Chapter 994

Then he must protect this world and protect his companions. No matter who the enemy is or how powerful the enemy is, Lin Ye will make himself stronger, just to protect her friends, protect these friends, and not let Being swallowed up by this darkness, he wants to use his powerful ability and his powerful back to protect his friends who depend on each other.

Now that it has been decided, no one will continue to do anything, why are you thinking about it like this, no one is thinking about what they decided to do?This is the end of the matter, this is the only way to go, this is the end of the matter, there is only continuous progress, this is the end of the matter, only the continuous prevention of Zhou Yangshen, this is the end of the end, it is the end of the matter, it is really a matter That's it.

Now that it has been decided, they must rush back to see Lin Lijie and Yu Qiran. They can't let the two of them stay there anymore, and then everyone will go together this time, and no one will be behind the wretched old man. , because this battle is life or death, even if I am wretched in the back, I will not escape the two choices in this sentence, and Lin Ye is dead, what is the use of them staying here?Ling Wei and the others have also thought about it. If you die, you will die. No one will die one day. It is an honor for them to die to protect the world. My hero, die as soon as you die, no one is afraid of death, everyone will die one day, and you will die sooner or later.

They decided, and then they were ready to set off, and set off to that place. After the decision was made, they set off, set off, and set off to the position where Zhou Yangshen was. At the position where Zhou Yangshen was, Zhou Yangshen was still struggling very much. Now he wanted to break through, he drove to break through it, because he felt Qi Lian's call, the call from Qi Lianyou's sincerity, but for some reason, he still had no way, no way to break through that control, this control, It is too deep-rooted for him, this control makes him unable to do anything, these pants make him unable to recover his own meaning, he has no way to control his thinking, he has no way to use his own thinking to talk to his beloved Qi Lian .

And at this time, Lin Ye and a large group of people rushed over. After seeing so many people, especially Li Jiehe, they were surprised to see that Lin Ye had recovered, and then they probably told them After looking at Lin Ye's basic situation, I didn't expect Lin Ye to be promoted so soon. Li Jie and Yu Qiran also expressed their great happiness with them, because they saw that they hoped that Lin Ye was their hope, and that Lin Ye was everything. The hope of human beings, Lin Ye is the hope of all mankind, and you are also the hope of this earth. All hopes are pinned on Lin Ye, and they are only Lin Ye's assistants. They want to assist Lin Ye to complete this task that everyone pins on The hope in him, as long as the hope is in that world, it will not be destroyed, and the central heart is now roaring at them, because Zhou Yangshen is completely swallowed by that thing now, he has completely lost his thinking, and has become a A terrifying monster, his body soared and became very tall again, and then he continued to attack the surrounding buildings, Qi Lian.Seeing what it is now, Zhou Yangshen is full of sadness and sorrow, sighing that she doesn't know what to do, he doesn't know what to do to help him, and then, um, he saw Zhou Yangshen in pain, and he also It was very painful, he wanted to help Zhou Yangshen, she didn't want Zhong Ren to be in such pain, and then he knelt down in front of Lin Ye, Lin Ye didn't expect Qi Lian to act like this, he didn't know what Qi Lian did.

"Qi Lian, what are you going to do? Get up quickly, let's talk if you have anything to say."

"You think I'm begging you, please kill Zhou Yangshen, I don't want him to continue to suffer like this, I know you have become very powerful now, you can defeat him, although he has now become Such a monster, but I believe you can defeat him, look at him now, she is in great pain, he does not want to be controlled by this monster, but this monster insists on controlling her, there is no way to break free from the control of this monster, he wants to If you want me to know the thoughts you express to me, I can understand her pain now, and now I can only rely on you, Lin Ye, I beg you, please let him be free, he has been ruled by this world For so many years, he has been trapped in this world all his life. The end is not what she wants, what she wants is liberation, what he wants is freedom, so everything depends on you, please You, Lin Ye." Qi Lian knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Lin Ye constantly, no matter how hard Lin Ye pulled her, she couldn't get up, because he wanted to do what he could do now, and what he did for Zhou Yangshen was just There were only these things and nothing else. He didn't know what to do. Zhou Yangshen had completely lost his will now, maybe Zhou Yangshen had already lost his will.Now the body has been controlled by this monster, this monster has controlled him, occupied her body, released his thinking from his mind, the director must be squatting somewhere now, very lonely crying, she It is very necessary to get up, when you criticize, you can feel Qi Lian, you can feel Qi Lian, you can feel his loneliness. Now, people can't wait to accompany her right away, but now she doesn't know where to find Zhou Yangshen, so he now I beg Lin Ye, let you kill Zhou Yanchun too, and then he will die with Zhou Yangshen, and he will go to hell with Zhou Yangshen, so he has already made up his mind about this plan, now it's up to Lin Ye , He pinned all his hopes on Lin Ye, and hoped that Lin Ye would give him a relief, let's give Zhou Yangshen a relief.

"Qi Lian, don't worry, I have already made a decision, I have made a decision, I naturally know what you are thinking, I will let him untie it, I already know it now, I am now myself How great is the responsibility on us, this is the last battle, this is our last battle against the doomsday, as long as we win this battle, the doomsday will be driven away by us, and our previous life will also come, I don't dare, I don't care what path you choose in the future, even if you go with Central Shen, you must remember that we will always be friends, and the things we have experienced together, don't worry, I will definitely help you The one who fulfills your last wish, Zhou Yangshen, will definitely be liberated. Regardless of whether death is atonement or liberation for him, death belongs to him, and its final result is only death. Qi Lian, you are different, You have many choices like this, it depends on how you choose when the time comes."

(End of this chapter)

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