Gold Investor

Chapter 27 Getting Into the Film and Television Circle

Chapter 27 Getting Into the Film and Television Circle (4)
Fang Yubin nodded: "No wonder I didn't hear it before. It turns out that Hua Zixian scattered some silver coins for his daughter-in-law to play tickets." He turned around and cast his gaze on Su Jin: "I have seen a lot of debt collectors, I haven't seen anyone who sings and dances. Since they called us by name, why don't we go out for a while?"

Su Jin flicked his sleeves: "Okay, let's see what tricks they can play."

The conference room was full, and people dressed in all kinds of clothes, including Yang Bailao in a ragged padded jacket, and Dou E in a gorgeous Peking opera costume with a shackle on his shoulders.A vice president of the Jinsheng Group spoke first: "What are you guys doing? It's nondescript. If you have any questions, you can talk about it. There's no need to talk about it."

Before he could say a few words, "Dou E" who was sitting across from him shook his shackles and said back, "Shut up, people from Jinsheng, we don't have time to listen to your nonsense. Does what you say count now? We want to listen to Rong Rong." Representatives of Ding and Jianghua." As soon as this remark came out, the meeting room became noisy again.

After a few minutes, Su Jin said: "I am the vice president of Jianghua Group. Since you asked me to speak, I will say a few words. However, please don't interrupt me when I speak." After a pause, she continued Said: "As far as I know, Haochen Film and Television Company was established by Jinsheng Investment three years ago. After several equity changes, Jinsheng is still the largest shareholder of the company. Everyone knows the current situation of Jinsheng. It has been several months without wages, and I hope everyone can share the difficulties."

"What kind of bullshit is this!" A man in a satin robe sitting in the back stood up.Look at this outfit, she should be playing Huang Shiren in "The White Haired Girl".

"Huang Shiren" said: "According to the contract, Jinsheng should continue to inject capital into Haochen in the past two years. Last year's money was in vain, and this year's is even less. We come to collect debts, but we act according to the contract, and we are confident wherever we go. .”

Su Jin smiled: "If you really want to act according to the contract, Yang Bailao should pay back the money to Huang Shiren, and why are you singing "The White Haired Girl"?"

"Huang Shiren" was furious, and slapped the table: "Is it reasonable for you to renege on your debt?"

Su Jin took a sip of water: "It's not that it's reasonable to renege on the debt, but please understand Jin Sheng's difficulties."

Seeing that the two sides were still arguing, Fang Yubin moved forward, ready to come out to make a rescue.Before he could say anything, he saw a woman by the corner who was recording with her mobile phone.Fang Yubin said sharply: "Video recording is not allowed here, delete what was recorded just now."

After receiving the order, the security guard immediately came to the woman and told her to hand over her mobile phone so that she could check whether she had deleted the video.But the woman yelled loudly: "There is my privacy in the phone, why should I show it to you?"

Fang Yubin patted the table angrily: "Since you came to Jinsheng to ask for money, it means that you still consider yourself a part of the group. As employees, you should abide by the company's rules. Video recording is not allowed for internal meetings, don't you understand? Hand over your phone! "

The security guard and the woman pulled together. Seeing that the mobile phone was about to be taken away, the woman yelled: "I am not your employee, I am a reporter. Are you going to hit the reporter?" As she spoke, the woman showed her press card.

Fang Yubin was even more furious: "Who brought the reporter in? What are you going to do?" The scene suddenly fell into chaos.

4 The owner of the VIP room in the Macau casino

Just when Fang Yubin and Su Jin were in a state of distress because of the petition from the employees of Haochen Film and Television, Hua Shouzheng, the president of Jinsheng Group and the son of Hua Zixian, the founder of the company, put his arms around a hot woman and went to a five-star hotel in Jiangzhou. The hotel suites are upside down.

This woman's skills in bed are really good, even Hua Shouzheng, who is used to seeing all kinds of scenes, can't help but get hooked.Gradually, he was a little overwhelmed, so he had no choice but to give up the initiative, lay peacefully on the bed, and let the other party make various stimulating attempts on his body.

Hua Shouzheng is not an ordinary person, he is a noble son who grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth.Therefore, he not only enjoys a luxurious life that ordinary people cannot reach, but also has troubles that ordinary people cannot understand.

He has a very successful father.When he was young, his busy work prevented his father from giving him too much fatherly love; as an adult, he had to live in his father's shadow.Many people don't know Hua Shouzheng's name, they only know that he is Hua Zixian's son.

He has a gentle and beautiful wife. In front of outsiders, his wife will pretend to be submissive and compliant.But he knows that what his wife loves is the wealth of the Hua family, not him. Even deep down in her heart, the wife always despises the weak and incompetent husband.

Today, he is still the president of Jinsheng Group, but it was his wife's painstaking efforts to keep such a false title.The veterans in the company don't think that they are worth using.The foreign Jianghua Group and Rongding Capital even regarded themselves as puppets that could be manipulated at will.

There are too many things to worry about!Sex has become Hua Shouzheng's never-tiring means of relaxation.

After all, he is the young master of a rich family, Hua Shouzheng will never lack women by his side, but he has a special hobby when it comes to women.Since falling in love with a female singer who was seven years older than him in college, Hua Shouzheng began to have a soft spot for female stars in the entertainment industry.Starting from female singers, several of his girlfriends are from the entertainment industry.His later wife, Chu Man, was also an actress.

The woman who is pressing herself on the bed at this moment is said to be a well-known model in the circle.The agent said that she is of Chinese and Korean mixed race, was born in Korea, and later went to Austria to learn piano.After returning to China, she entered the modeling industry and became the spokesperson of several cosmetic brands.Before going to bed, the agent also took out a tablet computer and let Hua Shouzheng watch several commercials shot by this model.

During the short exchange after entering the room, Hua Shouzheng discovered that the other party's Mandarin was fairly standard, but he could not speak a word of Korean, and he was completely unaware of the customs and customs of Austria.

Fortunately, it will soon enter the actual combat stage, and all the above are no longer important. What this woman brings to Hua Shouzheng is definitely the thrill and enjoyment of ecstasy.

Hua Shouzheng's head was a little dizzy, and he fell asleep with his arms around the beauty.This time, he slept for a long time.Several times on the way, he seemed to wake up, struggling to get up, but there was no strength in his whole body.He also had several dreams. For a while, he dreamed that he was riding in a car, and for a while, he dreamed that he was boarding a small boat and floating in the vast sea.

When the dreamer woke up, he realized that everything was not a dream.A few thick hemp ropes were tied to Hua Shouzheng's body, and the hot and passionate beauty disappeared, replaced by two vicious men.A fishy smell wafted into his nostrils, he blinked a few times, and looked carefully, he was actually in a small fishing boat.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?" Hua Shouzheng shouted in panic.

"What are you arguing about!" The big man glared viciously, and then slapped Hua Shouzheng involuntarily.

After being slapped in the face, Hua Shouzheng immediately calmed down: "The hero, spare your life, you have something to say."

"What a joke! I have nothing to say to you!" The big man cursed, picked up Hua Shouzheng and walked out of the cabin.When he came outside the cabin, the big man kicked him into the sea.

Hua Shouzheng, who grew up in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, has good water skills. Unfortunately, his hands and feet were bound and he couldn't use his abilities. He fell into the sea and immediately choked on a few mouthfuls of water.The big man standing on the boat couldn't help laughing at this scene.

Half a minute later, the big man jumped into the sea.He stepped on the water with both feet, grabbed Hua Shouzheng with his left hand, and flashed a gleaming sharp knife with his right hand.Hua Shouzheng didn't have time to think about anything else, but his heart skipped a beat, thinking that he was going to die here.

The big man pushed Hua Shouzheng's head into the water, then raised the knife and cut the rope.With his limbs able to move, Hua Shouzheng's water quality was immediately displayed, and he surfaced after a splash in the sea water.

"Boy, I didn't see that there is still something to do." The big man sneered, and then pushed Hua Shouzheng back to the boat.

When Hua Shouzheng returned to the boat, his face was pale.Just as he was about to struggle to stand up, a heavy punch flew over again.After punching and kicking, two big men threw Hua Shouzheng back into the cabin.

This hell-like day lasted for a whole day.Every few hours, two big men would drag Hua Shouzheng out and torture him with all kinds of means, no matter how much Hua Shouzheng begged for mercy, it would be of no avail.

Until the dawn of the second day, Hua Shou, who was squatting in the cabin, heard the roar of the engine coming from a distance.A big man came in and said fiercely: "It's dawn, it's time to wake up."

Hua Shouzheng quickly nodded in agreement, but he was crying in his heart, wake up, I was dragged out by you and beat me several times last night, and I didn't sleep a wink at all.

The roar of the machine became louder and louder, and the shaking in the cabin became more and more obvious.Hua Shouzheng realized that there should be a big ship approaching.After being beaten and kicked and pushed out of the cabin, he saw a metal boat approaching fast.A big man shouted towards the iron boat: "We have done everything the boss ordered."

There was also a voice from the tin boat: "Brothers have worked hard! The boss has already transferred the money to your account, take it to drink."

"Okay, thank you boss." A rare smile appeared on the face of the thick-faced man.

Turning his face away, the big man said to Hua Shouzheng again: "I'm done with my work, you can get lost on that boat."

After being tortured for a whole day, Hua Shouzheng had already lost his temper. He just nodded his head in panic, his feet still standing in place.Seeing Hua Shouzheng's stupid look, the big man seemed to get angry again, and slapped him viciously: "I told you to get out, what are you still doing here!"

Hua Shou was crying, "Brother, how can I get there?"

Another big man kicked Hua Shouzheng in the stomach: "How can I get there? Is it possible that I have to carry you over there? Don't you know how to swim? Swim over by yourself." The two stepped forward and grabbed Hua Shouzheng who had fallen to the ground. , threw it into the sea.

Although Hua Shouzheng was good at swimming, after all he had been tortured for a whole day and his body was very weak. In addition, the iron boat sailed through the rolling waves, so Hua Shouzheng choked on a few mouthfuls of water when he got out of the sea.

Seeing Hua Shouzheng's panic, the people on both sides of the boat laughed.Hua Shouzheng didn't care much, and swam towards the iron boat with all his strength.The waves on the sea were too big, and I was about to swim several times, but was pushed back by the waves.Hua Shouzheng was physically exhausted, and his hands and feet were wounded. He was in severe pain from soaking in the sea water, so he had to yell, "Help me."There was another burst of laughter from the iron boat, and then a bamboo pole was stretched out to fish him out.

After boarding the tin boat, Hua Shou was being dragged into the cabin, and then someone pressed his head firmly on the table.After a few minutes, a middle-aged man in a gray suit walked into the cabin.He waved his hand, motioning for Hua Shouzheng to let go, and then leisurely lit a cigarette: "Nephew, I surprised you."

"Uncle Dong, why is it you?" Hua Shouzheng was surprised.

The other party said: "Why can't it be me? I said, nephew, it's really not easy to see you."

Hua Shouzheng fell to his knees with a thump: "Uncle Dong, what nephew has been careless in the past, you don't remember the villain's mistakes, you have to save me today!"

The "Uncle Dong" that Hua Shouzheng said was Dong Jinsong, a gambler his father Hua Zixian met at the poker table.Dong Jinsong was born in the countryside of Guangdong, and left home to Macau when he was young.After decades of ups and downs, this former Guangdong country boy finally made his way in the Oriental Casino.He not only opened an underground bank in Macau, but also operated a five-star hotel in the mainland, and became the head of the "killing hall" of a large casino in Macau.

The so-called hall master can be regarded as a major feature of Macau casinos.Most of the VIP rooms in Macau casinos are contracted to professional gambling companies, and they operate for high-rollers. Generally, the minimum bet is more than 2000 Hong Kong dollars, and the maximum bet limit is 200 million.For example, the VIP halls in the famous Sands Casino are divided into Hong Kong Hall, Guangdong Hall, Zhejiang Hall, and Fortune Hall, all of which are contracted to different gambling groups.Some of the people in these gambling syndicates belong to listed companies in Hong Kong, some belong to the local underworld, and some are well-connected and powerful figures in the Mainland. They are collectively called hall masters.

There is a contract relationship between casinos and casinos.Because the hall owners have different strengths, the way of contracting is also more flexible.Gambling halls that share winnings and losses with casinos are commonly known as "killing halls"; gaming halls that only earn a small service fee, and all winnings and losses are borne by the casinos, are commonly known as "code washing halls".Someone like Dong Jinsong who can be ranked among the masters of the "Killing Hall" undoubtedly possesses impressive strength.

As the head of the hall, it is indispensable to make friends and attract gamblers.Back then, Hua Zixian was a frequent visitor in the casino, and Dong Jinsong was very considerate to the parents who brought him food and clothing. Whenever the Hua family came to Hong Kong and Macau, Dong Jinsong would personally greet him at the airport in a big Benz.

But today, Dong Jinsong put on another face.Seeing Hua Shou begging for mercy on his knees, he just said coldly, "You asked me to save you, but who will save me?"

Hua Shouzheng crawled to Dong Jinsong's feet, and begged: "Our uncle and nephew have something that we can't discuss, why did we have to come to this point? It doesn't matter if I suffer a little, but if the matter spreads, it will damage the Uncle Dong's reputation, nephew's crime is great."

"I said, nephew, you really have honey in your mouth. No matter how you say it, it feels comfortable." Dong Jinsong finally had a smile on his face.

"Uncle Dong sounds comfortable, which is my nephew's blessing." Hua Shouzheng hastily flattered.

"Fart! Let's save these nonsense to deceive three-year-old children!" The smile on Dong Jinsong's face suddenly disappeared, "When I first came to you, you didn't have this kind of virtue. At first you avoided seeing each other, but then you reluctantly met , and said that my son owed the debt, but my son would not admit it."

Dong Jinsong took a deep puff of cigarette, and continued: "I came to Jiangzhou three times last month, but I couldn't see you. After all, you are the young master of the Hua family. No matter how turbulent Jinsheng Group is, your style has not diminished. I can't find you in the office, and there are a group of bodyguards around you wherever you go. If it wasn't for a woman who lured you out a few days ago, I don't think we can talk today."

Dong Jinsong became more and more angry: "To tell you the truth, I have done a lot of things like white knives in and red knives out. It's just that there are many rich and powerful people in the mainland these years, gold is everywhere, and even serious people can make a lot of money. Well, it’s not worth doing cheating and abduction. You’re better off, you have to force me to go back to my old job.”

"It's all my fault. Uncle Dong has a lot of people." Hua Shouzheng knew that he had been tricked by a beauty, but now that his life was in his hands, he had no time to regret it, so he could only kneel down and beg for mercy.

Dong Jinsong said impatiently: "Let's talk about the topic."

Hua Shouzheng is clear that what Dong Jinsong is talking about is a gambling debt owed by his father Hua Zixian.Last year, Hua Zixian was very unlucky. He lost [-] million in the casino and couldn't get that much cash in his hand, so he came up with a way to use equity to pay off the debt.Hua Zixian said that he just bought an oil field in Central Asia, and the expected benefits are very considerable.He is willing to take part of the equity in the oil field to offset the gambling debt.Hua Zixian also said that the oil field would help Dong Jinsong earn hundreds of millions in the future, and he would not be willing to sell it if he was not short of cash.Finally, the two parties signed an equity transfer agreement.

At this moment, Dong Jinsong took out the agreement again, shook it vigorously, and threw it in front of Hua Shou: "You said that my son can't manage the debts owed by me, which makes sense. But Hua Zixian is the former chairman of Jinsheng Group , you are the current president, if I don't ask you for business matters, who can I turn to?"

Dong Jinsong said viciously: "Let's re-sign a contract to invalidate the previous equity transfer agreement. I don't want any bullshit equity. As much as your Hua family owes me for gambling, you can get as much real money as you want."

(End of this chapter)

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