Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 949 The Method of Fusion Abilities

Chapter 949 The Method of Fusion Abilities

Although Lin Ye thought that his psychic powers must be integrated into his body, he did not expect that ice powers would be so repulsive, and he would not accept psychic powers at all. In his own body, he doesn't know how to solve this problem, because this is the first time he himself has encountered this problem. If he can solve this problem, then he can use mental powers to treat this mutant monster. Attack, as long as his mental abilities can be integrated into his body, Lin Ye is still confident that he can cause harm to this monster. After all, this monster is very arrogant now, and their other abilities cannot cause him any harm at all. , it can also absorb power and make oneself more powerful. Now, the best effect on him is to attack him with psychic powers, but the problem now is that there is no way to integrate his psychic powers. That is, there is no way to attack him. Lin Ye was a little anxious, and then suddenly he spat out a mouthful of blood. Obviously, he was already in a hurry. He was too anxious, which caused the supernatural abilities to repel each other more powerfully, resulting in There was something wrong with his internal organs, he almost fell to the ground, propped his hands on the ground, and covered his chest with some discomfort.

Xue Wu hurriedly ran over to support him, looked at her worriedly and said, "Brother Lin, don't be too anxious, it will be counterproductive if you are careful, after all, it is impossible for two superpowers to exist in the same body at the same time, we still have another Think of another way, if you keep going like this, it may hurt your body, maybe there are other ways that can work, let's not be too anxious, or we can let it happen , It’s okay, if you continue to do this, your body may be damaged. You see that your internal organs have been injured. If you continue to sing a stronger conflict in two months, what will the consequences be? It will be unimaginable, don't really worry too much, Brother Lin."

"Yeah Lin Ye, even if you are in such a hurry, there is nothing you can do about it. After all, there has never been an example of two supernatural powers existing in one body at the same time. The Bing Xin skill in your body is very repulsive to you now. Psychic powers, if they can’t be fused, will damage your body very much, so you should calm down first, don’t be too anxious, let alone succeed, and try hard to let him fuse. If it happens, he may hurt your body, so let's think of other ways." Li Jie also said worriedly, after all, Lin Ye is his good brother, he can't let him risk his life in To do this kind of thing, maybe they can think of other ways to accomplish this thing. It is very, very difficult to integrate two different things or two mutually exclusive things, so we should not rush The momentary success hurt Lin Ye's body, maybe there are other ways, and other people also persuaded him, Lin Ye said, they don't want Lin Ye to be hurt, or think of other ways Even better, don't let your friends get hurt.

Although Lin Ye knew that everyone cared about him, he also knew that there was really no other way. If there was any other way, he would not risk his life here to do this kind of thing, so , He is very grateful that other people care about him so much, but in order to let everyone stay away from this situation as soon as possible, um, and get out of danger as soon as possible, so he has to take this risk to do these things.

"I know everyone cares about me. Although I know it's dangerous, but in the current situation, I can only integrate my psychic powers into my body, and then use my psychic power to attack this mutant monster. The only mental power we have here is Yu Qiran, but Yu Qiran must control the hallucination power to keep this monster in the illusion. If the hallucination power is out of control, then this monster will It's even more difficult to deal with, so he can only stick to this task all the time. He has no way to lose his energy and attack this monster again. So, this task can only be completed by me. I realized it before. Now that I have some psychic powers, I can also feel the existence of psychic powers in my body. As long as the ice powers accept my psychic powers, then I can use psychic powers to attack this monster. After all Now this monster absorbs all our physical abilities and attacks, and its own power will increase, so you can't attack it, and you can only use mental skills to attack him. I don't want to give up just like that, I want to continue Give it a try, but I also know that I can't forget to risk my own life, so I need everyone's help. Now, I will forcefully fuse the spiritual power and the ice power. If the ice power wants to treat me If there is any danger, I hope you will help me outside to prevent the ice ability from attacking me. This will also calm down the ice ability. After all, he belongs to me. He won't really want me to be in any danger." Lin Ye said, there is really no other way, the only way, and he doesn't want to give up, he really wants to help everyone solve the current situation The problem we are facing now is that the rotation speed of the mutated monster will become faster and faster, and the range of his tornado attack will also increase. Therefore, we must make a decision as soon as possible, and we can't delay any longer. At that time, the tornado will hurt their position, and things will be even more difficult. If the tornado of the mutant monster is getting bigger and bigger, then there is no way to attack the mutant monster in the center of the tornado. He has such a good If you think about it, you will know how difficult it is to deal with it. Therefore, even if he knows that there is danger, he must continue to do it. He can't just give up halfway like this, let alone give up just like that. Just give up, you can't give up just because of any danger, they have encountered many such dangers before, you have to grit your teeth and persevere in order to overcome the danger and win the victory over these mutant monsters, so you also want to persevere Ah, I can't just give up like that.

After listening to Lin Ye's words, they knew that Lin Ye had made up his mind and it was not good, so there was nothing more to persuade them.

(End of this chapter)

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