Chapter 980
Epic-level Iran may have jumped directly to the higher-level superpowers, which he did not expect at all. If the superpowers of each of them start to grow, or the merchants, it will be a completely oppressive fatal injury to him. I really didn't expect why they would suddenly explode so quickly and take this one-energy-enhancing webpage to him. Yes, because he took this medicine, his ability would be doubled. 201, they didn't take any How can the medicine enhance it?

Of course, it is impossible for Lin Ye and the others to think about Zhou Yangshen. They are just constantly launching various attacks on Zhou Yangshen. Without the protective cover, Zhou Yangshen can only keep defending them. If there is no attack, there is no way to fight back. Opportunity, it seems that he has completely won the upper hand, especially the upstart pig corpse king in front of him, his damage is very strong, and the eight touches are fast, attacking him wave after wave, Seeing that his whole body began to be covered with scars and bleeding, the whole person was really miserable, he no longer had the dazzling feeling before, nor did he have the feeling of special publicity and pride before. The momentum of being completely beaten is gone, and he is not as arrogant as before saying anything to Lin Ye and the others. At this time, he is already too busy to take care of himself, but regarding this point, he does not feel that he has already done it. He is still trying to find a way. He looked at Qi Lian Qilin next to him, who was also looking at him. Although he was about to lose, he didn't show any happy expression. He just looked at him very worried. It seemed that Qi Lianshan was saying that he wanted him. .Let him die, although he said let him die, but in his heart he didn't want him to die, but he couldn't say it out, after all he had done too many bad things, Qi Lian wanted to let him die, and then he and Go to hell with him.

Although he said so, how could he be willing to let him die like this, Zhou Yangshen, he would never be willing, so it is impossible to let them die like this, he will not let himself die so easily If it is lost, he must find a way to survive, and then tell them that he finally wants to.Now that Zhou Yangshen's goal has been decided, he must do it. If he can't do it, he won't say that, so they also thought about defeating him like this, and Zhou Yangshen who was thinking this way suddenly broke out Endless power, I don't know that he didn't take any medicine, it just came out, rushing, and at night, it went up to a corpse king.A level that even the corpse king can't reach is equal to 4. I don't know what's going on. Could it be that the central government has already hidden your strength, and you haven't really exploded your full strength against them at all?This was completely beyond their expectations. They didn't even think about it, and they had never seen Zhou Yangshen at this time for several years. Who could have sent him to the mailbox.Only Lin Ye and the others pushed Zhou Yangshen to this level, so this is the first time he has seen Zhou Yangshen become like this, but this is not a problem anymore, hey, the main reason is that he has become like this now, It feels that his ability has become so high, which is completely beyond the expectations of all of them. This is not something they can control, but they are not too anxious about this, because although they feel By the time Zhou Yangshen's ability level had improved, his thinking as a whole had begun to become very good.It's very chaotic, it doesn't look like a human being anymore, it seems to be slowly becoming somewhat chaotic, it doesn't look like other people's thinking, this is Lin Ye and Yu Qiran feeling them The two supernatural beings can feel this kind of thing that is different from what other people can feel. Regarding this change, they told Jinan Qilian that he was very surprised when he heard such words: "No way, could it be that he is in his own body?" Did he use his own body to use it in his own body, and did he release any strange things? Do you know? He is so crazy that he has experimented with his own body. He may have put something in his body to make him It has turned into the horror it is now. Send it back to your stuff. All kinds of things can have various effects. It may be that he invented some kind of drug that made him become the horror he is now. However, I am not too clear about this point. If he really took some medicine, although it really exploded, his real power is still so weak, so you don’t have to be too afraid. Even though it is enough for him to fight her, once the effect of his medicine wears off, he will no longer use such terrifying power, and he will also be exhausted by then, because his body can't bear the pain. High power level, so the most important thing for us now is to continue to fight him, not to relax, continue to consume him, and wait for the effect of the medicine to wear off. He will have no power to fight back, then you can defeat him, now He's righted, he's starting to feel like he's dying, kill him, kill him, and I'll go with him."

Feeling the meaning that Zhou Yangshen continuously leaked out, you can let them feel it too, some of them don’t go to the human field, if it’s really a drug-enhanced ability, then his should just be improved and won’t change, But now they feel that the attribute of this ability has completely changed. It is different from the previous attribute. Now it belongs to the very dark-type feeling. What is the reason for this?It is impossible to improve your abilities again, the attributes of the abilities have changed, and it is definitely not just the problem of improving the medicine, so Lin Ye and the others still feel that there are some problems, don’t remind each other, you must be careful, did not say He will definitely do it. There are other things that they don't know about, so they can't rush to attack now, and then they have to wait and see his changes and movements slowly, if he has any illnesses.If there are any changes and movements, they must act carefully and not be too impulsive, because now they don't understand Zhou Yangshen's situation at all?If the central city goes crazy and they can't control it, then it will be difficult at that time. It is not what they want to see if someone goes online now. After all, they now hope that no one can hurt the Internet, and then they can put the central city .There may be some stories about the plan to defeat Sun Zhou Yangshen, so realistic, but they must have a positive attitude in everything.

(End of this chapter)

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