Chapter 121 Chapter 136 The Story

Zuo Jiuning did not expect that the story that the goddess Alisa shared with her turned out to be the historical story of the mainland creatures (except the creatures living in heaven and hell) that she did not know in her previous life.

One billion years before the Alexis calendar, creatures appeared on the continent of the primitive planet.

In the first 17 years of the Alexis calendar, two creatures with magical abilities appeared on a continent for the first time, dragons (Dragon in the west) and phoenixes (Phoenix in the west). They are not as intelligent as higher creatures, but they have enough Powerful magical abilities and territorial instincts prompted them to carve off continents and claim them as their own.

After countless melees, the dragons took over the northern continent, and the phoenix the southern one, separated by the Taylor Mountains.

In the 13 years before the Acrysian calendar, the first high-level creature appeared on the continent. It was called incipe (meaning "beginning" in Latin) without magic, and its life span was less than 100 years. They developed civilization and were also To survive the domination of dragons and phoenixes, incipe, without magical abilities, began to develop science and technology to protect themselves.

However, due to poor self-preservation ability at the beginning, they mainly gathered in the Taylor Mountains, which is the boundary between dragons and phoenixes. The living environment is basically the same, so there was no sign of species differentiation in the early days.

In the 7000 BC of the Alexis calendar, the first higher creatures with magical abilities appeared on the mainland, called Magicae (meaning "magic" in Latin), and their lifespan was less than 100 years. Their bodies were 95 years old. % is composed of magic particles, so their physical ability is very weak. They scattered all over the continent with their powerful magic ability, and did not participate in the struggle of incipe, dragon and phoenix.

Because they are scattered all over the continent and have different living environments, the species differentiation began in the early stage.

In the 1000 years before the Alexis Era, the species of the Magicae race reached a climax. At this time, Elf, Fairy, Goblin, Leprechaun, and Goblin have been differentiated. Essence (imp), most live around 1000 years, and then began further species differentiation.

In the 3000 years before the Alexis calendar, the incipe race had the strength to fight against dragons and phoenixes to a large extent due to the help of some races after the differentiation of the Magicae species and the rapid development of its own civilization and science and technology. , So it also began to spread to every corner of the continent, and species differentiation began.

In the 9000 years before the Alexis calendar, under the science and technology of incipe and the magical ability of some races after the differentiation of some Magicae species, the rule of dragons and phoenixes on the mainland completely collapsed, and dragons scattered to all corners of the continent. Living in seclusion, the phoenix flocked to the Taylor Mountains abandoned by incipe.

At this time, the species differentiation of incipe has reached a climax, and it has differentiated into half-orcs (non-magical), dwarfs (Dwarf), Tylers, Stikfens, and Titans, most of which have a life span of about 1000 years.

At the same time, during this period, the race of elves further differentiated into high elves, night elves, blood elves, etc. Fairies further differentiated into forest elves, volcano elves, etc. Goblins further differentiated into Robin goblins, Goblins, goblins, naughty goblins, etc. Leprechauns and goblins have no further species differentiation, and their life spans have been further extended, and some life spans can reach tens of thousands of years.

In the first 3000 years of Acrys, as the races after the divergence of the incipe species and the races of the magicae species became more and more frequent and complicated, the mixed blood of incipe and magicae appeared, although the mixed species may not be the same (For example, the mixed blood of blood elves and Taylors, and the mixed blood of forest elves and Taylors are slightly different), but because of their similar appearance and abilities, they are collectively called corcitura (meaning "hybrid" in Romanian), and this race Further evolution began.

In 410 B.C., corcitura evolved into inefabil (meaning "unspeakable" in Romanian), with an average lifespan of tens of thousands of years. 45% to 67% of their bodies are composed of magic particles. Their physical abilities are very strong, and there is no damage that cannot be recovered within 24 hours except for specific poisons. At the same time, they have learned and mastered powerful science and technology. They are scattered all over the world but there is no further species differentiation, and they are still evolving.

In 390 B.C., Inefabil successfully domesticated the first dragon and the first phoenix by using technology and magic, so the power of this still-evolving race attracted the attention of other races.

In 310 BC in Alexis, a war broke out between the Inefabil race and other races.

In the first year of the Alexis calendar, the war ended after the troops led by the high elf queen Alexis wiped out the last inefabil that could be seen on the mainland, so this year began to record the date as the Alexis calendar.

However, rumors say that the inefabil race did not perish, but escaped from this planet with the domesticated dragon and phoenix through the science, technology and magic they learned and mastered, and survived on other planets.

However, there are still dragons and phoenixes that Inefabil has not had time to domesticate on the mainland.

In the second year of the Alexis calendar, the higher creatures remaining on the primitive planet have introduced policies that prohibit the reproduction of mixed offspring with other races, and they will be killed immediately if they find a mixed race.

After 130 years of Alexis, Inefabil finally found another planet close to the original planet in the Alpha galaxy next to the original galaxy, and settled on it, and named this planet the root planet.

Unfortunately, they did not adapt to the creatures on this new planet. Although these creatures were not as powerful as them, when they ate these creatures, they were poisoned beyond recovery, and some poisons made them mutate.

In order to survive, the evolution of the inefabil species has accelerated.

In the 1000th year of the Acrylic calendar, the higher creatures living on the primitive planet successfully domesticated the first dragon and the first phoenix.

In the 300 and [-] years of Acrys, the higher creatures living on the primitive planet began to explore the universe that they were not interested in before.

In the 700 years of Acrys, the higher creatures living on the primitive planet successfully launched the first manned spaceship.

In the 900 years of Alexis, the higher creatures living on the primitive planet realized that the reason why they have difficulty in exploring the universe is because of their own physical conditions. Those with strong physical abilities have no magical abilities, while those with strong magical abilities have too much physical ability. weak.

So, they began to secretly breed and cultivate hybrids, and then controlled them to work for themselves through technology and magic.

With 3000 years of history in Alexis, the higher creatures living on the primitive planet finally realized further exploration of the universe by controlling the genetically adjusted hybrids they cultivated. trends in species differentiation.

At the same time, the inefabil that survived on the root planet evolved into a higher-level creature with magical abilities that sucked blood for a living, known as primitive vampires. Their physical and magical abilities were significantly improved compared to inefabil before evolution, and It has also evolved resistance to all known poisons, and its recovery ability has also been significantly improved, with a life span of millions of years.

In the 1000 years of Alexis, the advanced creatures on the original planet discovered the original vampire on the root planet, and a war broke out between the two again.

In the 13 years of Acrys, the advanced creatures on the primitive planet developed many new poisons that the primitive vampires could not resist, which allowed them to successfully defeat the primitive vampires and occupy the alpha galaxy. The primitive vampires have since disappeared from history .

"This is a story I got in someone else's dream a long time ago, my dear adventurer. Like all bards, there are some truths and some falsehoods." Alisa said, "But, I believe, you will be very happy." Love the story, don't you?"

"You're right, Alisa. I really like this story." Zuo Jiuning admitted.

This story made Zuo Jiuning realize that there is actually a concept of universe in the worldview of this game.

Not only the universe, but also the concepts of science, technology, and species evolution. It is really amazing. Zuo Jiuning never saw similar books in the library of Time and Space OL in his last life. There are no such concepts.

However, this goddess has it, which shows that it is specially designed by Time and Space OL.

In other words, Time and Space OL will one day develop into a game that is no longer just swords, magic, and this continent, but has the concepts of science, technology, and interstellar.

This is really wonderful, Zuo Jiuning sincerely admires the imagination of Time and Space OL's game planning.

However, what the game will develop in the future is something to be discussed. Zuo Jiuning heard other information from this story.

"Can I ask a few questions, Alisa?"

"Of course, as a goddess, I am very understanding."

"That's really great." Zuo Jiuning nodded, "I want to know, in this person's dream, which planet are we on? Is it the original planet?"

Alyssa shook her head: "No, that person thinks we are on Planet Root."

"So, in this man's dream, this is the end of the story?"

"Yes, that's the end. I didn't explain the following things. In fact, what this person dreamed was a book, and the 13 year of the Alexis calendar is the last page of the book." Alisa answered truthfully.

"Do you think this story is true, Alisa?" Zuo Jiuning asked.

"I don't think it's completely true, but I don't rule out a certain degree of authenticity." Alisa thought for a while and replied, "Do you know how bardic poems and historical materials are recorded? Werewolves, vampires, and gods The confrontation between the three races can be traced back to a long time ago. In the first century of Esberg continent, a plague broke out on the continent, and gods and demon kings died one after another. At that time, gods and demon kings had not yet opposed each other, and there was no distinction between heaven and hell. God and demon kings The fact that the essence of the soul is the same has not been hidden. A young god/demon king named Corvinus in the village (the devils in hell think it is a god, and the gods in heaven think it is a god), seeing such a tragedy, in order to survive To get rid of the troubles of the plague, I got enlightenment through studying the origin of life. Later, he was the only god/demon king who survived. There are 3 descendants of Corvinus, unfortunately, one of the 3 was infected with the virus The other was bitten by a bat, and the other was bitten by a wolf infected with the virus. Only one survived in the form of a god/demon king. According to legend, this is the ancestor of the current god/demon king. The other two brothers were infected One became the ancestor of vampires, and the other became the ancestor of werewolves. Since then, werewolves and vampires have spread in Asperger continent. I think, if this story is true, then maybe inefabil Not only have they evolved into vampires, but some of them may have evolved into werewolves. But this still doesn’t explain the origin of gods and demon kings. I can’t find any reasonable explanation either.”

"OK, one last question." Zuo Jiuning smiled strangely, "Why are you answering my question so honestly, Alyssa? What/do/you/want?"

ps: For the questions of book friends, I will answer them one by one here.

First of all, why not hit spaces.Alas, to be honest, I also want to put a space, but it will disappear automatically after I put a space, so I can only use "/" to separate words from words.

Then there is the question of translating enigma into Aigma. This is actually because the German cipher machine was called enigma during World War II, and Chinese translators always call it Aigma, so I just use it here.

Then, you are right, this uses the IQ test from 1000 years ago, not the 31st century.This is actually a setting that has not been explained yet: in the 31st century, there is a new IQ test method that calculates the number of neurons and the complexity of the neural network, but the cost of each test is very high, so most people are still used to it. 1000-year-old IQ testing standards.

There is also the problem of language setting. In the setting, Esperanto has been forgotten in the war. Although there are some non-programming artificial languages ​​​​that are fabricated in novels, they will not be used by the public in daily life.

Finally, book friends are welcome to ask me other questions you have discovered!Welcome to the Criticism Party!Your questions allow me to improve the setting and logic of this book, and it will also allow me to explain my setting to you more!Thank you for your support ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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