Chapter 979 Outbreak
Unexpectedly, the most terrifying side of the people's assistant was brought out. Ah Zhen had to deal with such a terrifying people's assistant. If Lin Ye and the others took the opportunity to deal with him, he would be bad.1. Feeling besieged on all sides, but although it is like this, Zhou Yangshen is not very nervous, he just feels that there are some troubles, and he is not as easy to use as before, nor is he completely in the upper hand like before , because the corpse king after anger is not real, even a highest-level supernatural person can fight, but because the corpse king is not completely infected by the virus, he has a powerful force from himself Ability is not something they can easily deal with, so Zhou Yangshen still has some difficulty, and then at this moment, Qi Lian shouted: "Lin Ye, Li Jie should hurry up and attack now! He, the power of the corpse king after being angry will be greatly enhanced. Zhou Yangshen can be said to be evenly matched against him. If you join the battle, he will have the upper hand, and you have hope of winning. With such a powerful force, this is completely beyond what we can think of. Even so, Cecilia Cheung may win this game, and he may be defeated. Now it's up to you, you go ahead, Then don't let this human-faced spider corpse king get hurt, because they are the main force in your battle, so it means that you still have to win, hope, go to fight quickly, go quickly."

Lin Ye's mother heard Qi Lian's words, and rushed to attack Zhou Yangshen. With various abilities, she greeted Zhou Yangshen again. Zhou Yangshen looked at him angrily. He didn't expect to help him so much. Want to kill yourself like this?Does anyone want the person they like to die like this?Maybe he really didn't understand at all, what kind of feelings Qi Lian had for him, he would never be able to understand, why did Qi Lian want that Lin Ye and the others to kill him?But this is not what he wants to care about right now. What he wants to care about now is how to get out of the state in front of them as soon as possible, because it is enough for him to deal with a raging human-faced spider corpse king. It's easy to deal with. If he fights with Lin Ye and the others, he will have the upper hand, and there is always a possibility that he will not be able to beat him. He really didn't expect that the people's assistant would burst out with such powerful two toys. Lin Ye didn't expect it. Lin Ye and the others saw the hope of victory, and then the intensity and speed of the attack increased, so the human-faced beast was completely at a disadvantage, and it was completely difficult to be beaten, but this was not the biggest. The biggest problem is that the attack speed of the Man Faced Spider Corpse King is very fast, so fast that even Zhou Yangshen couldn't see his movements clearly, and then he didn't know where he came from at all, and then the central body was hurt. A lot of injuries, he really, is he really going to die here?His plan was shattered just like that, he was very unwilling, after all he had been planning for such a long time, and he was about to succeed, how could he be stopped by them?So he can't fall down, absolutely can't fall down, then the Man-faced Spider Corpse King stood up, and then dodged this villain, then that Zhou Yangshen stood up, escaped the fatal blow of the Man-faced Spider Corpse King, In this way, he came back to life, but after he took out a pill from his clothes and ate it for a test drive, he felt that the power in his body was continuously rising, and then Lin Ye and the others also felt the power in his body burst out suddenly It is very powerful, even stronger than before, it may have something to do with the pill he just took, not the pill he just took, what kind of pill made his power level suddenly increase so high, this is not a problem, the problem is The sudden increase in abilities made it impossible for Lin Ye and the others to inherit the protective cover that he raised outside his body again, but it had already been broken last time. This time it was still broken, but the protective cover became stronger than last time. If they are hardened, many corrupt officials can’t deal with them. The main reason is to cause attacks. Zhou Yangshen stood in the protective cover, looked at them very viciously and said: "I think you are too fantastic. One of them broke out after Will I compromise? I will be completely defeated by you. I think you are thinking too much. I, Zhou Yangshen, am I not prepared to fight with you? I know that after the outbreak, I will be very powerful. I also predicted this ability, so I prepared this skill. One year after the promotion is completed, he can also increase you by two times. You can’t see me in the first place, so you can fight, but now it has been improved by two times. , My you guys, you must be completely unable to beat me, really, alas, I don’t want to say it anymore, you think you can just explode yourself, is it really possible? Do you think you can really do it now? Grab my antidote, don’t daydream, it’s good to break out, I know, when you return to your original state and mention it to you, your body will be damaged, so if you break out like this once, it’s really killing a thousand enemies The kind that damages yourself by 10."

After being strengthened again, Zhou Yangshen became even more frightened, but Lin Ye and the others didn't take his frightening provocations seriously at all, and they were still very angry at his attacks on personnel housing. Mentioning this important issue made her even more sad. She never thought that the central government was such a person. He really should have come to him earlier and killed him, and he would not have prepared for it now. Here Waiting for them.They also kept attacking Zhou Yangshen's protective cover, slowly, slowly, preventing him from turning around, and cracks appeared again, and then touched his mesh, which broke again, and there was some panic on the table, I didn't expect to spend money for them again this time. It seems that their strength has greatly exceeded the range he thought. What he investigated before is that their strength is not so high, so any of them will give up at this opportunity to fight him. increase.He didn't know that it was Lin Ye and the others. Even when they encountered difficulties, they could wait for you to explode. It was very powerful. It made it stronger than ever before, and made him stronger than ever before, so he now has Some fears are also normal, because he felt Lin Ye's discussion, Lin Ye and Li Jie's abilities, he jumped directly, it was Bing Bing, an epic artist, but what he can feel now is that they are definitely more than that. .

(End of this chapter)

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