Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 958 Unexpected Gains

Chapter 958 Unexpected Gains

"Oh, if your city lord is really a good person, if your city lord really regards you as the main combat power of the original base, would you still be allowed here? Why not let you go to that human base? Here is You will be attacked by zombies at any time, maybe you are already abandoned by your city lord, but for the sake of face in the human base, I didn't say it directly, I still let you guard the base here, but you are here How could it be impossible to receive the base? So you are already the group of people who have been abandoned. Now that you have not made such a big mistake, do you think you will forgive you if you are permanent? Hey, you are naive, You still don't believe it, you no longer belong to that human base. You are here, where you will be attacked by zombies at any time, and there is no place for defense. Obviously, you have been abandoned. You don't know yourself. Maintaining your so-called achievements here shows how stupid you are, it would be better to drive away from here and find a safer place." At this time, Yu Qiran interjected, obviously he didn't like it very much. A group of people.

You said that he is worthy of being a person with psychic powers, and of course, after he finished this passage, the faces of those people turned from white to blue in an instant. It seems that he must have hit a certain point to make them become So frightened, it turns out that what the psychic can detect is something that they, the supernatural, cannot perceive.

"Wow, of course, you seem to be right. You can see that they were full of confidence before, but now they dare not speak. It seems that you have hit their point. The abandoned people are still here to maintain their so-called long table. Do you Chengdu still remember who you are, and will you be allowed to guard the so-called base here? You Changzhou have forgotten who you are? Now that you have been If you have abandoned it, don’t defend your so-called city lord here. Since he can abandon you, it is definitely not a good seed to show that your level is not a good seed here, because didn’t you say that human beings should be in the same country? But your promise I have already abandoned you, which means that you do not want to depend on each other to the extent you are, maybe you can’t make any contribution to the human base, so you are abandoned here? Ouch, it’s really pitiful, but I don’t feel sorry for you at all. , Because you all deserved it, you deserve it, it makes me very happy, seeing you were abandoned here really makes me happy." Li Jie said very happily.

"You fart, our city lord Zhou Yangshen is definitely not as mature as you said, and we sacrificed our strength to let us guard here. You know what a fart, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, okay?"

"Wait, what do you think is the name of your city lord? Zhou Yangshen?" Lin Ye asked, of course he heard the point of that sentence.

"Hahaha, did you hear that our big brother in Chengdu will call me Changzhou tomorrow, and he will be so scared that his legs will go limp. That's right, our support will be called Zhou Yangshen. When he finds out, you will bully him like this. We will definitely not I will let you bunch of perverts go!"

Mingyue, they really never expected that they decided to come to the prison, and they actually got the news that Zhou Yangshen was in front of the human base. If you find this Zhou Yangshan, you must meet this person.

"Hehe, of course I've heard of Zhou Yangshen's name, it's really shocking, so if your city lord is actually Zhou Yangshen, then you must not be good seedlings, people like Zhou Yangshen are underground , what else is a good person? Hey, I didn’t expect Zhou Yangshen to be here. He really stepped on the iron shoes and had nowhere to look. I'm looking for him, so thank you, tell me, your factory owner's name is Zhou Yangshan, can you let me? No need to look for him aimlessly, thank you too, now if you Chen Xiaolu live to see your permanent resident , then take us to your human base, we will let you go, if you don’t want to, we will trap you here and let you fend for yourself.”

It seems that these people want to see their city lord. Although Zhou Yangshen said that they are here because of his anger, if they are trapped here, they will definitely die here. If you take them to find the city lord , and tell the city lord about their clumsy deeds, maybe the city lord will drive all these people away or lock them up in order to save them, so it is a better way for them to take them to see the city lord now, because the city lord is still very powerful Yes, they can definitely defeat these people. In the morning, Chengdu is in a good mood these days. Maybe Changzhou thinks that what they have done before has no credit or hard work, so they will be dismissed at the meeting. Lin Ye and the others went to see the city lord, in order to let the permanent residents detain these people, and also to let the city lord save them. These people are definitely not good people going in and out, and they will definitely be arrested in order to save them. That's what they think , so they decided to take Lin Ye and the others to meet the city lord.

"Okay, let's take you to see the city lord. When the time comes, the city lord will come to decide your life and death. You killed my companion. How can the window let you go easily? Since you all want to go to the city lord to lead your death, then We will definitely not stop you. When you come to a human’s house, it’s not up to you to decide. You group of perverted monks are partners with perverts. You will never hold us accountable for killing that half-human half-zombie. Because we don’t know, we don’t know, we think it’s a zombie, if it’s a guru, everything must be killed, this is a long-distance order, so you can’t be suppressed by the city lord, and we won’t be afraid to return to the human collective Yes, because there is our home, the city owner is our food and clothing parents, we respect the resident in Changzhou, how could we do nothing about it? You don’t understand the degree at all, so don’t think about what will happen to us as pigs How about it, you should think what a pig will do to you."

These people also said arrogantly that they couldn't think of what they would experience next. Lin Ye and the others really knew who Zhou Yangshen was. He would be a zombie maker. The half-human half-zombie was invented by him. It is really conceivable what kind of scene it will be when they meet.

(End of this chapter)

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