Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 989 Success and Beginning

Chapter 989 Success and Beginning

Now, this point actually hurt his body seven years ago. Now it is his complete spiritual support, so he can do all things in the next few years.Everything is for Qi Lian, I have said so much, my mouth is dry after thinking so much, the most important thing now is to go on a business trip, Ting has been outside for the past few days to encourage herself and cheer everyone up, let Zhou Yangshen's mood exploded, and he felt that he could completely kick this enemy out of his body, because it was not invincible, it could be defeated, and he relied on his body to survive, so his body was made of He came to control, after all, he can defeat her, thinking about her body, living in his body, on his territory, must obey his arrangement, you think you control my mind, I can't beat her Come on, it's mainly a sneer, I, Zhou Yangshen, are not so easily controlled by others.Don't be too frivolous, you think you control my body and do these things, you think you have successfully controlled me, Zhou Yangshen helped me put on a figure, it's not so easy to be controlled, so, don't say too much , I’m about to expel you and tell you that since I wrote this novel, my eloquence has become very powerful, so you can’t say that I can’t beat Zhou Yangshen, you can’t beat Zhou Yangshen, you can’t win With Zhou Yangshen's powerful thinking, you are still sensible, so you automatically get out of my body. If I find out what you are, I will wipe you out and die without a place to bury you.

Mr. Zhu is very confident at this time. He feels that this enemy is not his opponent at all, because his spiritual pillar is Qi Lian, and the person he loves supports him outside, cheers him up, and cheers him up. Just now he confessed to his beloved, and her beloved thought he had confessed, this was his best effort, this was his biggest spiritual pillar, unexpectedly there is such a strong spiritual pillar.How can it be possible to control his thinking? That is completely impossible. So Zhou Yangshen is very confident now. This person is not his opponent at all. Now he is about to explode. Get out of your body, you He is not my opponent at all, so I can hum you now.It's so stupid to occupy my body. Although I grew up in my body since I was a child, I didn't care about you before, because you didn't control my body at all. Now you have controlled my body and hurt my beloved. This is not something I can bear until the middle three. Now he is very angry and very explosive. He is constantly looking for that enemy, and suddenly he sees the black shadow in the depths of his mind. This is the shadow she grew up with. that.As long as it looks exactly like him, who is this?who are you?What's going on in my body?anyway you.Get out of my body, no matter how much you look like me, you don’t say I am Zhou Yangshen, I, Zhou Yangshen, am still living as I am, and I am still an independent individual, there will never be another Zhou Yan, now in my body appeared, so get out of the body quickly.

Anyway, as I said so much before, Zhou Yangshen is trying to get rid of the control, but obviously it is not such a simple thing to get rid of. He still didn't succeed anyway, and then he washed his face and kept guarding her, afraid that she would play with them for a day, and then Because of this, Li Jie and Qilian have been guarding Qilian, but they are afraid that Zhou Yangshen will suddenly lose control and hurt Qilian, but all this is just the beginning, and no one knows what will happen next, but this is not the point. The point is not what is the point, I don’t know what the point is, anyway, the main purpose of our expression is to tell everyone that Zhou Yangshen constantly wants to get rid of that in order to be with Qi Lian, I don’t know what controls him The thinking thing, and Lian was afraid that he would give up suddenly, and then he was guarding her all the time. Anyway, that Lin Ye and the others are here because Lin Ye was seriously injured. middle.

Lin Ye had a strange dream when he was in a coma. In the dream, he said that he climbed up to the doctor again. The last time he was not a supernatural person, but an ordinary person, but he relied on his own survival instinct, She has been living in the doomsday for ten years, and she has lived so peacefully in these ten years, but she has never forgotten, and in these ten years and this doomsday, the hearts of all the doomsdays he has experienced, everyone and everyone Only when a person faces death will he show his true nature, so he doesn't know which economist he can stick to now. He has the ability to be in this doomsday If he lives well, ordinary Moshang cannot hurt him, and he has also discovered a truth.The stronger the ability he has, the greater the responsibility he has to bear. That's why he has experienced so many things now, from fighting a small mutant zombie at the beginning, to now he can defeat a very high-level zombie king , All of this experience now he is changing, constantly changing, Lin Ye doesn't know why he is still in a coma, why can't he wake up?Because that injury did not cause any fatal injury to her. Although the injury was very serious, he was still one after all.An epic-level power user, just with that kind of flesh injury, it is impossible for her to cause her current coma. He should have woken up a long time ago, but I don’t know what is preventing him from waking up. He can only continue to wake up The result is in a coma, he wants to wake up now, but he can't wake up, he can't control his eyes.He is now constantly immersed in a dream. This dream can be said to be a nightmare. This is back to his last time when the end just came, when he faced the fear and helplessness when the whole city turned into zombies. , he didn't know what to do next?His friends and relatives have all turned into zombies, and when they become zombies, the zombies lose their humanity. Without humanity, they don't care who you are, if they see you, they will kill you if they see you, and they will never say anything again. What, family affection, love, friendship, these don’t exist anymore, because the doomsday is the first shot that wipes out the humanity of the entire human being, and the doomsday can let you see what a real person is, and they are your true friends, although they say Being infected with the zombie virus is something uncontrollable, but you also thought at the time, if a person can maintain his rationality after being infected with the zombie virus, then this person is definitely a very strong person.

(End of this chapter)

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