Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 988 The Struggle Between Heaven and Man

Chapter 988 The Struggle Between Heaven and Man
Zhou Yangshen is still struggling. He obviously hasn't gotten rid of that person's control, but he is still working hard, and he doesn't know if he wants to get rid of that person's control. Anyway, up to now, he has been very uncomfortable, but listen When she got up, her whole body was trembling constantly, wanting him to talk to his lover very much now, but because his mind was controlled by others, he couldn't talk about me together, so he was fighting between heaven and man, He wants to grasp it. When her family is put together, he has to be mentally prepared and do these homework well. He is constantly growing. No. 2 and Li Jie are watching by the side. Don't want to get up, just passing by like this, what strange actions do you do as a businessman?They have to find a way to get this back, after all, they are here for this purpose now, and now that so-called Zhou Yang is struggling and uncomfortable, but obviously he is still staying away, and she doesn't want to hurt herself during this period Get up and think about it, and have been with him all the time. Although they are a strange combination now, so he hopes that he can still help him, help Zhou Yangshen, he is the one who can restore normal consciousness, and he himself Maybe everything he did before was not what he wanted to do. Maybe he has been controlled by others. This is also a possibility. After all, they have not really investigated it now. What happened at this time?I don't even know what happened in this way, if it wasn't for what happened, it is important, would I do such a crazy thing?So they really need to really think about it now, maybe these two days have really recited it on my desk, this is such an evil person, and they won't have any serious feelings for her. so.Now we need to investigate the reasons for it. In the future, they may really find out the different things. I would say that they must seriously think about it now. What is the problem?So they are guarding this Qilian here now because they are afraid that there will be some problems. After all, Zhou Yangshen still has to deal with it in the future. The main reason is that they don't know what it is now.He has no hope of success, but this is not something they can control. Well, things have come to this point, and no one has anything to say. I just hope that the central government can succeed.

And Zhou Yangshen is still struggling. He was thinking yesterday, and it was screaming in pain, because he is obviously controlled now, and it is difficult to extricate himself from his own thinking. His thinking is controlled, so it is said that he Now I really want to be controlled by Zhengtu, after all, he still has a certain ability to control himself, which is obviously the beginning of a lifelong romance.From a body twice as big, it slowly changed back to a normal body. Although he still held his head in pain, it was obvious that he had already made a step forward. He began to slowly control his body, Qi Lian also wanted to run over excitedly, grabbed him and said, and whispered to her 200 yuan, I hope he can successfully get rid of this person's control, after all, he wants to tell the real Zhou Yangshen what he thinks in his heart That sentence, only one sentence, was the sentence he wanted to say to Zhou Yangshen many years ago.

Central City, at this time his world was very dark, and then he returned to one, he saw the invisible enemy doing a constant struggle, he wanted to get rid of this person's enemy, his enemy was in fact many years ago Planted in this body, it has always felt that this enemy is still an enemy, and wants to control him, but because he mainly did the same method to his own thinking, so this enemy.There is no way to overcome it, but because he and Lin Ye were careless in their battles today, and their defense was accidentally attacked by Lin Ye and You Qiran, they bumped into an enemy she couldn't see, took advantage of the loophole, Being controlled by him, after being controlled by him, he didn't expect that he could not control his thinking at all, nor could he control his body.I don't know, the enemy is controlling his body, doing things she doesn't want to do, especially this person, who actually hurt Qilian Qilian's body and the most important person in his heart, how could he let himself His physical injuries are all up, so he wants to regain the dominance of his body, so he is desperately trying to wake up his mind, then he sees Qi Lian, he hears Qi Ming's voice, he hears that he is right What he said, this is the greatest encouragement to him, so he must work hard now, this invisible enemy has followed him since he was a child, making him somewhat.These crazy ideas are also because this invisible enemy is manipulating him, so he must now, oops, to succeed anyway, he must succeed, because he wants to use his own thinking, use his body , tell Qi Lian her expression, her opinion, and her confession to Qi Lian. She wants to hear her confession to herself, so he must be successful now, and only when he succeeds can he do these things , if he is not successful, everything he does now is a failure, so far, he does not want to repent for what he has done, he only knows that he must be with his lover now, as long as he is with his lover Together, let him give up, everything he does now is okay, after all this, he is still talking back to him, he, I said he is a very powerful enemy, and he doesn't know what this woman is, anyway, since he was a child With him, no one is implanted in her body, and he didn't come here on his own initiative. He used to think of many ways to drive this enemy out of his mind, but they all failed and did not succeed. , Now is the best time for him to drive him out. Since you have appeared, I will use my own powerful thinking ability to defeat you, because you are in my body, this body is mine, isn't it Yours, you can't occupy my body, so you have to get out of my body and say you want to show him some color.Zhou Yangshen is a very resolute person, he didn't even think about him, because he can do some things, you can imagine what a powerful enemy he has in his heart, if he does these things, then he can find a way Get this shop out.

But after all, this enemy has been in his body for such a long time, it can be said that it is not that easy to go out, but because he had no target before, and this enemy did not threaten him, so he did not take this woman seriously thing.

(End of this chapter)

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