955 Sudden Attack
"I'm not sure whether it was fired by a human or a mutant monster, because the gunshot only rang once and then I didn't want to think about it. It seems that they are also testing us, are they human beings? Maybe they thought we were zombies, so we didn't think about it." Those who attack us, then pick us up and hide by ourselves, maybe they are also guessing whether we are human beings, if they are mistaken, let’s not say anything, let’s go out and talk to them when the time comes, no Is it all right? If people come to rescue, it would be great, we can meet each other, can we still be companions along the way? If it is a mutant monster, dress them up and remove the guns and ammunition from their bodies Grab them all." Lin Ye said, he should think that they shot them because they mistook them for zombies, or if they were all humans, how could they shoot first, he should talk first and ask , You think the same way, that's why he said, let, um, let them come to us first, or should we go out and find them first?
"I think they are blind. Why are these few living people regarded as zombies? I think they did it on purpose. They wanted to beat us to death, and then take away all the ammunition and materials on our bodies. Maybe They are all a kind of bandits, robbers, after all, even in the doomsday, such people are indispensable. They are everywhere and ruin the reputation of human beings. Hmph, if they can defeat mutant zombies, then they must Even mutated monsters and zombies can rob. I understand this kind of people. They may just want to rob us. We don’t have to send them, just go out, knock them all down, and grab their things. It is." Li Jie said.

"Don't be too impatient. What if they are human beings or mistook us? Let's calm down and see what they will do next. Maybe they will come, or they will leave, but we don't have to be afraid They, after all, we are all supernatural beings, and we also have ammunition. If they are really mutant monsters, we can just kill them and snatch their things. If they are also human beings, but deliberately If we hit us, we will knock them out, and then grab their things, so when we talk, we have to carefully think about which side they belong to, and don't get too emotional. If you go directly to your Down, grab yours, if they really mistook us for zombies, they shot us, then wouldn't we kill good people? You are always so reckless now, just Can't you think about it calmly, they are both epic-level supernatural beings, and they are still so childish." Of course, Barabara suddenly said a lot, which made Li Jie dumbfounded. However, he would suddenly scold him like this, and he didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only stare helplessly and smiled. He knew that what he said would definitely make Li Jie very angry, but he couldn't help it. Li Jie had nothing to say at all, he was a little happy.

Just when the few of them were arguing about what to do next, there was another gunshot, and then a strong, straight hit on the head of a half-human, half-zombie next to them, directly killing them. His head exploded, and when Lin Ye and the others didn't react at all, the half-human, half-zombie was lying on the ground straight, and a bullet pierced her forehead, killing her body. A hole was pierced in the forehead.

"This is obviously not a mistake. We are so obvious that it is true. He even shot at us and killed one of our companions. It is simply deceiving. I will never let them go. We What are you still doing hiding here? We are supernatural beings, and we have guns to go out and shoot them!" Suddenly one of his partners fell to the ground, and Lin Ye and the others were instantly on fire, and they no longer wanted to talk about it here. Wei shrunk down, he had to go out and catch them, and then ask them carefully, why they shot randomly without seeing clearly, and even killed one of their companions, it was really too deceitful Now, they, a few of them stood up, regardless of whether they knew they would call again, they walked over directly, if someone pointed him to call, then Lin Ye could feel it instantly, because their ability is You can feel these, and then they can also dodge bullets. Although the speed of the bullets is very fast, you want them to feel very quickly, but because Lin Ye's current ice ability has not been turned crazy yet Completely unlocked, so his ice system is still unusable.

Lin Ye was very annoyed by the fact that his friend was beaten to death, because he didn't expect that they would encounter such a thing after they came out to a gold mining base, and it was all his fault that he didn't think well enough to let him do this. His friend lost his life, so Lin Ye must avenge him.

They all rushed out, quickly locked on to the source of the gunshots, and then they quickly rushed towards them. The people on the other side didn't expect Lin Ye and the others to rush out directly, and some panicked and fired a few more shots In this way, it is more convenient to expose their positions. Lin Ye and the others rushed over and quickly caught those who shot. Those people were indeed human beings, but they were all people in military uniforms. , This makes Lin Ye feel very strange, who are these people?Why shoot them?Isn't it allowed to ask them if they are human, or observe whether they are zombies before shooting?Now that they don't distinguish between people and zombies, do they just kill them casually?
Although these soldiers were armed with guns, they were absolutely unable to resist Lin Ye's supernatural attack. Wearing a military uniform, but without the air of a soldier, it is very wretched, not like a person who has been a soldier.

"Who are you? Why are you shooting at us? Don't you just declare and kill us indiscriminately? You didn't see that we are human beings, so you shot at us and killed our companions, it's just too bullying Now, we didn’t attack you first, but you fired at us first, what do you mean? Do we humans have to kill each other? No, do we have to see clearly before shooting?” Li Jie Very annoyed and said angrily, they did not expect them to go through such a dangerous situation in the gold mine base, no one died, but in this situation, one person got double, this is simply, they did not expect at all, This rush was killed by their kind of humans, how can this be?This is really true, completely beyond their expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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