Chapter 956 Annoyed
"Hehe, how do we know that you are actually human? Does the one I killed look exactly like a zombie? And those behind you, people, are they human? They are obviously zombies. You people cover up zombies, we Of course, you have to kill everything. Now in the doomsday world, who will observe carefully whether you are a human or a zombie? And you are going to be with zombies. Don’t blame us for killing the wrong person. Anyway, I You know that the one I shot and killed is exactly the same as a zombie, so you can’t blame me like that? Outsiders really don’t know that those monks look the same, but they are still human beings. If you ask anyone, no one will believe it, yes You haven’t figured it out, next time you play, they put a sign on their body and say I’m human, wouldn’t that be good? Who would read it wrong?” Although this person has been captured by Lin Ye and the others, but They are still very arrogant, and they didn’t realize their mistakes at all when they said this. Although Qishisi and the others are half-human and half-zombie, their appearance is exactly the same as their upper body, but their behavior and movements are the same as human beings. Anyone who has seen zombies can feel that they don't look like zombies. Except for their appearance, they have nothing in common with Sheng Sheng. These people did it on purpose, so don't let them go.

"Who are you? I still advise you to be honest. Don't fight us here. You killed our companions. We will definitely not let you go easily. You also know that you can't beat us. Just A few guns can't do anything to us, I hope you can be smarter, don't be so arrogant, and don't play tricks on us, what we have experienced, you don't know that you killed our partner, just Find a way, so let’s say murder pays for life, I ask you to tell me who killed and who fired the gun, and the others can go.” You also said that killing pays for life, this is a principle since ancient times, so whoever He will kill whoever he shoots. Now it's not important. Human beings can't kill each other. Since that person killed his companion, Lin Ye will never let this person go. Let him pay for his life.

"Wow, what did you say just now? Humans can't kill each other, and now because of such a zombie who wants to kill each other with us, are you talking too double-faced? Do you really want us to believe you? I You are the traitors of human beings. You are with zombies, and you still regard zombies as partners. Who made us human beings become the current state, betrayed and displaced, isn’t it all caused by these zombies? It’s too frenzied to be your own partner. I think we are right to kill zombies. Zombies should be killed, because zombies don’t have a good thing. If you monks are partners, then you must not be good. Don't belong to the human camp anymore, let's drink some disgusting monsters and be friends, a group of perverts!"

What they said made them very angry, but you also stopped Li Jie who was about to make a move. He knew that this was the aggressive method they were using. Of course Lin Ye would not be fooled. He only knew that he must find out who killed him. The person of his partner will not hurt other people, so Lin Ye will not be fooled by their aggressive method: "Stop talking nonsense, I will give you one more minute to think about it, and shoot that one!" hand over to me the others, will I let you go? Otherwise..." Lin Ye released the spiritual guidance instantly, then controlled one of them, controlled the other person, turned three or four times on the spot, and then let him head He hit the wall, and then his head suddenly got a big bump, and then he continued to hit the wall. Although he was screaming next to each other in pain, his body was out of his control at all. He could only, constantly Weeping, begging to let him go, he would say he would figure out who fired the shot.

Lin Ye stopped making him hit the wall, waiting for him to speak.

. .The stocky man tremblingly tried to get his bearings, and then he stretched out his finger, pointing at the one in the military uniform, only the man in his hat and said: "It's him who fired the gun." .”

The man who was pointed out raised his head. He looked at Lin Ye and the others indifferently. Li Jie walked over angrily, pulled him out of the crowd, and made him kneel on the ground. This man was very angry. He was obedient, but he didn't show any expression from the beginning to the end. He just looked at Lin Ye firmly. He has always been very cold and indifferent, without any fear of imminent death.

"I don't know why you shot, even if you really thought it was listed, but the day before yesterday I figured out the situation and then shot, I shouldn't kill him directly, since you killed my friend, then you You must pay for your life for my friend, the people of Changbai Mountain, it is only right and proper, and you have nothing to complain about." Lin Ye looked at him with the same expressionless face, he was already burning with anger, but he kept suppressing himself, He didn't show it, but everyone can feel the cold breath around him. Lin Ye is rarely angry. If he is angry, it must be because someone has done something to his companion. Like the current situation, you He was already very angry, so the man in the hat in front of him was already dead.

"Haha, you monks are partners. You are perverted. Even if you kill me, I won't be afraid. I killed them. Zombies are zombies that bring us humans to a desperate situation, so I think killing them It is also justified, and losing that humble and humble life, how can it be compared with the noble life of our human beings? Only some of you with faulty minds will regard these zombies as partners. I know that you have faults, and no one You will not regard the listing as a partner like you, the death of a zombie, but want to avenge him, and still talk to me here brazenly saying that killing people pays for their lives, it is only right and proper, then you tell me that I am killing people? Even if they really don’t It is not a complete injury, but they look exactly like zombies, which means that they are not completely human, right? You are still here to argue with us about what companions are not zombies, they are zombies, and they look like zombies, So I'm going to kill them, I'm going to kill them, what can you do with me!" By the time the man finally said his last words, Lin Ye's Baqi Hanjian had pierced his chest, and the man opened his eyes wide. He closed his eyes, looked at Lin Ye in disbelief, and then he slowly fell to the ground, his eyes were still closed, big and not closed.

(End of this chapter)

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