything, just told me to take good care of the serum, if the serum is lost, then I Friends will always be like this, so I will try my best to stop you when you come, but I didn't expect Zhou Yangshen to be such a sinister and cunning person. Later, when I fought with you, I saw that you wanted to attack me When I was with a friend, I suddenly lost my mind. At this moment, the drug that Zhou Yangshen injected into my body instantly occupied my thinking, making me stronger, but I was completely controlled by others. I have no way to publicize my body. Although I use my ability to suppress his control, it is not so easy to do. So, this mutation is my fault. He is a monster without his own thinking, so he is very It is easy to be controlled by this drug, ah, after controlling it, it is impossible to regain your mind, and you will be completely reduced to Zhou Yangshen's subordinates, so now this mutant monster, what we are facing is not the mutant monster, but Zhou Yangshen, Zhou Yangshen This monster will definitely be manipulating behind the scenes. At this time, our enemy is Zhou Yangshen. If we want to stop this mutant monster, we need to cut off the control connection between him and Zhou Yangshen. This is a relatively difficult thing. After all, we don’t have any There is no way to get close, and it is impossible to find the controlling connection between him and Zhou Yangshen." The Man Faced Spider Corpse King said analytically.

Hearing the words of the Man-faced Spider Corpse King, they suddenly had a feeling of déjà vu. Wasn't this the method they used when Qi Lian was controlled by Zhou Yangshen?They are experienced, but the problem is, Qi Lian is a human being, and this mutant monster is a monster and has no thinking of its own, so this is the most troublesome thing. The most important thing for them now is to solve it. How to cut off the connection between Zhou Yangshen and this mutant monster?Although this is difficult, they must do it, because this is the only way between them now. If there is any further delay, Zhou Yangshen, who is behind, will definitely attack after confirming their positions, and they Now there is no way to use the ability on him, because it will absorb the ability, so they must do it as soon as possible, but they can't rely on it now, let it be, after all, they have money, and now they must control the illusion, the ability person, If the patient's supernatural being is out of control, the mutated monster will come out of the illusion, and it will be even more troublesome at that time. He still feels that it is his job to do it now. After all, Lin Ye is here. The most athletic person, he can't let them bear these things all the time, he has to do something himself, it's not a problem if he stays like this, he must find a way to cut off Zhou Yangshen He probably understood the connection with this mutated monster before. In addition, he could concentrate his ability in his mind to attack the spiritual enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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