Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 97 The True Leader

Chapter 97 The True Leader

"Brother, come, come, I have good cigarettes here." Lin Ye greeted the big man softly, took out a pack of cigarettes in his arms like a magic trick, and kept shaking it. This big man is an acquaintance of Lin Ye, It was the management that Lin Ye bribed with different cores.

The big man happened to be upset when he wrote, and suddenly he heard someone calling him to get angry for a while, and when he was about to start scolding, he suddenly realized that the person who called him was the familiar boy, and then swallowed the words that came to his lips Go down and walk towards Lin Ye.

"I didn't expect you to have a lot of good things, but you have to be careful, otherwise I will find it difficult to do it if other managers find out." The big man took the cigarette from Lin Ye's hand carelessly. How Ye's things fell to the ground, the big man didn't ask extra questions, nor did he have the slightest interest.

After all, those who stay here don't have some little secrets. The so-called little secrets are either life-saving means at the bottom of the box, or people like Lin Ye who have special channels and means to get good things to honor them. Their purpose, of course, is to play tricks on the opponent before going on the field, so as to increase their chances of survival.

"What's going on with this big brother, how did he get in here." Lin Ye pointed to the neighbor who had stopped.

"It's better not to inquire about this person, but you don't look scary, but you are a complete waste. With his virtue, he can't even defeat a bronze-ranked zombie. He has been rescued every time. It has been a long time Let him play."

The more the big man talked, the more angry he became. He took the stick in his hand and fired a few more electric shocks at the prisoner before giving up. However, these words made Lin Ye take it seriously.

"How could he still be saved? Isn't it the rule here that if you fail, you will die. Could it be that his identity is very special?" Lin Ye continued to ask, he had already developed a lot of curiosity about the identity of this neighbor.

"Who knows, we all follow the instructions from above. It is said that it was sent by the Giant League. No one knows anyway. We can only torture him and not let him die." The management greeted him a few words, and then the big man staggered and turned to leave.

The Giant League is actually a member of the Giant League, but no one has ever heard of it. Lin Ye can be sure that this neighbor must be considered a strong expert before being imprisoned. Such a person will never be unknown .

There must be something tricky about it, Lin Ye frowned and said, after much deliberation, there is only one explanation, that is, the neighbors provoked the high-level of the Giant League, and then they were brought here by secret hands, after all, the high-level of an organization It's really too simple to want a non-supernatural person to disappear without a sound.


Just when Lin Ye was thinking about it, the neighbor next to him roared in a low voice. The direction the prisoner was looking at was Lin Ye, and the voice was not the crazy scream just now, it sounded more like expressing to Lin Ye what.

"Do you want to say something?" Lin Ye stared at the neighbor for a long time before finally confirming that the neighbor had lost the ability to speak.

"Yeah!" The prisoner kept nodding his head, looking in unspeakable pain.

Lin Ye's expression changed for a moment, and suddenly he had an idea. He looked around and saw that there were no management personnel around. Lin Ye let Xuewu let the wind go, while he quietly activated the ice ability, in a corner of the neighbor's prison A slab of ice was made.

"You can just write on it if you have anything to say." Lin Ye said softly. Lin Ye could feel the traces of the ice. Ye is of course an exception. As a person with ten years of experience, Lin Ye's control over ice abilities has reached an astonishing level.

Are you foreigners?The prisoner struggled to draw on the ice board.

"We came from other places. We just arrived in Tianshui recently, and now we are temporarily living in the Giant League." Lin Ye nodded in response, observing the neighbors' reactions, thinking about what the big man in charge said just now, Lin Ye guessed this Neighbors may have deep roots with the League of Giants.

In the apocalypse, he must use all available objective factors to strengthen himself. It doesn't matter whether the prisoner and the Giant League are enemies or friends, it makes no difference to Lin Ye, and they can be transformed into factors that are beneficial to him.

And the neighbor's reaction did not disappoint Lin Ye either. After hearing the word Giant Alliance, the prisoner reacted very strongly and made a lot of strange movements. Although he didn't understand what it meant, Lin Ye guessed why the neighbor Being imprisoned, nine out of ten is thanks to the giant alliance.

Immediately afterwards, the neighbor asked Lin Ye a lot of questions, most of which were about the news about the League of Giants, the leader Qi Xuan, the second master Wen Cheng, etc. Lin Ye told the neighbor all the news he knew.

The prisoner was stunned for a while, and Lin Ye was not in the slightest hurry. The neighbor must be considering whether to tell his story. After a while, the prisoner seemed to have made up his mind and wrote down fiercely on the ice board. I wrote a few lines.

It seemed that writing a few lines exhausted all the strength in his body. After finishing writing, the prisoner collapsed on the ground as if he had collapsed. Lin Ye, who felt the handwriting on the ice board, was greatly surprised. In fact, the neighbor did not write how many things.

I am the leader of the Giant League, and I was harmed by my younger brother Qi Xuan and external forces, please help me!

Although he doesn't know whether the news is true or not, Lin Ye feels that it is true in all likelihood. A person in such a situation has absolutely no reason or necessity to lie. Man, that would be a disaster for him.

It's just that Lin Ye still doesn't know why the neighbor told him such an important thing, what made him believe in him so much, is it because he is so handsome that he has reached the point where he can kill both men and women?Lin Ye muttered while touching his face.

"What! How did this happen?" After Lin Ye told Xuewu about the matter, Xuewu's surprise was beyond words, and she looked at the neighbor in disbelief, never expecting him to have such an identity.

While Lin Ye and Xue Wu were digesting the news, Li Jie and the others in the League of Giants also noticed that Lin Ye had disappeared.

Lin Ye and Hu Fei anxiously paced back and forth in the living room, while Zhang Ren and the three Wang brothers went out to fight zombies early in the morning, Jiang Xinyu volunteered to inform them.

"What should we do? Why is the boss gone? Shall we tell the people from the Giant League?" Li Jie said restlessly, very much like his character.

(End of this chapter)

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