Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 992 The Great War Is Coming

Chapter 992 The Great War Is Coming
"The two of them fell asleep when they slept, and they couldn't let go of Zhou Yangshen when they got up. As for the wedding, it wasn't because you were impulsive, but because when Zhou Yangshen attacked me, you saved me, Lin Ye, and you saved me again. On my side, I really can't repay you, so I think that when you can find a way to defeat Zhou Yangshen, I also hope that I can contribute. What do you want? What kind of help do you want? , I can help both of them. The two of them are now returning to the central government to bring Qi Lian back. They don’t know why. They haven’t come back until now, and I don’t know if Zhou Yangshen has come back again. What kind of ability to explode, you can try to use psychic powers to contact them now, let it go, see if they have other things, if there is nothing else, we will rush over now and ask how your physical injuries are now? Do you want to continue the treatment? What kind of medicine do we need here? You can say, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it. You think I am really grateful to you for saving me from being sick twice, I don’t know very much now, I don’t know what language to use to express my current mood, I will definitely, you are the best brother I have met, the one who can save others by sacrificing himself in the end This kind of spirit, really. It's too little, too little, so little that I will never see it again, I thought I would never see this kind of spirit again, but you would rather you let me know, human nature is the same in the end It exists because of your existence, so that human nature has not been wiped out, so you are the hope of mankind, you are the hope of the whole world, you can't have any accidents, I am willing to protect you, and sacrifice myself in order to flatter you." Xin Yu said, what he said was very sincere, all of this was in his heart, and he wanted to say these words to Lin Ye a long time ago, that is, when Lin Ye used his body to protect her, she I wanted to say this to Lin Ye, but I never had the chance. Now that he can finally say this to Lin Ye, he is also very happy.

Speaking of which day, when Lin Ye and Xue Wu met for the first time, the two got off topic, and then Lin Ye really recovered, and then he also felt that his power level had broken through the epic level, but breaking through the epic level skill did not After reaching a new level, it feels like Lin Ye is not very clear, after all, it is the first time he has experienced such a thing, and he doesn't know what's going on, but this is not what he said to be concerned about now. The most concerned issue now is the safety of Li Jie and You Qiran.And Qi Lian, I wonder what happened to the three of them?What is Zhou Yangshen's situation now?Now he is very eager to go back to see what is going on with them. Of course, Xuewu and Xinyu also know how anxious he is now, but they also know that he is still injured after all. Come here, don't go there in such a hurry, it's better for these two to check their own wounds and deal with the location of their injuries. Although they are very anxious now, they are also very worried about the three.Those three people, but they can't be used together now, they must save their strength, because the real war is coming, it is a war that can't be locked, Nana, this war will determine whether human beings will perish This war will determine whether there will be human beings on the earth. This war will determine whether this world will be destroyed. This war will show whether the zombies have lost their victory or human beings have won. ?After so many years, they have been fighting constantly. Zombies and humans have been lost. They were born from the same root, so there is no need to fight each other. They were originally human, but because this zombie was infected with the zombie virus, they became If they kill zombies and then become zombies, they lose their humanity, and if they lose their humanity, they start to attack humans, no matter what relationship this human has with him before his death, even if they were the best relatives and closest lovers before his death, Or best friends, but they turn into zombies and attack them.Because they don't have their memory as human beings, their humanity as human beings, and the most basic things of human beings, they no longer exist, so are they the new species that the central government said?Could it be that what Zhou Yangshen said is that the entire human race will perish, and then humans will become zombies. Is the zombies a new species that will replace humans to rule the earth?Did Zhou Yangshen think so?It's Zhou Yangshen's mental illness. We can't measure what he thinks with his thinking. Normal people can't predict what expression Zhou Yangshen is thinking, including why Zhongyang Sheng is constantly struggling now. The reason he is struggling now is for Qi Lian, although he said it was for Qi Lian, he himself didn't want to be controlled. He wanted to be a zombie with his own thinking. If he actually had his own thinking, then it wasn't the new zombie she said. Species, now it is not the new species he said, then his own plan will fail, and promoting himself is meaningless at all, I didn't expect this.He is determined to go his own way, completely ignoring other people's advice, thinking that everything he thinks is right, including what her dearest Qi Lian owes him, which he doesn't understand. For a person like Zhou Yangshen, alas, I don't want to talk about him anymore, let's talk about others.

I don't know why, the more you feel that your heart is very hot, as if something is about to burst out, but what is it?You don't know that he hasn't felt this thing, what is it that makes his chest so hot?Let him have the feeling that he can't vomit?So although he has woken up now, he was hit.Then Zhou Yangshen's injury to him has no anti-cancer effect on him, but he still feels very uncomfortable in his body. This feeling is different from the feeling he was promoted before. Isn't this Jin Jie? ?what is this?Is he still being controlled by something?It's something he doesn't know at all. It's not a reason at all. He thought of it randomly. He wanted to tell me about Xuewu and Xinyu, but he didn't want the two of them to be troubled by it, so Lin Ye wanted to Let yourself worry yourself, but can't figure it out, what is this for, so tired?Why are you so tired?Why let the end come to this world?what is this?Why?Why did Doomsday have to come to this world? If Doomsday hadn't come to this world, Lin Ye wouldn't have experienced so many things. How could this novel have appeared because of Lin Ye's unproven things?It doesn't appear in this novel, I can be so tired, is it the wedding candy that is bitter?Well, we are not complaining about this thing now, what we are talking about now is why is Lin Ye's chest getting hot?What exactly is he trying to explode?What was the point of his explosion?What did he burst out of?Seeing Lin Ye's uncomfortable appearance, Xuewu also guessed what Lin Ye was worrying about, although he didn't know what he was worrying about, but Xuewu knew that he was worrying, so he told Xinyu Xinyu his thoughts, I told Ling Wei, because I told Yier, I told those half-human, half-zombie people, and then these people were all troubled by Lin Ye, and Lin Ye didn't know it, he thought it was him who was troubled, but Everyone else is worrying about her. Although so many people are worrying about him, no one can figure out what is she worrying about?I don't know what he's bothered about.

(End of this chapter)

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