Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 993 Compliance with Principles

Chapter 993 Compliance with Principles
Suddenly, Li felt that the ice-type abilities and spiritual abilities in his body were constantly increasing, and that kind of ability was constantly increasing, filling his whole body. The feeling of this ability was better than his previous ability than his epic level The ability is even higher. Is this feeling that the lock is about to explode is the feeling that he is about to advance?It's completely different from all the previous promotions. This feeling of comfort is the first time he has experienced it. Is this the feeling of breaking through the bottleneck at the epic level?This feeling is really very comfortable, and then I feel a steady stream of supernatural powers. This is a very abundant power in Lin Ye's body, which makes him feel that he is completely capable now, and he can defeat anything, including Zhou Yangshan. He can organize the destruction of this season, it can prevent the demise of this human being, all of this comes from these abilities, which gave him such confidence.

Then obviously other people also discovered this change in Lin Ye. After seeing Lin Ye's promotion, she got a higher power level, and what he got was more things. He will save the world. He's going to be the savior of the world because he's the best.

"Okay, I didn't expect my attack to succeed so quickly, then we will go to find Li Jie and some people, we can't let them stay there anymore, in case they get hurt, we It would be too bad if we didn’t get there in time, we must hurry up now, we can’t waste any more time, and we can’t continue to stay like this anymore, let’s find them as soon as possible, and then fight, Zhou Yangshen, and anyway it’s this The world is about to watch this battle, this station will determine the survival of this world, they must go all out, use their whole body strength, and then try their best to fight each other the whole world, try their best to let the whole human being continue to live in this world They don't want to let zombies occupy this world, and they don't want this world to become a kingdom of zombies. No one wants to take over this world because of zombies, and there will be no good results. When all human beings are extinct, zombies One day it will perish, because there are no human beings, and zombies cannot live alone. This is a relatively obvious interdependence, but human beings do not need zombies, and the third is human beings. Human beings are not like 30 years old, they must To eradicate all the zombies, the doomsday must end, the doomsday has been standing for so many years, he must end, they are going to return to the most normal life, then all this long-cherished wish, all of this, is here Look at this battle, if this battle is successful, then their doomsday world will come to an end, if this battle fails, then what they are facing will be real destruction, real destruction, real destruction Disappear, and will never exist in this world again," Lin Ye said, he was not reconciled, he lived in two cities in the end of the day, the first was living in the end of the day for ten years, but he did not see the end of the end of the day , just constantly in the doomsday, experiencing all of this, sad and sad again and again, disappointment again and again, and this time he was reborn in the doomsday again, this time he saw not only The loss of humanity in the doomsday, he also saw the human side, he also called him husband, he can sacrifice himself to save his friends, his lover, his home, people, these are all he wants to protect, and there is These are to be guarded.He will not let the world be easily destroyed. What he wants to save is not the world. What he wants to save is the homeland on which his family members live. To save these, he is constantly working hard. So, for these things, he is constantly improving. If there is no if, this is still him in the last life. She will not work hard until now. He would rather let this world be destroyed, and he will not work hard until now, because last time he He only saw the dehumanization of human beings, with disgusting faces, Lin Ye wished he could destroy the world too, but it was different now, he saw so many beautiful things and things.Of course he doesn't want this world to be destroyed, he wants this world to continue to exist here, and he doesn't want human beings to be destroyed in this world, because he can't deny the whole world of human beings because of one-sided people, some people are still Even in the face of desperation, even in the face of death, he will not lose his own nature, and this is the real human being.Unlike those human beings who have lost their humanity when they are facing death, they are not even as good as animals, so what he wants to do now is not to save the world, nor to preserve the entire human race. What he has to do now is to protect her family members, protect these Home, people have this place to live, to protect them, to live on, to protect them, not to disappear from this world, to protect them, to continue to live, to protect them, and to be together, all this is his Purpose, the world has nothing to do with him, nor does the demise of human beings have nothing to do with him. His purpose now is to protect Xuewu, Li Jie, let it go, Xin Yu, Ling Wei, Yier, and those in the city who are constantly fighting for Those who survive, he is protecting these, not those who in order to survive, destroy their humanity, and then betray their companions, let their companions sacrifice to protect themselves, that kind of people should die long ago, even if the end is over, Lin Ye I also think that kind of people are very damnable, and their death is the best result. He doesn't want to protect those people now, and it feels disgusting to think of those people, so what she wants to protect now is only these, He said that people who really love, protect these, people can live and protect them is Lin Ye's spiritual pillar that supports him, up to now, supporting him for so many years, so many years, because of his mother, he is constantly working hard It is because of them that we are constantly moving forward, because of them we can go to the end, in front of Zhou Yangshen, Zhou Yangshen brought the doomsday to this world, and Zhou Yangshen's annihilation is to take this doomsday away from this world, everything , Zhou Yangshen is the beginning, everything, Zhou Yangshen is also the end of this farce, the end is just a farce, and when the farce finally ends, that sentence can't rule reality, reality is what this world wants , the reality is that human beings are the world of this world, and human beings must live in the world, and the world also needs human beings. This is what Lin Ye knows. He abides by his own principles. His principles are like this. He doesn't like His companions disappeared from this world.

(End of this chapter)

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