Online game technology flow hunter

Chapter 131 Time and space 148 What is the meaning of meaning

Chapter 131 Time and space 148 What is the meaning of meaning

Zui Si Meng Sheng said before that Zuo Jiu Ning was the same as him.

Indeed, in a sense, the two of them are the same, both opportunists.

However, Zuo Jiuning knew that although they were all opportunists, they were completely opposite in another sense.

In the eyes of opportunists, doing something is nothing more than two elements: the purpose and the means.

And this matter itself has two different criteria for judging: success or failure and significance.

So, here comes the question, how do these two correspond?
Is it using meaning as a means to achieve the goal of success?Like a lot of billionaires who don't really care about charity, but do philanthropic things for the sake of image.

Or use success as a means to achieve the end of meaning?Just like some people who really want to do charity, and then work hard to become billionaires and use the money to do charity.

Zui Si Meng Sheng chose to use meaning as a means to achieve success without hesitation, because he does not pursue meaning, he only pursues winning.

This is the difference between Zuo Jiuning and Zui Si Meng Sheng, she pursues a certain meaning, so she is a person who regards success as a means to achieve the purpose of meaning.

Of course, unlike ordinary people, what Zuo Jiuning pursues is not charity, love, etc. What she pursues is absolute fun and happiness, even bad tastes. To put it bluntly, she is a person who is close to a pleasure criminal.

It is also for this reason that Zuo Jiuning cooperates with Avery in order to achieve her goal.

So, in this sense, Zuo Jiuning is different from Drunken Dreams.

It is precisely because Zui Si Meng Sheng is such a person that he cannot truly understand people who pursue meaning.

Just because he can't understand doesn't mean he doesn't know the existence of this kind of person, but even if he knows and can use it, he can't have any empathy.

Normally, Zui Si Meng Sheng would not express this feeling of incomprehension, but because none of the people present are ordinary people, they would ask questions and try to get answers.

As the same opportunist, Zuo Jiuning can understand the thoughts of drunkenness and dreaminess, so he finds it even more troublesome to explain.

Zuo Jiuning often doesn't understand what is the meaning of meaning.

Although she pursues meaning, what she pursues is different from what ordinary people pursue, so to be honest, she neither understands nor understands the choice of sake.

If you want to explain it to Zuishimengsheng, then the best way is to use her own understanding, that is, to give the example of a happy criminal, so that Zuishimengsheng can understand the meaning of meaning.

So, here comes the question, should this kind of understanding be explained to Zui Si Meng Sheng?

What I said may make Zui Shi Mengsheng realize what kind of person she is, which is not good for her; but at the same time, it may also have some impact on Zui Shi Mengsheng's world view, which will become interesting. This works in her favor.

After weighing the pros and cons, Zuo Jiuning finally decided to approach this question from a different angle: "Let's put it this way, what kind of person do you think Spencer is, dead drunk?"

Zui Si Meng Sheng answered without even thinking: "There is nothing but superficial excellence."

"Hey!" Spencer protested.

"If you go to visit Von in prison now, I'll give you an extra day of vacation?" Zui Si Meng Sheng said with a smile.

"See /you!" Spencer left immediately.

"Then let's go on, what does this have to do with the idea of ​​sake?" Spencer asked after he had just left.

"Don't worry, let's think about it bit by bit~" Zuo Jiuning blinked playfully, "You see, you are a person who pursues success and wins, right? So in a sense, you also You can be regarded as someone who has nothing but superficial excellence, right? So, do you think you are the same as Spencer?"

Zui Si Meng Sheng shook his head: "It's not the same."

"Well, Spencer is the kind of guy who can pay millions of pounds to win a 10-pound bet, and he wants to win, isn't he?"

Zui Si Meng Sheng was silent for a while, still shaking his head: "I will not pay millions of pounds just to win a 10-pound bet, so I am different from Spencer."

"So, the question is, essentially, what is the difference between you?"

(End of this chapter)

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