Online game technology flow hunter

Chapter 103 108 How to unlock?

Chapter 103 Chapter 108 How to unlock?
"Uh, haha, this one."

Ignoring Von's embarrassment, Zuo Jiuning continued, "Then you two died, did Mr. Haojiu kill himself?"

"Uh, huh, that's about it."

"Ahahahaha!" Zuo Jiuning burst out laughing.

This is so funny!
He was not killed by a monster, but killed by cannibalism!

The reason for the cannibalism is to fight for the chance to strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman!
The more Zuo Jiuning thought about it, the more he couldn't stop laughing!

And Von also changed from embarrassment at the beginning to getting darker and darker, and finally turned around and went down the steps, Zuo Jiuning clutched the abs that had grown out of laughing and quickly followed.

The first box that Zuo Jiuning and Von encountered was the most common wooden box, but it was such an ordinary box that made the two of them have a hard time --- they didn't fight monsters, so they didn't have keys, and they didn't have lockpicking skills!
"Why don't I turn off the skills so that the monsters can approach us?" After walking for so long, Von finally realized that the reason why he couldn't meet the monsters was not because of his character, but because of his [Light of Redemption] race. Natural skills.

"No, no, no, wait/a/second, don't be impulsive." Zuo Jiuning hurriedly stopped Von, but she had never encountered such a situation in her previous life, so she didn't have relevant knowledge, "I'll go to the forum first See if there are any relevant strategies."

With that said, Zuo Jiuning opened the forum, entered "event box opening, no key, no assassin" in the search box, and clicked search.

Sure enough, a bunch of posts turned up in the search results, but most of them were complaining or cursing the game's development team.

Zuo Jiuning quickly flipped through the articles, none of which were useful.

In the end, she finally turned to an official guide that was not very useful: destroy the lock itself and it can be opened.

And the followers of this post are all a bunch of people who have tried various methods to unlock the lock, such as throwing various skills upwards, hacking with weapons, and even some people trying to unlock the lock with the real lockpicking method.
However, so far, none of them have succeeded, and the posts are full of curses.

If none of these methods are right, what is the right way?

Zuo Jiuning began to think.

break the lock itself
break the lock

The ice in charge of the goddess Alice can freeze and shatter all things, and it is easy to destroy this lock naturally.

There is only one problem.
Zuo Jiuning remembered what Alice said to her in the tent: "Loki, the god of pranks, is in this underground exploration activity for you adventurers."

And Alice used reasons not to enter this activity before.
In addition, Alice is really in charge of freezing, and it is not known to other gods, especially the high-level gods.
Zuo Jiuning came to the conclusion that Alice probably didn't want to expose the ice under her control to Loki.
this will be troublesome
Although Zuo Jiuning didn't care what would happen to Alice, she didn't like intervening in the issues between the Protoss. Her favorite role was to be a spectator rather than a participant, and only a spectator could see the overall situation.

what to do then
"Did you find anything, sister Dionysus?" Von asked anxiously.

"Hum officials said that as long as the lock is disabled, it can be opened." Zuo Jiuning truthfully told Von the information collected on the forum and her speculation, "However, the lock seems to have some special additional effects, except for the thieves. Any kind of skills other than lockpicking skills are useless."

"Oh, that's easy."

"Simple?" Zuo Jiuning raised her eyebrows.

Von took out a transparent polyhedron bottle, poured the black liquid inside on the lock, and waited for the liquid to seep into the rusty lock.

Zuo Jiuning raised his eyebrows, but didn't ask, but carefully observed the changes in the locks.

After 1 minute, the color of the locks with the green patina started to change, getting darker and darker.
Finally, the entire lock turns charcoal black.

Seeing that the lock had turned black, Von went up and fiddled with the lock, Zuo Jiu stared at it carefully.

After fumbling up, down, left, and right for a while, Von made a puzzled voice: "? Is it useless?"

(End of this chapter)

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