Chapter 978
I don't care about what other people think, see or feel at all, and only think about my own affairs. People like this should have died long ago. If the doomsday hadn't come, the people here would never have any friends, and they wouldn't know about enlightenment. How did Lian become friends with him, and I don’t know why Qilian fell in love with him. People like him, people like him are definitely not worthy of love, but they seem to like him unexpectedly. It’s hard to say anything, I’m already planning to go to hell with Zhou Yangshen after washing my face. It can be seen that his feelings for Central City are still very deep, and I don’t know what kind of feelings Zhou Yangshen has for him, but these problems are not human-faced spider corpses. What I care about Wang, what he cares about now is to quickly get the antidote, and then save his friend. After all, his friend has been deeply affected by this picture for a long time, and he doesn't like his friend to continue to stay like this , he wants to get the antidote as soon as possible to save his friend. His friend's mental state is very bad now. He takes the time to try again. Even if other friends get the antidote and recover, they will definitely stay. What sequelae.

"Zhou Zhuangxing, Zhou Yangshen, I advise you to give me the antidote as soon as possible. I really don't want to say anything more to you, and I don't want to call you. As long as you let my friend go, can I help you? I don't want to be your enemy, and I don't want to be with Lin Ye. After all, they helped me. Why do you have to do such a thing? I say it as a human face, as a non-human, I don't even think Humans to the end. As a human being, you feel that human beings are very hateful, and you don’t know what you think. You really hurriedly give me the antidote, don’t say anything, just give me the antidote. , as long as you give me the antidote, I won’t say or do anything, okay? Okay? You give me the antidote, I will never help them, okay?”

"Let me tell you, it's impossible. I won't give it if I say I won't give it. You didn't keep our agreement. Why should I give it to you? It's you who went back on your word and broke your word. You didn't keep our agreement. You put I lost my serum, and you brought them to us, why should I give you the antidote? People like you who don’t have any credit for this, and have the cheek to ask my sister for it, I see you Don't think you are the corpse king, I dare not say you, let me tell you that I am not afraid of any corpse king, and I don't ask how high your level is, you will never be as high as me in your life, or you will You won't be caught by me, and you won't be threatened by me, right? So you can't even beat me, what right do you have to threaten me here, right? I really won't be afraid at all Yours, so you don't have to say anything harsh to me here, I won't be afraid, just fight whatever you want, I won't laugh if I can't beat it, don't think about winning The antidote, there is another way, you can return those around you called Lin Ye, Li Jie, let it be, Xiao Wu's, and return those, not humans or zombies, those I killed all the species, and I might think about giving you the antidote, do you want to think about it?" Zhou Yangshen smiled very proudly, looking at the man-faced spider corpse king, he sometimes called Well, I think the Man-faced Spider Corpse King will agree to this request, because after all, the Man-faced Spider Corpse King and Lin Ye don't have a very deep friendship, and he wants to save his friend. In order to get the antidote, he will definitely treat him Lin Ye and the others shot it. This will be a very good show. His biggest hobby in Central City is watching plays, especially this kind of killing each other. He is most interested in the show, so he has already prepared Well, when you watch a big show, you should also prepare to watch it carefully, watch it with relish, and then think about it later, how did these people who threatened to defeat him die?He wants to record this sum in ten volumes, and then keep it forever until the new one.In the world, then he will become a savior who opened up a new world, and he will definitely be canonized as a god by then, so he has already decided on his autobiography, and he has already thought about how to write it?That includes the death of Lin Ye and the others. He will definitely find a way to write it in his autobiography. He must write it in an exaggerated way. How to teach your parrot how to prevent him from being smart?
"I don't think you're going too far, Zhou Yangshan." The Rosary Bead Corpse King suppressed his anger. He was about to explode with anger. He wanted to tear the human-faced spider and Zhou Yangshen to pieces, but he couldn't, if In this case, Zhou Yangshen will never be able to give him the antidote, and his friends will never be able to come back to life, but let him live this way with Lin Ye and the others, and he can see what Lin Ye and the others do. In his eyes, he knew that Lin Ye and the others were good people and wanted to devote themselves to this world, and Lin Ye and the others had done a lot of things that were helpful to him, so how could he attack his changed partner like this?He has already regarded Lin Ye and the others as his friends. He is not that kind of inhuman zombie, he is a corpse king with his own thinking, so he thinks he should not be controlled by Zhou Yangshen like this, so he will not agree to Zhou Yangshen His request, but if he does not agree to his request, he will not be given the antidote, then his friend will not be resurrected, the human-faced spider corpse king is very, very entangled.

Zhou Yangshen's words made the Scared Spider Corpse King very angry. He actually joked about his friend and said that he broke his word. He was the one who threatened him with his friend's life. It seems that this person has a thick skin The level, so the human-faced spider corpse king is angry, she is a corpse king after all. Wang, suddenly so angry, a little caught off guard, unprepared, after all, he is a pig, he is the corpse king, although his skill level is higher than him, but the corpse king after anger will reach a particularly terrifying power level Yes, a particularly terrifying level, a level that people can't expect at all, so the sudden outbreak of the character assistant network, and then all eight of his tentacles appeared from his back, and then his eyes became red, No matter how stupid he was, he let out a low howl in his throat, and then directed at Zhou Yang, with Shin Yil behind him, and then thought about Zhou Yangshen wanting to kick Zhou Yangshen away, then Zhou Yangshen flashed past, and then looked at the angry face The Spider Corpse King suddenly regretted being so talkative.

(End of this chapter)

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