Online game technology flow hunter

Chapter 130 147 carpe diem

Chapter 130 Chapter 147 carpe diem
After being silent for a while, Sake said, "How do you all decide which game to play?"

"Let's see which one is fun."


Playing a game is nothing more than entertainment, so there is no need to be cautious.

"I think so. But, you know, it took me half a year to decide what game I'm going to play next." Sake said with a wry smile, "I've always been like this, doing investigations and collecting intelligence , and then plan everything before executing it. I am so serious that even if I go to play with my friends, I will check all the items first, plan the best route and alternatives, and then through a lot of investigation and calculation, the time node of the whole plan It’s even accurate to the point where it’s only plus or minus 10 minutes.”

Zuo Jiuning took out the beer and took a sip: "It sounds very suitable for your personality."

"Yeah, and, since I was born, I've always been proud of my own personality. Whether it's going out to eat, drink or do business, I hope I can live a life that I know what's coming next , I hope that life is like a script planned by myself.”


"So... I don't want to go on like this anymore, I don't want to live in an endless script anymore. I want to live in the moment, carpe /diem, you /know?"

"I /see but, what does that have to do with you leaving Murderland?" Spencer asked.

"In fact, I have always wanted to participate in a group like a guild and contribute to the construction of the guild. It happened that someone gave me such an opportunity and invited me to form a guild with her companions. I read her plan, basically It is my ideal. So, this time, I don't want to plan anymore, but live in the present, do what I want to do without thinking about so many other things." Sake said, with a very firm tone and Attitude, "Now, you guys know the answer, can I go?"

"Of course." Spencer nodded.

"Please never tell Zuishi." Sake emphasized again.

"don’t worry."

"Hey, Zuisi~" After finding Zuisi Mengsheng through Spencer's information network, Zuo Jiuning and Spencer stood up Zuosi Mengsheng, one on the left and the other on the right, "Shall we go to a bar?"

".You two have convulsions again? Although I know you are not normal people, you should at least pretend for a while, right?" Zui Si Meng Sheng rolled his eyes directly, "Okay, let me go, I don't have anything urgent so I will I went with you."

"Nope~ This is more interesting~ I've always wanted to try the feeling of two law enforcement officers escorting a suspect away in an American drama 1000 years ago~" Zuo Jiuning blinked playfully.

"Right? I said it would be fun!" Spencer said happily.

Drunken Dreams smiled so sweetly that it was creepy: "Do you enjoy playing with me? Then let me play with you too?"

If it was Von and sake here, he would probably be so frightened that he would let go.

It's a pity that Zuo Jiuning and Spencer are the only ones here who are not afraid of drunkenness and dreams, and even like to play this kind of mutual shady game.

"Challenge accepted!"

With this posture of competing with each other, in the end Zuo Jiuning was victorious and at the same time escorted Spencer and Zui Si Meng Sheng into the private room.

"If you didn't lose the chain just now, the bet is Dionysus. What's wrong with your cerebellum?" Spencer complained when he entered the private room.

"I have a problem with my cerebellum? That's because you made a mistake in judgment, so I had to help you, and then caused a wrong action. What's wrong with your brain?" Drunk Mengsheng fought back without showing any weakness.

"Hahaha, it seems that I have to thank you two for having problems with your cerebellum~" Zuo Jiuning watched with great interest while drinking.

"." Zui Si Meng Sheng looked at Zuo Jiu Ning with a smile, it was just a dark smile.

Spencer shook his head refusing to admit defeat: "Then you are wrong, my brain and cerebellum are not at the same level as the insidious guy like Drunk Death who thinks about how to trick people all day long. I am better than him."

"So what are you looking for me for?" Zui Si Meng Sheng directly interrupted Spencer's words, otherwise Spencer would be endless.

"Glad /you /asked~" Spencer's attitude changed quickly, and he put an arm on the shoulder of Drunken Mengsheng next to him, leaned closer to him, and then whispered pretending to be mysterious, "Do you want to know why Sake left? ?"

"Interesting" Drunken Dream raised his eyebrows, he knew very well that the other party's purpose of asking this question was to make a deal, and he also knew that if he wanted to know the reason why Sake left, he could only accept this deal, "What do you want?"

"Dim card~" In this way, Zuo Jiuning can buy a fashion to cover this rotten equipment.

"Vacation~" In this way, Spencer can go to the seaside for vacation and meet some beautiful ladies.

"50 points, 10 days vacation, deal?" Drunken Dreams was straightforward.

A set of fashion usually costs 1 point card, even the commemorative edition only sells for 5 points card at most, so 50 points card is a very generous price, Zuo Jiuning nodded in satisfaction and made the deal.

And Spencer's annual leave is only 7 days, so 10 days of vacation is also very generous for him, so he also agreed to make a deal.

"Sake said that he didn't want to live in the plan." After the deal, Spencer told Drunken Dreams.

"Why?" Zui Si Meng Sheng was very puzzled, he couldn't understand why the idea of ​​sake.

However, Spencer couldn't understand Zui Si Meng Sheng's thoughts: "No reason, I think he is right, what's the fun in living in the plan, it's fun because you don't know what will happen in the future, isn't it?"


"Oh, I don't know how to explain this to such a boring person." Spencer shook his head, "I leave it to you, Dionysus."

This is a difficult problem.

ps: carpe/diem is from the movie Dead Poets Society. Although I don’t know much about those poems, my literary quality is basically 0. I don’t understand the protagonist’s feeling of reciting poems everywhere, and I don’t agree with the protagonist’s choice. .However, this concept gave me some thoughts and insights, live in the moment, seize /the /day.

And it's a pity that I'm not a high-achieving student, and I'm still in high school. Many things are directly used in class, and I'm just a poor science student who can't memorize ancient Chinese.

(End of this chapter)

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