Gold Investor

Chapter 33 Financial Skills Contest

Chapter 33 Financial Skills Contest (3)
Shen Ruping laughed: "I mentioned all these concerns of yours when I reported to Secretary Yang. But guess what Secretary Yang said?" After a pause, Shen Ruping continued: "Secretary Yang said that these concerns are simply childish. Ridiculous! What do rich people like Dong Jinsong care about the most? The first is freedom, and the second is money. Losing a single business is just a trivial matter, but if you spend your whole life in prison, watching your family’s money go to waste If you can’t spend it, that’s fatal! If Dong Jinsong hadn’t been caught, and if he got angry, maybe the information would really be released. But once he was caught, he would definitely be honest.”

"A leader deserves to be a leader. Standing tall and seeing far, he can point out the key points in one sentence!" Shen Ruping gestured with his thumb.

3 Things between men and women may not need a reason
Su Jin drove the car out of the parking lot of Jianghua Group.Fang Yubin sat in the co-pilot's seat, and his face looked a little better than before.

"I know you are unhappy, if you want to smoke, please feel free." Su Jin looked ahead, but there was a look of pity on his face.

Fang Yubin's craving for cigarettes did indeed flare up, but just as he was about to take out a cigarette, he stopped subconsciously: "Forget it, you never like people smoking in the car."

"It's okay." Su Jin said, "You can make an exception."

Of course, Fang Yubin could understand Su Jin's concern for him.Especially for himself today, Su Jin dared to contradict his boss.Fang Yubin stuffed the cigarette case back into his pocket and said softly, "Thank you."

Su Jin smiled lightly: "Don't say thank you between us." After a pause, Su Jin asked again with concern: "Today in Macau, are you okay?"

Fang Yubin said: "I'm fine, it's just that a colleague sprained his ankle and kept complaining of pain on the way back."

Su Jin didn't seem to care about anyone other than Fang Yubin.She continued to ask: "When they arrested people in Macau, didn't they hit you?"

Fang Yubin shook his head and said, "No."

In the next few minutes, Su Jin still asked about Fang Yubin's experience in Macau.Sometimes she showed a look of fear, and sometimes she was glad that Fang Yubin had returned safely, and she even expressed her indignation at Ding Yifu and Shen Ruping's behavior of using Fang Yubin as a bait.

While the two were talking, Fang Yubin received a call from Wu Buda.Wu Buda's tone was urgent: "I went to the hospital with Tong Xiaozhi just now, and the doctor said after examination that her foot was not sprained, but a toe bone was fractured."

"Fracture? Is it serious?" Fang Yubin immediately became nervous.

Wu Buda said: "The doctor said that he will be hospitalized for at least a week, and in the next month or two, he will walk with a limp."

"Which hospital are you in? I'll come right over!" Fang Yubin said.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yubin turned to Su Jin and said, "My colleague has a broken bone, can you take me to the hospital?"

"Okay." Su Jin turned the steering wheel and was busy changing lanes.

When he came to the hospital, Fang Yubin almost ran towards the inpatient building.Su Jin followed behind, and could only say out of breath: "Can you slow down?"

Tong Xiaozhi was lying on a makeshift hospital bed in the corridor of the hospital.When she saw Fang Yubin, she cried and said, "Boss, it's all my own fault that caused you trouble."

"What kind of talk is this!" Fang Yubin said quickly, "You did this because of the company's affairs. I'm sorry for you."

Fang Yubin asked Wu Buda again: "Why do you sleep here? Are there no beds in the ward?"

Wu Buda looked dejected: "The beds in the hospital are very tight. Even adding this bed in the aisle, it took me a long time to beg my grandpa to tell my grandma."

Su Jin hurried and came to the hospital bed.Fang Yubin turned to her and said, "You have a lot of acquaintances in Jiangzhou, can I trouble you to find someone to arrange a bed in the room for Xiaozhi?"

When Su Jin saw Tong Xiaozhi on the hospital bed, the expression on his face suddenly turned cold.She said lightly, "I'll make a call and try it out."

Not only did Su Jin grow up in Jiangzhou, but his father also served as the leader of Jiangzhou, so contacting the hospital is naturally a no-brainer.After a few minutes, she returned to the bed: "The director of the hospital said that there are really no beds tonight. A patient will be discharged early tomorrow morning, and he will not arrange for those who have been queuing up for a long time. The beds will be reserved for you."

Fang Yubin said happily: "That's great!"

Tong Xiaozhi on the hospital bed also said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Su!"

Su Jin just nodded slightly and didn't speak any more.The doctor came over at this moment and ordered the bed to be raised a little higher. "You can shake it." Fang Yubin instructed Wu Buda while gently hugging Tong Xiaozhi's body upwards.During the shaking of the bed, Fang Yubin said to Tong Xiaozhi many times: "Does it hurt? If you think the position is right, just say it."

After adjusting the height of the bed, Fang Yubin asked again: "Xiaozhi, have you notified the family?"

Tong Xiaozhi said: "My parents are in Shanghai, they will come over early tomorrow morning."

"I'll stay with you in the hospital tonight. I'll leave when your parents arrive," Fang Yubin said.

Wu Buda immediately said: "Mr. Fang, go back and rest. I will stay in the hospital tonight."

Fang Yubin insisted: "You are tired after a day of tossing around, so go back and rest early. I can persist for just one night."

Su Jin, who had been standing silently by the side, spoke again, but his tone became even colder: "I still have something to do, so let's go first."

"I'll take you downstairs." Fang Yubin said.

"No need." Su Jin said.Then, she forced a smile again, and said to Tong Xiaozhi on the hospital bed, "Get well soon."

After Su Jin left, Wu Buda scratched his head and said, "President Su is indeed a cold beauty. You see, she treats everyone with a cold look."

"Don't talk nonsense." Fang Yubin said, "She is a warm-hearted person. Without her, we wouldn't even be able to get a bed."

"That's true." Wu Buda said with a smile.

When Su Jin walked out of the inpatient building, there was drizzle in the sky.She walked into the car quickly, holding the steering wheel with her hand, but did not rush to start the engine.

The rain hit the car window, making Su Jin feel melancholy.The drizzle and soft night, without the company of stars, brought her a coolness like late autumn.

It is said that Su Jin is cold, like a piece of solid ice.This coldness that seems to reject people thousands of miles away has not only the sense of superiority from a special family, but also the arrogance of a woman who has poems and books in her belly.However, the flame of love is enough to melt all ice.A woman like her is destined to be unforgettable once her true feelings are touched.

Su Jin's first and only boyfriend is the son of a wealthy businessman from Taiwan.They met on the campus on the other side of the ocean, and made vows there.

Talented and beautiful, well-matched, everyone is optimistic about this relationship, saying that they are a match made in heaven.In this river of love full of happiness and longing, Su Jin wandered to his heart's content.

Some people have said that if a woman becomes more and more ecstatic and bright, it means she is in love;Back then, Su Jin had indeed given true love, so he had become extremely beautiful.But in the end, he was in a trance again.

Su Jin's trance stems from her constant concessions in some aspects.She not only accommodated, but even cooperated with many of his hobbies.She once believed that these hobbies of the other party, in addition to originating from the male's desire to conquer, also condensed love.After all, driving a lady crazy is far more rewarding for every man than a seasoned slut pretending in bed.

Concession for love is not without a bottom line.Just when she was about to enter the palace of marriage, her boyfriend's behavior finally violated Su Jin's bottom line.At a party attended by many men and women, her boyfriend proposed to Su Jin that he hoped to have a more exciting game.This almost obscene game was flatly rejected by Su Jin.Next, she rejected the marriage without hesitation.

Both of them had good tutors, and the breakup seemed uneventful.In this game of love, Su Jin retreated step by step, and finally won a round, but it was an out-and-out defeat!

Su Jin in front of people is still the same as before, but the ice in his heart has condensed again, and the temperature has even dropped a few degrees.For men, she lost confidence; for love, she did not want to touch.In the face of her earnest parents and elders, she always refuted plausibly: "Why should a woman live for a man? I just want to live alone!"

Many people who don't know Su Jin will think that she is an indifferent queen who longs for an unfettered life. A woman as wonderful as her does not need a man to accompany her.Only a few people understand that which woman in the world does not desire to be accompanied by a loved one, to listen to the prosperity of the world according to the bodhi of the years!A piece of understanding is in the heart, and the fragrance ripples through the years; a touch of lovesickness enters the dream, and the dream depends on each other...

But for a wounded woman, all this is so elusive!

It wasn't until he met Fang Yubin that Su Jin's mentality slowly changed.Facing this man who was not tall and handsome, and who was far from successful in his career, Su Jin developed a strong liking for him.She still doesn't understand why Fang Yubin attracted her. Is it because of his honesty at the wine table, his ambition for career, or the extraordinary talent shown in his book?

Things between men and women may not need a reason.Scientists have discovered that there is a place called the thalamus in the human brain, which is the center that controls a person's love.The so-called mutual affection is just a romantic chemical reaction—under the stimulation of the external environment, the thalamus secretes dopamine and adrenaline continuously.As for what kind of situation and what kind of person you meet, the dopamine in the thalamus will spew out, and science can't give an answer.Science just tells you that when dopamine appears, love begins!

Su Jin began to explore proactively but cautiously.The result was unexpectedly smooth.Just as Su Jin launched his offensive, Fang Yubin fell into the trough of his career.The heart that encounters setbacks is often the most in need of care.Afterwards, Fang Yubin and his girlfriend parted ways and were arranged to go to Jiangzhou, giving each other a chance to get along day and night.

In a series of changes, Su Jin's affection for Fang Yubin became stronger and stronger.She found that this man has a rare sense of morality and responsibility, as well as a will that is as tenacious as granite as he gets more and more courageous.Such a man will never live under others for a long time, and will one day break through the wall and fly high.

Although Fang Yubin seems a little dull about emotional matters, Su Jin believes that in time, the other party will appreciate his true feelings.

It's a pity that all the beautiful imaginations encountered ruthless challenges tonight.Su Jin realized that he was about to meet a strong opponent!

Su Jin is not a woman with a small belly, and she doesn't mind Fang Yubin taking care of her injured female subordinate.However, when facing the man she loves, a woman's feeling is the most sensitive and accurate.From Fang Yubin's speech and behavior, Su Jin could clearly feel that he had a special affection for Tong Xiaozhi that surpassed the relationship between superiors and subordinates.Perhaps, this kind of affection is only in the embryonic stage, but with the continuous watering of dopamine in the thalamus, it will definitely grow into a towering tree.

There are only two paths ahead, either bravely join the competition, or calmly withdraw.Su Jin, who has a sense of superiority in his bones, is not afraid of competition, but the outcome of emotional competition is by no means a simple win or loss, it is very likely to be a lot of scars deep in his heart.How about quitting before pouring all your emotions into it?She can look down on winning or losing, but can she let go of love and hate?Alas, once the dopamine dam bursts, can it close automatically?
Su Jin couldn't help but blame himself.I once broke my heart because of a man, and vowed not to pin my fate on a man, but in the end, I still have to worry about the man!
Su Jin once read an article, which mentioned that different nations in the world have different attitudes towards suicide, but there is always a trace of respect in it.Only the Chinese are an exception. We treat suicide with contempt and derogation that is rarely seen in the world, and even spurt people with blood.When a Chinese commits suicide, it is an embarrassing thing for the family, almost a scandal, and a shame; for the person concerned, it is difficult to get rid of the public opinion of abnormality, cowardice, and mental illness.Therefore, to commit suicide in China, one has to go through the hurdle of posthumous slander.But in this country, there is a kind of suicide that is respected—that is, the martyrdom of women.As if a woman cannot die for herself, but should die for a man.

From this difference, we can also see how difficult it is for a woman to get rid of a man in Chinese society!
The rain outside the car window was getting heavier and heavier.Su Jin started the car and drove out slowly.She rolled the window and let the rain fall and the breeze blow.The fleeting time is safe and the time is safe.A rain, a state of mind, a memory, singing softly on the edge of reincarnation.

4 Three Types of Companies Favored by VCs

Fang Yubin and Su Jin walked into Shen Ruping's office one after the other.Shen Ruping was fighting landlords on the computer, and when he saw two people walking in, he pressed the pause button, and asked with a smile, "How was the talk?"

Su Jin said: "After talking for an hour, she cried and yelled for 50 minutes, saying that her husband has diabetes, and that she has a bad heart. In short, all pitiful things have been shared by their family."

Shen Ruping said contemptuously: "Tell her, Jiangzhou doesn't believe in tears, the routines of crying, making trouble, and hanging himself are not easy to use here."

Fang Yubin said: "In the last 10 minutes, we finally got back to the topic. Dong Jinsong's wife was very cooperative, and she agreed to all the conditions we put forward."

Shen Ruping laughed loudly: "That's right! You see, the leader is better! Once you catch Dong Jinsong, a bastard, he will be honest immediately."

Shen Ruping turned his attention to Fang Yubin again: "You can report to President Ding in Beijing, just talk about Dong Jinsong's matter, don't bother him, we have already settled it! You still want to use the office building to pay off the debt, let's make his dream come true! "

Fang Yubin nodded: "I'll report to President Ding later." Then, he said relaxedly: "Dong Jinsong also claimed to be a gangster. I didn't expect to be dealt with so easily!"

Shen Ruping smoked a cigarette leisurely: "If Dong Jinsong is a gangster, things may not be easy to handle. The key point is that he has made a name for himself in the underworld and became a wealthy businessman, so he is easy to deal with! Throughout the ages, what kind of waves can businessmen make?"

Su Jin asked: "What's wrong with the rich, isn't it said that the rich can rival the country?"

Shen Ruping waved his hand: "There are so many people who are as rich as the enemy, Shen Wansan, Hu Xueyan, who will end well in the end? The people who can really rebel in history are those refugees and hooligans who are at the bottom of society. Reasonable. Businessmen, to put it bluntly, make money, earning more and earning less is just a matter of profit distribution. They will neither have any firm beliefs, nor will they put their wealth and lives in it."

Fang Yubin said: "I understand what you mean. It's like grabbing money with a knife. To rob a rich man of 100 million is to rob a poor man of [-] million. The intensity of resistance may be very different. A rich man will think, losing [-] million, I will lose money." Isn’t there still [-] million, it’s not worth risking your life. As for the poor, [-] yuan is his wealth and life, but he will desperately resist.”

Shen Ruping smiled even more happily: "That's right!"

After laughing, Shen Ruping said: "Dong Jinsong's episode has been turned over. Next, we have to concentrate on solving the hot potato of Jinsheng Group."

Su Jin asked: "Mr. Shen has been to Hong Kong a few times a while ago. Does Changhe Group have a strong willingness to acquire Jinsheng?"

Shen Ruping said: "Changhe Group is one of the most famous consortiums in Hong Kong, and the owner of the company, Li Hongsheng, is even more famous. There is nothing to say about the strength of the company, but even Li Hongsheng is a wily and cunning person. After talking several times, I still can't figure out his intentions."

"But just yesterday," Shen Ruping changed the topic, "Li Hongsheng called and said that he would come to Jiangzhou for inspection next week. It is really rare for him to go out in person."

Shen Ruping also said: "President Ding of Rongding Capital immediately stated his position after hearing the news, saying that he will also come to Jiangzhou at that time. Regarding the reception, you must make preparations in advance."

Su Jin and Fang Yubin said in unison, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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