Chapter 948 Impulsive
So, now that Lin Ye has basically mastered the psychic abilities, what should he do?After all, Lin Ye himself has a high level of understanding. After all these things, he probably understood, so she decided to let herself use psychic powers to cut off the connection between this mutant monster and Zhou Yangshen. Although it was difficult, Lin Ye believed in herself. It can be done, he is Lin Ye after all.

Thinking of Lin Ye here, he wanted to take action immediately. He wanted to get rid of this mutant monster as soon as possible, so that everyone could leave here feeling safe. They have already been here for too long, so you should also In fact, he was also very anxious, so he sat on the ground, and then concentrated all his energy, thinking about what Yu Qiran said before, thinking about using his mental ability to defeat that mutant monster.

Everyone else was stunned by Lin Ye's move. No one thought about what Lin Ye wanted to do?After all, Lin Ye is an ice-type supernatural being. It is impossible for him to use mental abilities to attack other people. I don't know what he wants to do. Could it be that he has mastered mental abilities?That's absolutely impossible, isn't psychic power so easy to master?Lin Ye just used it for a while before, or in such a short period of time, including Li Jie and the Man-faced Spider Corpse King, they all did this, but they didn't feel the psychic power. Could it be?Did Lin Ye feel it?If this is the case, then Lin Ye is definitely a monster. It is impossible to experience psychic powers in such a short period of time. In other words, psychic powers are more difficult than other powers, unlike Their previous fire-type powers and thunder-type powers, including water-type powers, are not as difficult as psychic powers. Psychic powers require people to concentrate on their own mental power and have a high level of perception. , talent, tightly feel one's own spirit, and it is impossible to transform one's spirit into supernatural powers. This requires not only acquired efforts, but also innate talents. A person with psychic abilities is because he has this innate talent, and he himself has discovered that he has a tendency to have this kind of psychic abilities, so he will become a person with psychic abilities. Even if he is talented, he still has to practice It took many years to become what it is now, ah, so it is impossible for Lin Ye to have a mental ability that can defeat this mutant monster in such a short period of time, including the possibility that he cannot do it because of it, It should be impossible for Lin Ye to do it. Everyone thinks that Lin Ye is a bit far-fetched. If he uses his abilities too much to focus on the spirit, it is likely to hurt his body. Everyone has some looked at him worriedly.

Xuewu also looked at Lin Ye very worriedly, afraid that she would be too anxious. Lin Ye knew that he was not such an impulsive person. He used to think calmly no matter what happened, and then Calmly think about the solution, and never act impulsively. If you are too impulsive, it will not help you or solve the problem. Lin Ye himself is such a person, he can't do such a mindless thing , Does he have any new methods?However, who of them couldn't think about it at all, what could Lin Ye think of?Only then did he let himself use the psychic power here. Just as they were thinking, Lin Ye suddenly burst out with a very strong psychic power, so strong that outsiders like them could feel the fluctuation of the power. Looking at Lin Ye in amazement, he didn't even release such a powerful psychic ability. How did Lin Ye do it?It was completely beyond everyone's expectations. This is really, a little strange. How did you not come up with such a reason?No one else knew, everyone's eyes were on Lin Ye, waiting for his next move.

But at this time, Lin Ye was not feeling very well. The abilities in his body were running around, and the abilities were mutually exclusive. Then his things were very repellent. He didn't really want to integrate with his spiritual abilities. The water system is different, and they can live together peacefully, but the two of them cannot accept other abilities and then come to this body, so their two abilities are very contradictory, psychic abilities, and psychic abilities also have some Impetuous, I thought this body belonged to me, but I didn't expect that there are two other abilities in this body, so these three abilities are mutually repelling and contradicting each other, and the mutual conflict between one ability , the harm to one's own body is very great, and it is easy to be eaten back and hurt the internal organs. Therefore, Lin Ye tried his best to suppress their three abilities, let them integrate with each other as much as possible, and don't exclude each other. After all, this They all belong to his own abilities, why should they be mutually exclusive?But there is no way, the ice-type superpowers just can’t accept the existence of psychic powers. Guess keeps saying that he wants to drive the psychic powers out of his territory. In fact, the supernatural powers themselves are very spiritual. He He has his own occupation, for a while, so he feels that Lin Ye's body belongs to his ice ability, and he can barely accept the water ability in this body, but he absolutely cannot accept another strange ability. It appears in this body, so this is why all supernatural beings have only one kind of supernatural power, but cannot have many supernatural powers. This is because the swords of supernatural powers contradict each other. Ice and water like Lin Ye He was originally a family, so he could have two kinds of abilities, but the psychic abilities were completely incompatible with the ice-type abilities, so the ice-type abilities, which were his dominant ability, could not accept psychic abilities.

You also have some headaches, as long as the ice ability is acceptable, and the spiritual ability, then he can have three kinds of abilities. After all, he has already felt the power of the spiritual ability before, and he also wants to have this kind of ability , I don’t want to just give up like this, so he is constantly comforting Bing, attracting him to calm him down in his body, hoping that he can accept the spiritual power, but ah, it is more attractive to the teacher’s strong aggressiveness. Constantly arguing about the existence of psychic abilities in Lin Ye's body, and then the psychic abilities didn't want to leave, and kept trying to squeeze into Lin Ye's body. The two abilities were fighting each other, which made Lin Ye very uncomfortable. , I will not let the two of them comfort each other, then Lin Ye's body will suffer a lot of damage. Although Lin Ye is in conflict with this approach, there is no other way, but he makes the spirit The supernatural ability stayed in his body, and then attracted him. He couldn't continue to resist like this. He needed to think of a more perfect method to solve the current problem.

(End of this chapter)

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