Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 957 True Identity

Chapter 957 True Identity
"I didn't intend to do anything to you. I just told you that killing people pays their lives. It's only right and proper. You must die." Lin Ye said calmly.

"You, you lunatics would actually hurt your own companions in order to go public. People like you are no longer worthy of living in the human world. Hurry up and join the world of those mutated monsters. It's just too insane. Our human base You won't be accepted, and you don't need to go any further, get out of here quickly, otherwise the people in the human base won't let you go, you group of perverts actually hurt your own human beings just to go public The companions are really scary, why don’t you all go to die? You all go to become zombies, become zombies, we will help you all to exterminate, you group, this punch has caused human beings to become like this Zombies, you still want to maintain the listing, are you crazy!" Seeing that Lin Ye killed the man without hesitation, and then those kneeling on the ground and other people in military uniforms started talking and went crazy, Because they really didn't expect that Lin Ye and the others would actually kill this man, because they would be alone if they walked forward from here. If Lin Ye and the others killed him here, they would never be able to enter the human race. For the base, who in this world would not want to find a human base and survive in it, but they didn't expect Lin Ye and the others to actually kill this person. It was really beyond their expectations, so they Suddenly they all started to get scared, for fear that Lin Ye and his group of lunatics would catch some of them again and shoot them through the heart with an arrow.

"It's still the same sentence, it's only right and proper to kill someone," Li Jie said.

"Hehe, you lunatics, if you kill us here, then you will never enter the base, because we are the gatekeepers of the human base. If you kill us alone, you will definitely not enter the base." Not only are the women in the human base mentally retarded, but because the zombies cannot enter the human settlement, in this world, who would not want to enter the human base and live well, and you are the only ones who want to work with the zombies, and kill the zombies for your so-called fellow zombies. You have killed your own human companions, so you are the most insane people!"

"You are really funny, alas, we have experienced so many people to pay homage to us, we have not stayed in it, do we still care about the human base in front of you? It is really ridiculous, besides, we are not for You came here looking for a human base, you will kill our compatriots, we will kill you, kill the person in my class, what's wrong with this? How crazy is this? You can go back and tell your human beings The city lord of the base, let's see what he says about you, even though they killed innocent people indiscriminately, will they still let you stay in the human base? Please use your brain and think about this issue, okay? And the one you killed That person is definitely a human being. The person you saw last time looked the same as them. They belonged to a newly developed special subject. The masses should be the special protection objects of the human base. Now we are protecting them, but they are protected by you. One shot destroyed one. They are a special group, known to all the city owners of the human base, but they were killed by you. If you know the level of one by then, you will never let it go. We, or absolutely not I will let you go, use your stupid brains, think about it, so since we are working so hard, there is a reason to protect them." Li Jie started to fool around, he definitely didn't want to make these people feel better Speaking of this matter, these people must not dare to return to the human base easily, so let them stay here to fend for themselves, thinking that these people are not worthy of living in the human base.

"Haha, stop fooling us, who will believe you? What are you saying? What special experimental products, what special protection objects, are you simply deceiving us? We will not be easily fooled by you , Why didn’t our promise ever mention to us that there is such a time protection object? Who would believe your nonsense? Don’t be funny.” It seems that these people still have a little brains, and they don’t fully believe Li Jie's words, but seeing their panicked faces, although they didn't completely disappear, they believed half of them.

"I said you are stupid and don't admit it. They are like this now. Look at what the world looks like. If they were listed on the market, they would have rushed to kill you, so they are truly human beings. Their thinking and all the economics in their bodies have always been They all belong to humans, but they look like zombies and have the above-mentioned aggressiveness. They will be a good fighting team in the future. I am a rare treasure in the human base. There are many drugs developed by inventors and experimenters. They have become what they are now, and now their fighting power alone can match the fighting power of ten of us ordinary people. It is very powerful, and one of you killed is equivalent to killing ten ordinary people. Would you say? These are the secrets that they guard each other. I’m afraid that you all know it and want to get this medicine, so you must protect the secret. If a real war breaks out one day, they But we stand as the main force in the battle of our human base, so it is ridiculous that you killed a man, or how much crime you have caused, you should think about it, how should you face your own city lord next." Li Jie He continued to flicker and said that he is a group that absolutely does not want to make life easier for these people, and the scum in the ground is so arrogant that a group of people are simply the most disgusting kind of people he has, so he has to say something to fool them, absolutely not Make the rest of their lives easier.

After listening to Li Jie's words, those people became even more exaggerated. It seemed that they were about to believe it, but in order not to expose their scheming, they had already exposed it, but they still said forcefully: "I will believe your nonsense, we still have to believe it." As the main principle of the human base, if you become the protagonist, you will not do anything to us. Even if you are the main combat power, but we don't know that he accidentally killed a city owner by mistake, and he will definitely not blame us, because we I don't know about this at all, so you don't have to scare us, we don't care at all, and the city lord will definitely not do anything to us, you really don't need to scare us, we won't be afraid The degree is a very good person, he will definitely forgive us, forgive our ignorance, we really don't know that they are the main fighting force of human beings, if we know that they are the main fighting force of human beings, we will definitely be good I invite you to enter the human base, who told you not to make it clear before, we don't know at all, so you don't need to threaten us." How about the bitch?But what might not be the extent to which they could be imagined from their trembling bodies?The nice guy they say they are.

(End of this chapter)

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