Chapter 96 Number Three
Damn it, Lin Ye said in a low voice, he didn't expect to be imprisoned in a life-and-death duel with the loss of Bronze Level [-] all the time.

That's right, it's a life-and-death duel, and Lin Ye can't reveal his strength. Not only can't he, but he also has to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. In fact, ordinary arenas are more attractive to these spectators than those medium-sized fighting arenas.

The reason for this is that it is bloody enough here, and it is a complete life-and-death hand-to-hand combat. This is the abnormal psychology of most ordinary survivors.

"Kill him, you'll be fine."

"Eat it, I don't like him!"

"Hurry up, what are you waiting for, are you waiting to die!"

As soon as Lu Pengfei appeared on the field, the surrounding crowd erupted with unusually enthusiastic voices.

"Roar!" Lin Ye roared, and rushed towards the zombies, completely in the posture of an ordinary person dealing with zombies.

Lin Ye rushed towards the zombie, and lifted his foot on the zombie's chest. Lost was kicked and flew a meter away, then got up and continued to fight towards Lin Ye.

This kind of low-level zombies have no IQ, and rely entirely on instinct to fight endlessly, so Lin Ye can only slowly control his strength, calculate the damage to the zombies, and have to work hard when fighting It's really aggrieved to let yourself hang dots on your body.

The zombie punched Lin Ye, and the corner of Lin Ye's mouth was bleeding profusely. He kicked the zombie again, and the injuries of both became more and more serious. In the end, the zombie fell to the ground first, and Lin Ye persisted in standing for a while. Then fell down.

Of course, Lin Ye's physical exhaustion and coma were faking, and the zombies were completely dead.

"Okay, congratulations on the successful challenge of No. 110! Let him go back to rest first, and let us look forward to his next wonderful performance."

The host's excited voice echoed in the skies above the Colosseum, and Lin Ye was carried down by two big men in a blink of an eye and thrown into the prison.

"How are you? Are you all right?" Seeing the two big men walk away, Xuewu walked quickly to Lin Ye and said.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, just don't pay attention to these little guys." Lin Ye dusted off the dust on his body and got up and said.

Finding a clean corner to sit down, Lin Ye began to think about the plan here. It is definitely not a solution to be locked up here, that is, he will not be able to find useful people, and he will not be able to discover the deeper secrets of the Colosseum. .

What made Lin Ye a little worried was that when he and Xuewu came out, they didn't inform Li Jie and Jiang Xinyu. It would be too late for Lin Ye to go back now.

According to Lin Ye's guess, there should be a lot of silver-level supernatural beings in this Colosseum, at least four or five, and the strength will not be weak, and there are some powerful zombies. If he breaks in, he can only ensure that he leaves safely, and Xuewu will not be able to take care of it at that time, so this is a choice that Lin Ye will never consider.

We can only hope that Zhang Ren can find out the clues, Lin Ye murmured, only Zhang Ren and the two of them know about this underground world, if Zhang Ren guesses one or two, at least he will organize Li Jie and the others to act recklessly act.


Just when Lin Ye was about to squint for a while, the prisoner in a separate room next to him roared hysterically, as if he had gone crazy, and within a few breaths, some shocking things appeared on the prisoner's body. The change.

The prisoner, who was originally about 1.8 meters tall, soared in height after going crazy, and reached a height of nearly three meters in a blink of an eye, and was still getting taller slowly. Pieces of fiery red hair grew out of the prisoner's body. Then the prisoner's cage kept emitting a burning sensation to the surroundings.

It turned out to be a rock giant with a fire attribute. Lin Ye looked at the amazing changes in his neighbor and said in amazement. He didn't expect to find a good seedling who defied the sky so quickly. The existence of is almost an invincible myth.

However, at present, only Lin Ye knows the inside story of this special physique, otherwise he would definitely not be imprisoned here because of its importance. More precisely, this prisoner's situation should be a natural talent. It is related to the constitution of the human body itself.

Just like the current state of the prisoner, it looks very powerful on the surface, but in fact, outsiders can't feel the breath of the slightest power, and before the evolution is successful, people with this physique are very weak , only when the spirit is in a state of madness will it recover a little bit of strength.

There have been many people with this physique in the previous life, but in the end, there are very few people who have successfully evolved into rock giants. It can be said that there is no one in a hundred.

The physique of the rock giant can almost be called a mobile city fortress. Even enemies of a higher level cannot break through this natural defense without dead ends. If you want to break through this kind of mobile fortress, you have to One way, that is - absolute power.

The neighbor is still screaming, it seems that the zombie has become rational, Lin Ye knows very well that if this continues, the neighbor will naturally die suddenly in a short time, this kind of physique has a time limit, according to As far as Lin Ye knows, the longest life span is only three to five months.

If the evolution fails within a limited time, there is only one thing waiting for him, and that is death.

Lin Ye tried to say a few words to his neighbors, but it didn't seem to have any effect at all. Just when Lin Ye was about to use a special method, a figure of a strong man walked over unsteadily, and Lin Ye hurriedly sat down in the corner. down.

"No. [-], No. [-]! Why are you crazy again, what are you calling it? I said you can't calm down, it's useless even if you scream out your mother's voice." The big man was holding something that looked like an electric baton. Walking to No. [-]'s cage, he cursed and shouted.

Immediately afterwards, the big man pressed the button on the electric baton, and an electric current was sent to the prisoner in an instant. The three-meter-high prisoner gradually relaxed, and his height returned to his normal height.

It turned out to be like this, Lin Ye suddenly said, just now Lin Ye was wondering why the evolution of this neighbor was different from what he knew, but now he finally figured it out, nine out of ten it is the effect of these currents that evolve under normal circumstances at all It will not make their bodies lose consciousness, but will become more conscious.

But there is one exception, and that is electric current. During evolution, consciousness is the weakest place. Using strong electric current can easily destroy his brain tissue, but this method also indirectly accelerated his death.

(End of this chapter)

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