Online game technology flow hunter

Chapter 120 133 The Hoarse Voice

Chapter 120 Chapter 133 Hoarse Voice

"Over a hundred levels?!" Just as Zuo Jiuning was thinking, Von shouted excitedly.

Over a hundred levels?
The autobiographical memory reminded Zuo Jiuning of the moment when the knight in black armor lay down on the ground, and when she was thinking, the system prompt sounded in her ears: "Congratulations, you have completed the first attack of a hundred-level pvp with your cooperation." Kill, get the titles [Fearless], [Crazy], get special and unique titles [Aspiring Man], [Greedy Gladiator]."

That is to say, the knight wearing the armor just now is more than a hundred levels higher than theirs.
Fortunately, Zuo Jiuning has a bug-like entourage of the goddess Alice, otherwise it would be impossible to defeat him.

But "Do you know why we are still in this time and space, Alice? Or do you know how to get out of this time and space other than using your brute force?" Zuo Jiuning asked.

Alice shook her head again: "I don't even know."

"Hahahaha! Of course you don't know!!!" A somewhat gloating voice said, the voice was hoarse like an old tape, "This is my territory, if I want you to come in, you have to come in, think If you are told to go out, you have to go out!"

"Who are you?" Von asked.

"Ask me? Humph, of course I am the owner of this arena time and space! I said before that this is my territory, don't you young people use their brains?!" The hoarse voice said sarcastically.

"This harmonious voice should be Ayana, the demon king who is in charge of war. Don't look at the tone of the voice, I am a very beautiful and peerless beauty." Alice quietly told Zuo Jiuning with the skills of her subordinates, "This is the time and space of the dark department. , I didn’t treat her very well, so I’ll withdraw first~”

After speaking, Alice disappeared.

Before Zuo Jiuning could react, Ayana became unhappy: "?! Who just left without Lao Tzu's permission?! Don't you take me seriously?! Who do you think I am? !"

"You're right, how about giving us a mission to attack her?" Zuo Jiuning suggested following the words in a hoarse voice.

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know the small calculations of you adventurers! If you can escape from my time and space by brute force, you two need to rely on her ability to defeat her?! In the end, don’t you still go to Lao Tzu to ask for some good things before attacking her, and then come back to ask Lao Tzu for a reward after obviously borrowing Lao Tzu’s strength? Do you think Lao Tzu is brain/disabled?!” Ayana’s voice said disdainfully .

I have to admire, this npc's IQ is really high, he just hit Zuo Jiuning's plan.

But it doesn't matter, the fact that the other party can guess his plan is still within Zuo Jiuning's forecast deviation range: "Then, can you tell us what's going on now?"

"Oh, you are smart. Don't ask me what to do but let me explain the situation, so that I can know the information and make the next plan." Ayana said, "Well, for your smarter sake, I can tell you very kindly~"

Special favor?Zuo Jiuning doesn't think so.

Obviously, Ayana's previous conversations all obviously implied that she knew the current situation, and she was obviously guiding or waiting for them to ask.

In other words, AYANA was meant to tell them the current situation.
But why did Ayana do this?

What Zuo Jiuning thought of was a similar situation she had encountered before. In this case, the reason why Ayana is here should be an npc who wants to send them missions, and killing the knight in black armor is probably the reason. The trigger condition for this task.

Since it's a mission, you have to listen to the plot.

Zuo Jiuning had never encountered this npc in her previous life, nor had she encountered any plots or tasks related to this npc. She was still a little curious about Ayana's story.

With this kind of curiosity, Zuo Jiuning smiled innocently like an angel: "Then please explain it to us, dear lady~"

(End of this chapter)

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