Chapter 971 Arrogance
The whole world is not something he can control, he is not God, he is just an ordinary person, don't think that he invented a few viruses, and then once his ability level is higher, he thinks that he is omnipotent, when he meets The real God, he is still human, the real God, always your God, don't let him forget who he is, now, let him know that our arrival is the end of it, he don't think about what to say next, You can still continue to implement your own plan. What new world and new species tell him that the human beings on the earth are not on the earth. Humans are just the children of the earth. .Killed, and what are you talking about for the good of the earth, you are probably a fool, I believe he may not have really grown up yet.

"Hehehehehe, who are you talking about? I heard everything. People like you will never understand my thoughts." Suddenly, a young man in his 20s came down from the high platform. The man looked quite handsome, and he wore weird clothes, just like the clothes worn by ancient people in ancient times. Then, he looked at Lin Ye, and they saw Qi Qi next to Lin Ye Lian, then smiled and said: "It is impossible for you ordinary people to know what we are thinking? Aren't all the things you humans have done before are much worse? That is what a mother should do. Is it something? I am the kind mother of tv to punish you children who are so old, don’t you understand? So you need to change your thinking now, you have always only known that you are the kind of low-level Low-grade and low-quality human beings, and then come to think about the thoughts of high-level people like us, and you will never understand."

"Wow, rely on you to be Zhou Yangshen, are you so awesome? Let me tell you, I'm here to teach you a lesson now. Don't think that you are great just because you have a little IQ. Now you You are also human, have you forgotten who your ancestors are? Let me tell you that this world is the existence of human beings. This world is comfortable and the rules of cruising with nature, you can’t change it, even if we all perish , New species appear, do you think they will not do anything to the human earth? So, you should change your thinking now, the test is you, you are too extreme now, isn’t it? Who hit it before You, destroy the entire human race, and make me happy in a re-lived world. Of course, I will not expose you. I am such a person with high emotional intelligence, right? People with low emotional intelligence like you are forever When you don’t understand those of us with high EQ, you’re afraid that you’re going to have to improve your EQ, fill up your EQ, young man.”

Li Jie and Zhou Yangshen opened up like this, and started to have a chat, but it seems that there are some second-year students in this center. He and Li Jie quarreled almost evenly, and the two started a war of words. Didn't expect them, didn't the power battle start the scolding battle first, didn't expect to scold them to deal with them, didn't expect such a battle at all.

"You have a high EQ, so you don't want to talk about EQ. What can this thing do? The court said that people with high EQ usually have low IQ. They said that because they have low IQ, they can only say that they have high EQ. In fact, people with high IQ don't have EQ. Low, idiots like you will not understand this truth. As a genius inventor, I have invented so many things. You can't understand what I am thinking now? Things are gone, and we are now in the position It is equivalent to one sky and one earth. What are we people in the sky thinking, you can only look up at us on the ground. Seeing you ants lingering on, I feel that it is better to die quickly, and give it to us. Keep yourself quiet and give the earth a peace.” The main reason is that Barabara said a lot, and Lin Ye and the others were a little stunned by these words. I think there are some differences.

"Oh, my God, there is still one sky and one earth, you are really handed over to take off, have you forgotten what you are? I really think you are a god, I think you should, go and rush you Let’s talk about your own EQ. You said that if you have a high IQ, you have a high EQ. You’re ashamed to say something like this. What kind of EQ is there for a person like you? What’s the use of those boring viruses? One day you If you are infected with the virus, you will know what kind of pain these people have suffered. After all, people like you can only think about themselves and not others. For their own selfish desires, they want to destroy the entire earth. You also brought the hat to the whole earth. Don’t you know how much pressure your doomsday has brought to the earth? What are you talking about for the good of the earth? Are you really ashamed to say that I think you should go back to your mother’s womb again, Let your mother teach you again, what is emotional intelligence." Of course, Li Jie can't show weakness, how could he fail in scolding?As far as Zhou Yangshenzhe Balabala's words are not offensive to him at all, what is the comparison in the scolding battle?What is forced is to see who has a thick skin, and whoever has a thick skin will win. Li Jie thinks that a person like Zhou Yangshen must have scolded a few times, and if he must be thin-skinned, he will definitely not be able to continue scolding.

But he never expected Zhou Yangshen to be as thick-skinned as he is. He didn't care what Li Jie scolded him at all, and of course he would continue to fight back against Li Jie: "It's not up to you to decide whether I have a high IQ or not. But you, it’s not up to you to decide whether you and I have a high EQ, but your IQ is definitely not high, because if your IQ was higher, you wouldn’t be here with my mom now, you’ve long wanted to Come up with a new way to deal with me, because you can't beat me, so you think that you can only use other methods to delay time, to distract my attention or to sneak attack me, but now I I want to tell you that there are no doors and no windows. You are junior high school students stepping into success. I don’t want to fight with you now. I just want to fight with your mother. I just want you to know that you Even with Qi Lian's help, you still can't beat me, but I still advise you to give up your whimsical dreams, you can't beat me, how can you beat me with your strength and skills? And me?

(End of this chapter)

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