Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 972 Indifferent

Chapter 972 Indifferent
I advise you to go back to your mother's womb to practice your family's supernatural powers. After all, this kind of natural talent is not something that everyone has. Isn't there a saying that is good?If hard work is useful, what's the use of genius?So no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to compare to the love of geniuses like us. I really feel sad for you. "Zhou Yangshen's scolding skills are not inferior to Li Jie's. Some of Li Jie couldn't hold on anymore. He, some of them begged for help. Lin Ye and the others, but don't Lin Ye and the others know how to swear at all? The only one The venomous snakes were born from it, and then they pinned all their hopes on him, who knows? But he shook his head and said: "Vulgar people like you, who have no IQ, and can't talk but brains , Scolding war, I don't want to participate. "With two words, Li Jie and Zhou Yangshen were satirized directly.

"How did you talk to me? We are not in the same team, you shouldn't help me speak, it's wrong for you to speak to him, and you didn't speak to her, you should help my uncle to scold him, We can’t lose to him in terms of momentum, can’t we? So our power level is not as high as his, but in fact we have so many people that we absolutely can’t lose to him. Can you make me talk so much with him here alone? It’s useless, should we unite as one? I wiped it off and scolded her.”

"Hahaha, you are afraid that you are dreaming, and you still want to scold me and cry. You should wake up, how could I cry? I will cry when I see you, but when the time comes, you will cry and kneel on my knees." At your feet, if you beg me to let go of the cow, you will never let me go. Who made you scold me here? You can’t beat me like you, and my mother can’t scold me. I see you It’s also meaningless to live in this world, so let’s find a leader to come to mine, but thick-skinned people like you may continue to live in this world, don’t say I committed suicide a long time ago, hundreds of times gone."

"You have little pressure in your heart. Who do you blame? You? It's really someone who said a few words about you, you are going to destroy the whole world. I also know that your ability to bear is very small, so I won't hit you , like you, timid and cowardly, just because I have a high IQ and invented several viruses, I feel that I am invincible in the world. I have floated to the sky, and I almost forgot what I am. You are a god, you came alone, you let the whole person die, you want to destroy the whole earth, and you want to invent new species, you can’t talk about it, you.”

But having said so much nonsense, it seems that they need to start their real plan, which is to start performing, to perform the insults Zhou Yangshen received before, although they don't know what Zhongyuan received before, if but Probably they can also understand and guess, so now they start their real performance, and then Zhou Yangshen doesn't know what they are going to do, but he is very interested, watching them go back and forth, I don't know what to do, hey, these fools don't know what to do.

But after Dong Linye and the others had finished acting out all their thoughts, Zhou Yangshen was still indifferent. It seemed that everything they thought was not the kind of blow he suffered, so what kind of blow did he suffer?Qi Lian looked at the few of them confused, but actually felt very helpless. He felt that they were not here to fight this time, as if they were here to have fun, at all.No serious atmosphere, no wonder, he didn't tell Lin Ye and them before, although Zhou Yangshen is cunning, cunning, and scary, but he is very childish, just childish, you have to follow him When he starts to play, he won't think of fighting with you, but if you come to fight with him, he will also ask the portrait to drink, it will really kill you, so maybe they are going back and forth with Zhou Yangshen now Pretend, you can also make some connections, and then fight him when he is not prepared, maybe this is a bit insidious, but after all, is Zhou Yangshen on the opposite side, maybe he has some insidious plan waiting for them, but his idea No, of course there is no way to tell Lin Ye in front of Zhou Yangshen, his family is also a little distressed, he can only look at Lin Ye, they are frowning there and don't know what to say.

"Qi Lian, why do you want to stand with them? Go? I tried to get you back to my side, and didn't let you form a team with them again. Hey, I actually thought about this ending, Then if they come, you will definitely stand on their side, and then help them to fight me, but you can rest assured, even if I kill them all, I will not touch you, I will Always let you stay by my side and stay with me."

"What's the use of you talking to me now? How did you tell me what I told you before? You obviously refused. Why should I tie me to you now? I really I don’t understand what you are thinking. If you think that if you let me be with you, I will become your distant kind, then you will kill me. If you are reluctant to let me go, then you will let me go , you keep me by your side, then you will definitely die because of me, because I will expose all the weaknesses I know about you to Lin Ye and the others, let Lin Ye and the others kill you, I I hope you die, this is my sincere words, I hope you die, but I will die with you, we will go to hell together, to suffer the fire of that hell, I think this ending is the best ending, after all I have done so many bad things, and in the future, the result I will suffer will definitely not be a good result, and I don’t plan to have any good results, but I only hope that you can admit your mistakes now and know that you made mistakes Now, stop being persistent. Be obsessed, let alone fight with Lin Ye and the others, give him the antidote now, and then we will go to hell together, won’t we go to hell together?”

"Hahaha, Qi Lian, are you threatening me? Let me go to hell with you, isn't it good for us to live together in this world? After all the human beings in this world are dead, I will definitely take you with me Go to a new place, then we switch to a new species, return to this new world, and then become a new kind of master, we live together, not with these dirty human beings, I I feel disgusted when I think about why they breathe the same air, so they must all die, and then fly all their remaining breath out of the earth, after the earth is overgrown, after we are reborn, then we Just, there's going to be a new good life, didn't this kind of thing say you don't hang out, why go to hell? Why go see, that hell fire, me and you imagine we live in the new world Live a new life, and then, new friends, not these mobs, so don't you want to be with me? Is your affection for me fake? I can't believe you're living with me After so many years, don’t you feel that my heart for you is also true? Don’t you understand what I think? I’m going to tell you all my weaknesses. Why? Isn’t it just to make you Am I being honest with you? I didn’t force you to do anything. You voluntarily knew about the virus. You said you wanted to report the crime to me. I didn’t let you know at the time. I was just afraid of you. Psychology, saying that I created this brain-dead virus, ah, Yi Sijia, she took methamphetamine, nothing, after the unscrupulous Terminator virus made these viruses, you feel that you should go to hell, Actually no, you did some good things for the whole world by doing these things, you should go to heaven, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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