Chapter 132 Chapter 149 Bet Again

Drunken Dreams thought about it carefully: "Spencer has something he insists on, but I don't."

"Do you have it? You must want your pampered life, don't you? Or, can you accept a life where material needs cannot be met?"

Zui Si Meng Sheng was confused again, he thought what Zuo Jiu Ning said made sense, but he clearly felt that he was different from Spencer, but he couldn't organize and express his thoughts.

Zui Si Meng Sheng felt that maybe this difference was the answer to the question he asked before.

So, what is the difference?

Seeing Zuo Si Meng Sheng who was thinking like this, Zuo Jiuning smiled: "Hahahaha, let's be confused, let's get entangled~"

".Will you die if you say it directly, pervert?"

Zuo Jiuning just smiled happily and did not answer.

It's so much fun watching confused people wrestle with answers.

In fact, the answer is very simple, just like what Zui Si Meng Sheng said, Spencer has something to insist on, but Zui Shi Meng Sheng does not.

The insistence mentioned here is not in the material sense, but the insistence on a certain definition or a certain position.

Drunken Dreams likes to live in a pampered way, but it doesn't mean that he can't accept other people's way of life that is different from his, or that he can accept how others think about the problem, and he won't make too much praise or criticism for other people's views .

This is the same for Zuo Jiuning, she has her own preferences and pursuits, but that doesn't mean she can't accept other people's preferences and pursuits, even if she doesn't like the idea of ​​a so-called gentleman like sake, she doesn't There will be too much sense of rejection, even if you scold the other party, you will only do it when there is a strategic need, and you will not have much emotional fluctuations about it.

This is the basic way of thinking of opportunists. They do not insist on right and wrong in the subjective sense, and have a good openness to experience.

However, Spencer is not like this. He insists on his own opinion, insists that it is good to have sex with a girl under 30 years old, and insists that black whiskey is the best drink in the world
In Spencer's eyes, the world is like this, no matter what others say, it will not change, and he will argue with others because of it.

So, Spencer isn't an opportunist, and while he sometimes acts like it, he isn't at all.

What Spencer insists on is the so-called meaning in the eyes of ordinary people.

It's just that the meaning in this sense is difficult for opportunists to understand.

"Hey! What are you guys talking about?" Just as Zuimo Mengsheng was thinking hard, Xixia, that is, Ye Xi, walked into the private room.

"I thought you would never go online, Miss Xixia." Zui Si Meng Sheng was interrupted, smiling and sarcastic.

"After the end of the school year, there are a lot of parties to attend, and I'm not as nerdy as you." Xixia said, looking as if he was still struggling with his future choices, "By the way, drunk, you know our family's situation Bar?"

This statement is the rhythm to start a heart-to-heart talk.

Zuo Jiuning, who doesn't like trouble, hurriedly interrupted Xixia: "well, should I avoid it for a while? I'm leaving first, you guys talk slowly~"

After finishing speaking, Zuo Jiuning directly opened the door and left.

"...She doesn't have any curiosity at all?" Xixia was a little surprised, she didn't intend to reveal any personal information, she just wanted to find the direction by having a serious chat with someone, so she didn't care that Zuo Jiuning was here, and didn't care Thinking that Zuo Jiuning actually left on his own initiative.

".She's a pervert. Go on."

Zuo Jiuning, who came out of the tavern, went to a residence near the tavern.

I just got a 50-point card, so I can spend a lot of money in shopping malls.

Since this is a game where point cards are charged by time and game props are free, there are only fashion and gold coins in the mall.

1 point card can buy 100 gold, and this 100 gold can buy a good set of equipment in the npc shop in the vampire village.

After thinking about it, Zuo Jiuning didn't have any attachment to the junk equipment on his body, so he decided to gamble again.

Put all equipment into the furnace.

What will be the result this time?

(End of this chapter)

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