Online game technology flow hunter

Chapter 104 110 Romantic Zuo Jiuning

Chapter 104 Chapter 110 Romantic Zuo Jiuning
Avery's final answer to Zuo Jiuning was unexpectedly simple: "Didn't you recommend this online game some time ago? But I don't like to play other people's designed things, so I asked for a real NPC seat through the authority of the company director." .what's wrong?"

Faced with such a simple, normal, and reasonable answer honestly given by Avery, Zuo Jiuning knew that he had obviously found the wrong breakthrough.

So Zuo Jiuning just replied: "There is nothing you need to consider, see/ya~"

"Hum" Avery, who was hung up on the other side, shrugged and put down the phone.

If Zuo Jiuning thinks it is necessary, he will definitely make a request to Avery unceremoniously, and the same is true for Avery.

Since Zuo Jiuning thinks it is unnecessary and has nothing to do with his plan, Avery has no interest in thinking about it.

as for her own plans
Worse yet is "the one" in development
As long as "that" is developed, Zuo Jiuning will help her get it.

The only "that" that can help her realize her ideal.
This is also the agreement between Avery and Zuo Jiuning.

Avery provides Zuo Jiuning with all resources, and Zuo Jiuning will help her realize her dream.

This ideal is Avery's only ideal, and it is also her ideal that will never change.

Avery wants to realize this ideal, and she will realize this ideal.

After Zuo Jiuning hung up the phone, he removed the signal interference, looked at the monitor again, and found that Aikewa had already logged off the game and was eating ice cream in the kitchen, while Ye Xi had gone offline.

These two people are too anxious to do things, she just made a phone call, so many things happened
There was still more than an hour before the appointment with Von to go online again, and Zuo Jiuning had nothing else to do, so she went downstairs to find Aikewa.

Seeing Zuo Jiuning going downstairs, Aikewa was a little surprised and asked, "You're actually going offline?"

"Wow! Do I give you the impression that you're a geek?" Zuo Jiuning raised his eyebrows, "I'm good at playing games, gambling, socializing, studying, and drinking~"

Indeed, as long as Zuo Jiuning is not doing any continuous special tasks, he will take time off the assembly line to go to the bar for a drink basically every day. Now in reality, he also has open contacts with several beautiful and handsome guys at the same time, basically about 5 times a week According to the standard of ordinary people, the normal sex/life/life is no longer a home.

However, humans are creatures that cannot stand comparison.

Zuo Jiuning generally doesn't look very homey, but the problem is that her two roommates, one is Aikewa who regards the library as half of her home, and the other is Ye Xi who regards parties as her life, no matter which of them She spent much more time outside than her, so she was regarded as a home girl by her two roommates in comparison.

Because of this, Aikewa didn't bother arguing with Zuo Jiuning because of the different evaluation standards. After all, she knew that she couldn't speak up to Zuo Jiuning, so she directly changed the subject: "Beer?"

"yes, please."

Aikewa opened the refrigerator casually, took out a can of beer and threw it to Zuo Jiuning.

Zuo Jiuning caught it: "Thanks~I/love/you, Ava~"

"You/are/welcome." Ekova said while eating ice cream, "By the way, Xixi went to the bar just now, why don't you go to the bar too?"

"Wait, what's wrong with you today? Don't you usually advise us not to go to bars?!"

Aikewa sighed: "Xixi was dumped in the game, and she went to the bar angrily. She must be drunk. I can't persuade you, so I asked you to go to her and watch her."

"Hum no, I won't go." Zuo Jiuning shook her head and refused, she would never accept such obviously troublesome and not particularly fun things, "If you're worried, go by yourself~"

"I can't. I don't understand nor am I interested in love, so I can't understand her." Aikewa said seriously, "Aren't you a romantic?"

"Unfortunately, I can't agree with her as a romantic person~" Zuo Jiuning rolled his eyes, and it was rare to answer seriously, "To be honest, someone like her is not love at all, it's just human obsession. Love is in the brain Because of the chemicals and hormones produced by external stimuli, new stimuli can trigger our strongest love response. So for me, who only wants love without trouble and obsession, love is to associate with different people at any time, experience Different stimuli, constantly updating partners, so that I can be in new stimuli every date. Therefore, I can't understand and agree with the one-on-one long-term relationship model like Ye Xi's."

In the same way, what Zuo Jiuning can't agree with the most is marriage, the so-called form of love, because the relationship in marriage can't be called love at all, it's just boredom and habit.

However, most people like Ye Xi refused to admit it even if they knew it was true after hearing it, so Zuo Jiuning usually didn't bother to explain.

But Aikewa is different. Aikewa is a rational and rigorous person.

Zuo Jiuning thought that Aikewa would understand and accept this reality, so she explained it to Aikewa.

"From the perspective of reality and science, I admit that what you said makes sense. If you want to pursue love, you should really use your communication mode." Sure enough, Aikewa, who advocates science, nodded and agreed with Zuo Jiuning's explanation.

Zuo Jiuning took a few sips of beer, and after refreshing himself, he said, "So, if you're worried, please go and watch Xixi~"

".Why did you push it back to me? Aren't I also unable to understand and agree?"

"We don't understand Xixi and don't agree with her actions, but the difference is that you care, but I'm not interested. So if you want to go, of course you will go, I won't go~" Zuo Jiuning replied with a blink of an eye , unlike Aikova, she has no interest in meddling.

When it doesn't cause trouble and is interesting, Zuo Jiuning will also help him out. For example, he eased Ye Xi's mood before the exam.

However, Zuo Jiuning would never take a little more care when it was obviously troublesome and not much fun to speak of.

If the person concerned doesn't make a request, she will act as if she doesn't know.

After all, more is worse than less.

"Fine, I'll/go." Aikova, who sensed the dangerous nature of Zuo Jiuning, knew that she couldn't speak to the other party, so she gave in.

"Hmm, see/ya~" Zuo Jiuning said, and went back to the upstairs room with a beer.

When the appointed time came, Zuo Jiuning went online, and saw Von crouching in a corner with a confused expression.

Zuo Jiuning rolled his eyes slowly, and finally said normally: "Let's go, continue looking for boxes."

"Sister Dionysus, can I ask you a relationship question? Just tell me how you choose." Von said weakly.

Why did the relationship problems happen today? The corner of Zuo Jiuning's mouth twitched.

Although Zuo Jiuning wanted to ignore it, but seeing Von's attitude of not leaving when he couldn't figure it out, it was obvious that she had to make sense of Von, so she replied helplessly, "Ask."

"Well, just now, two girls asked me out at the same time."

Zuo Jiuning raised her eyebrows: "Isn't that good?"

"Which one should I choose?" Von asked in confusion.

"How do you look and figure?"

"They are all very good, each with its own characteristics." Von answered truthfully.

"Then choose both, just make appointments on different dates." Zuo Jiuning replied in seconds.

"Well, I want to, but I can't. They both asked me to our high school prom." Von said with a frown.

It seems that Von should be very popular in high school.

But if this is the case, "Someone else invited you, right? Why did you only choose between the two of them? Because they are both very beautiful?"

"Well, that's one of the reasons," Von replied somewhat evasively.

"Come/on!" Zuo Jiuning deliberately said in an impatient tone, "Don't you want to ask me about my choice?! At least tell me the background. What's so special about the two of them?! And the two of them What are the characteristics and differences?!"

"Well, one is the brown-haired girl I once wanted to chase, and the other is my blonde ex-girlfriend." Von said slowly, and the speed of speech gradually accelerated, "The girl I once wanted to chase, when I was with her Well, how to put it, I think she made me feel like the real me, made me feel like I was just living in the moment, made me feel like I was the usual lazy me. And my ex-girlfriend, with her She makes me feel like I’m the one who writes out my New Year’s resolutions in the New Year, makes me feel like I’m living in the future, makes me feel like I’m who I want to be.”


"soWhat/do/you/think? Do you want to realize what kind of reality you are? Or do you want to become a better version of yourself?" Von asked.

(End of this chapter)

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