Chapter 128 Chapter 145 The Nonsensical Spencer
"It's hard to say~" Zuo Jiuning said happily.

"Okay, since Von is not so delicate and fragile, let's put this topic aside for now. Don't be so idle all day long." Zui Si Meng Sheng changed the subject with a smile, "Let's discuss the next servant Let the soldiers climb the tower."

"But, what about sake? Won't he come to discuss it?" Von suddenly raised a question that Zuo Jiuning had noticed just now.

"he "

Before Zui Si Meng Sheng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Spencer: "Hahaha Zui Si Meng Sheng was abandoned by Sake, Sake has switched jobs~"


"Well, don't make it seem like the two of us have been together, Spencer, are we not bound? Why do you always use your brain for this kind of thing? Why does your brain run away from home? You can tell Is there a reason for me?" Zui Si Meng Sheng said with a sweet smile.

"Oh, it sounds like resentment~" Zuo Jiuning said with a smirk.

"What a coincidence, I feel the same way~"

"Me too~ My resentment is so deep, I'm so drunk~"

"Then don't discuss whether to discuss this event, friends?" Drunken Mengsheng's smile remained unchanged, "Or do we want to keep talking about this topic?"

"Why not? I think it's very interesting~" Zuo Jiuning was completely watching the fun and not afraid of big things.

"I second." Von and Spencer said in unison.

"That's ok, then I'll talk about it, why do you think Qingjiu left?" Drunken Mengsheng asked, in fact, he didn't know why Qingjiu suddenly chose to leave.

"Tricked by you?"

"Abandoned by you?"

"You hurt him?"

Three people and three answers, each of which guessed that Zuimengsheng was the culprit.

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity that you don't want to be a novelist with your brains. Shall I enroll you in a writing training class? I think it's still too late, don't waste your talent, don't you?"

A thought suddenly flashed in Von's mind: "Wait! Could it be that you don't even know why Sake left suddenly, are you dead drunk?"

But at this time Von's thinking jumped, Zui Si Meng Sheng had to feel that his luck was really bad.

"Guess~" Drunken Mengsheng imitated Zuo Jiuning's usual way of answering, but of course it was not as good as Zuo Jiuning's concealment.

From Zui Si Meng Sheng's subtle expression changes, Zuo Jiu Ning knew that Zui Si Meng Sheng really didn't know.

If you don't know, there's no point in continuing to play.

So Zuo Jiuning didn't expose Zuimengmengsheng, but changed the subject: "Forget it, we'll see Sake anyway, and then we'll ask him what you did to him~ Let's watch the event first, I I am very interested in the special effect pet rewarded by the event, I must get it!"

"Special effects pet? What is that?" Neither Zui Si Meng Sheng nor Spencer knew.

"Tsk tsk, I don't know~" Von said in a drunken tone.

"You just learned a few words from your Dionysian sister, and you are just as different from us." Zui Si Meng Sheng smiled brightly at Von, provoking Von on purpose.

In this way, Von can tell what he knows immediately because of being stimulated, so he doesn't have to fight with a mystic like Zuo Jiuning who likes to play.

Sure enough, Von was stimulated: "I am not the same as you! If you don't believe me, I will tell you, the special effect pet is blahblah"

For the next 10 minutes, Von vividly and emotionally explained the special effect pet system that he had learned from Alice to Zui Si Meng Sheng and Spencer.

Then, Zui Si Meng Sheng applauded: "Not bad~ I apologize, I really underestimated you, Von."

"I ' m the best ." Von said proudly.

"Hahaha, are you going to be sold and given back the money, Von?" Spencer, who also knew that Drunken Dreams had caught Von's words, laughed, "You don't even know that you were drunk Is it a cliché? Ahaha, it’s so much fun.”

Seeing that Spencer had punctured it, Zuo Jiuning stopped pretending not to know, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha that's right~ What's the matter 'I apologize, I really underestimated you'? sarcasm hahaha"

"Drunk. Dead. Dream. Live!" Von was so angry that he raised his sword and slashed at Zui Mengsheng.

"Wait, haven't you learned how to be good yet?" Zui Si Meng Sheng said while hiding, "Didn't you go to jail the last time you had a PK with sake in the city?"

"If I want to enter, I will take you to prison with me!"

"wait for me "

Drunken and Mengsheng escaped, and Von followed closely behind and also ran out.

After basically confirming that both Von and Zui Si Meng Sheng had run away, Spencer stopped Zuo Jiu Ning, who was about to go out to watch the excitement: "Hey, Dionysus, wait a minute."

Zuo Jiuning raised her eyebrows and sat back in the booth: "yes?"

To be honest, Zuo Jiuning doesn't know what Spencer wants to do, because Spencer's thinking is also jumping and contradicting himself.

Spencer always complains that his boss, Zuimengsheng, is too creepy and wants to resign, but on the other hand, when it comes to who has the best relationship with Zuimengsheng, he must say that he is the one with Zuimengsheng The most iron partner, what are the partner rules.

All in all, as I said before, Spencer is a bit nonsensical. Of course, these behaviors may have a certain logic to himself.

Sure enough, this time Spencer didn't play his cards according to common sense: "Let's go to the sake bar, Dionysus!"

(End of this chapter)

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