Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 990 Experience

Chapter 990 Experience
At the beginning of the doomsday, Lin Ye tried his best to survive, and after encountering zombies, he kept running away, running away, from running away to learning how to defeat these zombies, to thinking about how to make himself stronger, and slowly In this world, supernatural beings began to appear. This kind of people, they have themselves, and they can face zombies without fear at all, because they have the supernatural power to kill zombies directly. These supernatural powers, at that time Lin Ye was very envious, why didn't he have supernatural powers?If he wants to, he must live well in the apocalypse, but although he had no supernatural powers at that time, he still gained ten years in this apocalypse. How did he avoid these zombies in these ten years? I have learned a lot of skills, survival skills, I just started, Lin Ye still believes that those partners I met, when he and that little partner show their true colors, they will look like Lin Ye again and again. Only then did I realize that you can’t really trust anyone in the apocalypse. The only person you can trust is yourself. Only yourself can protect yourself. Others cannot be trusted. Then Lin Ye has always followed this principle. In the apocalypse He lived in it for ten years, but it was not until he died that he believed that he, a person who had been with him for 5-6 years in the doomsday, betrayed him and pushed him into the group of zombies, Lin Ye He was bitten to death by zombies. Before he died, he couldn't believe that that person actually betrayed him, so after his rebirth, Lin Ye had always planned to never believe anyone, but after his rebirth, he , when they have such a powerful ability, they also have so many partners who sincerely pay for them, such as Xuewu, I, Xiao Wu, have been following him since the end of the world, fighting side by side with him, going through Countless tribulations, they came together to learn, ignoring one of his bright spots in the doomsday, which is also his support point, and then Li Jie, he and Li Jie spent a lot of time together, Li Jie is a very A person who values ​​love and friendship, he has always regarded Li Jie as his good brother, and he is also a person who makes him give his heart, and Xin Yu and Xin Yu are the two of them who have the grace to save each other's lives, which is also unacceptable Erased, Xin Yu is still very loyal, and then let's talk about Yu Qiran, Lin Ye doesn't know him very well. After all, when they first met You Qiran, Yu Qiran wanted to Let them die, but now.Now that You Qiran and You Qiran have been fighting side by side for such a long time, but Li also knows that he is also a rare good friend, and the friendship of other people is slowly tempered after getting along together, including Yi Although Eliel has no strength until now, he has been following them and constantly wants me to help them.What are you busy with?Lin Ye felt that he was not alone with them, so he would rather think that he could no longer be in such a coma. They were all waiting for him. He knew that these good partners and his family members were all waiting for him.

That's right, they are all waiting for him, he will continue to hang around like this, his friends, his family may be in danger, everyone is waiting for him to make a decision, he is the team and the family If he falls down, if he stays unconscious like this, then their whole family will collapse, his family.I am in trouble, and I may even fall into death, so Lin Ye, you must wake up, and you can’t go into a coma anymore, so Lin Ye said this to cheer himself up, but he still can’t wake up, I don’t know what it is Things were suppressing it, preventing it from waking up, and then he was still immersed in his nightmare, immersed in her.How was he betrayed by his most trusted friend last time?In the previous life, she was pushed into the group of zombies, the faces of the zombies that rushed towards her, and the pain of being bitten, Lin Ye never forgot all of that, it was all he experienced. Yes, it was also because of that experience that he had to have this ability. He was thinking that she must have the ability. In this life, she must live more chicly, no longer relying on others, just relying on herself , you can live in the apocalypse, that is, this kind of courage has allowed Lin Ye to persevere until now. His abilities are constantly improving, and his strength is also constantly growing. The current Lin Ye can be regarded as this He is one of the ones with the highest level of abilities in the world, so he feels that he is really important now. Although his ability is very strong now, he also knows his responsibility and you and him.Since he has a high comprehension ability, he must take on the responsibility of protecting the world. Since he has to take on this responsibility, Lin Ye, you can't continue to mess around here. You have to find a way to wake up, and you don't have to worry about this anymore The thing that suppressed him into a coma continues to suppress it, and only constant mental struggle can break free from it.Suppressing and breaking away from this kind of control will become a confusing thing in this Zhu Keke case. All of this is what he wants to do, and it is also because of all this that Lin Ye can't give up, she can't give up, she has to give up this world what to do?The world is waiting for his redemption, he can hear everyone's love for him, he still remembers what Cavaliers said to him, he remembers what he said to him, including Ling Wei, before he left How to expect a divorceI hope he will bring back Zhou Yangshen's head. Isn't all this for them?He, Lin Ye, was not trying to save the world, nor was it for anything. Everything he did to him was for his friends, his friends, who had expectations of him.He can do anything just for these friends of his. All of this is for him. These friends are not for some world. Although Lin Ye is powerful, this world is not what he wants , what he wants is to live with his friends, if these, but without it in this world, he cannot be with his friends, so in order to be with friends, he must protect the world, and you have to Knowing that his responsibilities are very strong, he has a lot of responsibilities, he has many things to do, and he will ask for many things, so Lin Ye has thought clearly about all of this, they have already thought clearly, why Still can't wake up, I don't know why he can't wake up, I'm also wondering why he can't wake up, why can't I wake up?Lin Ye asked me, and I don't know if you ask me.

(End of this chapter)

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