Online game technology flow hunter

Chapter 127 144 The Worst Zuo Jiuning

Chapter 127 Chapter 144 The Worst Zuo Jiujiu

Why would the king of troubled times think so?
Why would the king of troubled times think of rebirth?

Why does the king of troubled times think that Zuo Jiuning is a reborn?
For a moment, Zuo Jiuning thought of many questions, but on the surface she concealed it very well, she blinked: "Guess~"

King of Troubled Times: " "

If it were an ordinary person who answered this way, the king of troubled times would think that this person is indeed a reborn person.

However, this is Zuo Jiuning's consistent way of answering, and he will answer like this regardless of whether the facts are true or not, so the King of Troubled Times who knows Zuo Jiuning well cannot get definite information from it.

However, Zuo Jiuning's questions now are much more than that of the King of Troubled Times. She couldn't figure out why the King of Troubled Times would ask this question, and what it meant for the King of Troubled Times to ask this question.

If Zuo Jiuning or other people who have not been reborn were asked, they would not be so confused, and would even feel that the other party has read too many novels and has mental problems, but because Zuo Jiuning has been reborn, So there are so many questions after being asked.

However, the existing information is too little, and it is difficult for Zuo Jiuning to even make a guess, so she can only keep these questions for further observation in the future.

Zuo Jiuning returned to Elizabeth I City with doubts, and went to the private room of the tavern to meet Von.

There is not only Von in the private room, but also Spencer.

"You came just in time, Von is telling a very interesting story, listen up!"

"Oh? What's an interesting story? Share it with me too?" Zuo Jiuning leaned over with great interest, and at the same time took out the beer he took at the bar downstairs to drink.

Von looked unhappy: "This isn't funny at all, okay! And you've heard of Dionysus, that's what I said before."

"Before?" Zuo Jiuning searched from memory, "Ah, could it be that two girls asked you to the prom and you didn't know who to choose?"

"Have you heard the story, Dionysus?" Spencer asked curiously.

That is to say, it is indeed the case.

"Guess~" Zuo Jiuning blinked, and then asked, "So what happened? Who did you choose?"

Von stammered: "I"

Spencer also looked at Von expectantly: "Hurry up, hurry up, I want to know the ending too, you just told me how can you not tell me the ending at the beginning~"

"Well today is the prom." Von popped out this sentence after being silent for a long time.


" I did not go."

"Why? If you really can't make a choice, just choose one at random? In this way, you just lost one beauty. If you don't go, wouldn't it mean that you lost two beauties at the same time?" Spencer disagreed Solution asked, "Maybe you still have a chance for a threesome."

"I have to agree with Spencer this time. If I were you, I would also try the possibility of 3P~" Zuo Jiuning and Spencer clapped hands.

"No, no, you guys don't understand. I really want a 3P too! But the two of them have been rivals for 12 years! Even if the two of them can accept it emotionally, the uselessness of the two of them has to overwhelm each other's competition My heart won't accept a threesome either!" Von answered with tears in his eyes.

"Then choose one at random!" Zuo Jiuning and Spencer answered in unison.

"Oh! No! You really don't understand!"

"How to say?"

"No matter which one I choose, I will regret why I didn't choose the other." Von said with a wry smile, "I just feel that I would rather choose neither of them than choose only one of them. You / know?"

"If I had to, I'd pick one at random."

Zuo Jiuning shook the bottle to Spencer: "+1."

"You two are the worst!"

Spencer and Zuo Jiu stared at each other, and replied in unison: "So / what? I' m / awesome!"

Von: " "

"Hahaha, you deserve to be pissed at discussing this kind of issue with them, Von." Zui Si Meng Sheng entered the private room at some point, "You have to talk to a reasonable person like me to be useful. Like them The two perverts will not understand your delicate and fragile heart."

"Hey! I'm not delicate!" Von retorted angrily.

"It's hard to say~" Zuo Jiuning
(End of this chapter)

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