Chapter 991 A Kiss
Xue Wu, who was still outside, could also see that Lin Ye was struggling constantly. With her frowning, she knew that Lin Ye must be waking up now. Feeling Lin Ye's inner struggle, but he didn't know how to help Lin Ye, and then he told Xin Yu his thoughts. After all, Xin Yu is a very smart person. If Xin Yu can understand, he can come up with It would be the best way to help Lin Ye wake up. After all, they need Lin Ye very much now, and Lin Ye needs them very much. They help Lin Ye wake up. And Qi Lian and the others haven't come back yet, how are they doing now?Has Zhou Yangshen regained his sanity? All of this needs to wait for Lin Ye to wake up, and Li must also wake up. If Lin Ye is not familiar with it, then they are all playing here, and the whole world will be over.

Xin Yu listened to Xue Wu's words, and then thought about it. Since Lin Ye was struggling, it meant that Lin Ye wanted to wake up. It wasn't because Zhou Yangshen had hurt him so much, nor was it because Zhou Yangshen attacked her. The one who made Lin Ye unconscious now, the reason why Lin Ye is unconscious now must be caused by him.Suppressed by his mental ability, maybe Lin Ye is thinking about something in his mind now, something that he finds unacceptable, so he is very suppressed now, and his mental ability is suppressing him, making him unable to continue To wake up from the terrible things he was thinking about, he could only fall asleep like this. If he wanted to wake Lin Ye up, he had to think of the things he wanted to do, the good things he said he had experienced , Then Xin Yu thought of this, and told Xiao Wu about this idea. Xue Wu thought about what Lin Ye thought was good, and what you might think was good, that was being with friends like them. This might be what Lin Ye thought most. It's a beautiful thing. What Li Jie can protect now is not the whole world, but his friends. It is these friends that he wants to protect. For these friends, he can do anything. He can go through fire and water. He can do everything, so he doesn't know what Lin Ye wants. Xuewu thought about it, and suddenly thought of Lin Ye's deep kiss to him that time, maybe This kiss can wake up this Lin Ye, maybe it is, Xue Wu didn't think much about it, and then lowered his head and kissed Lin Ye's mouth in a fake way. The sudden attraction of retirement was really frightening. Suddenly, I didn't expect that the beautiful thing that Xue Wu thought of was actually this thing.

No one knows whether it is right for him to do this, and whether it will work, but Xuewu did it, and he did it without thinking too much, thinking that only by doing this, Lin Ye would definitely feel him. Everything in his mind, after all, he and Lin Ye have been together for so long, Lin Ye must understand her, and so must he.I didn't get it wrong, that's what Lin Ye thought, and he thought so too, and everything was thought that way, and the one who thought this way was right, well, he did it anyway, and after he stood up, he looked at Lin Ye. Ye, Lin Ye's brows are no longer so frowning, slowly, slowly, Lin Ye's eyes opened, just like that, because of Xue Wu's kiss, Lin Ye's eyes opened .Wow, she finally woke up, Lin Ye finally woke up, their spiritual pillar finally woke up, all of this is due to the whirlpool, he understood correctly, she really knows Lin Ye best, Lin Ye and her are The one who has been together the longest, so she knows Lin Ye best, and Lin Ye knows him best, and you have already felt his other me, what he thinks in his heart.I think I've caught up with him too. Everything he thinks in his mind is something that the two of them can only explain between the two of them. Anyway, um.

"Lin Ke, you finally woke up. You don't know how worried I am about you. I thought you would never wake up again, but I just felt the struggle you were thinking in your heart. You want to feel the world , you must be able to feel the beauty of this world. Anyway, you have been struggling to wake up, but there is no way to wake up. Thankfully, I didn’t get it wrong. So, Brother Lin, you have woken up like this now. I’m very happy, anyway, um, I understand correctly, I really know Brother Lin best.” Youwu hugged Lin Ye very excitedly, and Lin Ye also helped them, thinking that he was still struggling , was struggling from being unable to wake up, and then suddenly the voice of nothingness and Xuewu's touch came into his mind, Xuewu rescued her from her struggle, and it turns out that the whirlpool understood him, Xuewu He really knows what he wants to do, so he has nothing else to say, um, what kind of person is this?Anyway, I have to write something about Xiao Wu, otherwise he can't wake up from the coma, and I wake up.

"Okay, silly girl, did I wake up like this? Don't worry anymore. I can feel it now. The power in my body is constantly improving. My ice ability and mental ability My abilities are constantly improving, and I'm about to break through the tenth level, so don't be afraid, is there still a way to save me in this world? There is still a way to save me, we really have no way to continue being wretched anymore, We must now make the right choice in such a tight time. I am no longer afraid of Zhou Yangshen, even if it is a mutated Zhou Yangshen, I am no longer afraid. I now have the confidence to defeat him. You guys Believe me too, but why do you think there are fewer people? What about Yu Qiran and Li Jie, where did the two of them go? Why didn’t I see the two of them? It’s just you, so blame me, I shouldn’t I was too impulsive, and I was injured by Zhou Yangshen, but this is also a helpless thing, but I have come to my senses now. In fact, Zhou Yangshen's injury did not cause me much physical damage. The reason why I can't wake up is because Because of spiritual things, I always feel that something is suppressing me mentally, and I don’t know what is suppressing me. I am also very scared and entangled, but I have woken up now. I have already figured out how to deal with Zhou Yangshen, what about Li Jie and the others? Am I right that the two of them will still be fighting Zhou Yangshen? They must not be impulsive, Jin and the two of them are invincible. , especially the ability level of the mutated body, which has improved his ability. It is definitely not something that Li Jie and Liu Jing can let them deal with. It's a psychic, how could I sell Zhou Yangshen to them, let them calm down, do you know where they went?"

(End of this chapter)

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