Gold Investor

Chapter 40 Asset Restructuring

Chapter 40 Asset Restructuring (4)
"I think there are two reasons." Zhao Xiaoyu refilled a cigarette without hesitation, "First, our basic skills are too poor. Rome was not built in a day, and Hollywood was not built. In terms of the strength of big-name directors and first-line stars, The gap between us and foreign countries does not seem to be too big. However, our crew, including costumes, props and even extras, are far behind others. In this way, the basic skills are not solid."

Zhao Xiaoyu went on to say: "The blowout market of Chinese movies in recent years has fully exposed our weaknesses. The output of hundreds of movies every year, how many photographers, costumers, and props designers are needed, our talent reserve is simply not enough In the end, a college student who just graduated from the film school can be a photographer for a film; a migrant worker who sells box lunches is familiar with the director, and can also get a job as a prop. In Hollywood, from ordinary workers It often takes seven or eight years of accumulation to become an assistant prop master and finally a prop master.”

Zhao Xiaoyu added: "I used to work in a film crew in Hollywood, and the prop master was a master's degree from an Ivy League school. Just for a scene of a conversation between two people in the play, the prop master went to the library to search for information, and found out that people in that era What kind of teacup was used. Later, this kind of teacup was not available on the market, so I went to a European factory to customize a set. This is unimaginable in China.”

"What about the second reason?" Ding Yifu asked.

Zhao Xiaoyu said: "It is the film system that pursues profits to the extreme, which makes every filmmaker impetuous. For example, a film that took one year to shoot in China turned out to be life and death for half a day, and life and death for three days. Success or failure. The film will be reviewed in the morning, and if it fails, it will be directly sentenced to death. If the box office fails to rise after three days of release, the theater will reduce the screening rate, and the ending of this film can be imagined."

Zhao Xiaoyu sighed: "The profit model of Chinese films is too simple and can only rely on the box office. The seven-story window distribution model in the United States can ensure a relatively long-term income for the film studio. There are seven channels, including premium channels, cable premium movie channels, home video, cable TV, wireless TV, and local TV stations, to ensure that movies can generate income after three years from release to release.”

Ding Yifu picked up chopsticks and picked up food for Zhao Xiaoyu: "In other fields, the word-of-mouth of a product is basically proportional to the sales volume. But why do movies that are popular but not well-received often appear in the movie market?"

"Ding is always talking about me!" Zhao Xiaoyu smiled wryly.

"Just ask casually, don't mind." Ding Yifu waved his hand and said.

Zhao Xiaoyu flicked the cigarette ash: "The reason why there is a phenomenon of whether it is popular or not is because of the system that determines life and death at the box office. Take my film as an example. I can't afford big-name stars, and I can't spend money on marketing before it is released. The prime time It’s not even the turn, and after the release, it’s naturally deserted. The box office won’t rise within three days, the screening rate drops sharply, and there’s no hope for the next few days.”

Zhao Xiaoyu continued: "The so-called word-of-mouth depends on the accumulation of time. When the accumulation reaches a certain level, my film has already been offline. At this time, many viewers watch this film again through video websites. The economics of a penny."

"It seems that you are in deep pain!" Ding Yifu laughed.Then, he asked again: "Xiao Zhao, in your opinion, which is the best film in the history of Chinese film?"

Zhao Xiaoyu thought for a while and said: "Of course, different people have different opinions on this question, but in my eyes, it should be "Spring in a Small Town" filmed by director Fei Mu in 1948. In fact, I am not the only one who thinks this way. It was selected as one of the ten classic works in the 20-year history of Chinese film, and in 90, it was named No.90 of the top 2005 films of the century by the Academy Awards."

Ding Yifu nodded: "I watched this movie when I was young, and it's really good."

Zhao Xiaoyu said: "It's a pity that such a masterpiece has been buried for nearly 40 years. When the film was released in 1948, it was during the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. The mountains and rivers were broken and the wind was blowing. Many people didn't even care about their wealth and lives. Where is the interest?" Appreciate this kind of love-themed movie? It wasn’t until the 20s that people dug it out of old papers and affirmed its artistic value.”

"I don't know this part of the story." Ding Yifu said, "I used to only know that Van Gogh's paintings were admired by the world after decades, but I didn't expect the film to be like this."

Ding Yifu raised his glass again: "I was too busy talking just now, but the wine on the table was ignored. Come, let's celebrate today's signing ceremony, and hope that Xiao Zhao can make a real masterpiece. Of course, it can't be like "Spring in a Small Town". In that way, it will be praised by the world after decades.” As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of laughter on the table.

Putting down his wine glass, Ding Yifu cast his eyes on Yuan Ruilang: "I have something to do, please accommodate me."

"Don't say that." Yuan Ruilang was a little apprehensive, "Whatever, just tell me."

Ding Yifu said: "According to the previous agreement, the money invested by both parties to Haochen Film and Television will be in place at the same time. Now that the situation has changed, Jinsheng's investment may be delayed for a while."

As soon as this remark came out, not only Yuan Ruilang, but even Fang Yubin were shocked.Why did you suddenly change your mind about what you said before?Zhao Xiaoyu asked even more anxiously: "Mr. Ding, what is clearly written in the contract, how can it be changed?"

"The responsibility is on me." Ding Yifu said in an extremely apologetic tone, "I have stated that if Jinsheng can't pay for it for a while, Rongding can advance the investment. However, after returning to the headquarters, the management raised a different opinion. I think that Rongding has invested enough money in Jinsheng, especially under the current circumstances, it is too risky to throw money into it. Objectively speaking, these worries are not unreasonable."

Yuan Ruilang had a troubled expression on his face: "If Rongding doesn't invest money in, Jinsheng will not be able to pay out given Jinsheng's financial situation. Let's sign this contract..."

"Then don't worry." Ding Yifu waved his hand, "There will be big moves in the near future in dealing with the Jinsheng project. Jinsheng will be split into several asset packages and sold separately. There are many high-quality assets under Jinsheng, such as in East China The hotels and department stores in the area can sell hundreds of millions of dollars without any problem.”

Ding Yifu asked Fang Yubin again: "The asset reorganization plan has been approved by the headquarters. How is the progress now?"

Fang Yubin replied: "The department stores and five-star hotels under Jinsheng have all contacted the buyers. Mr. Su and I are actively communicating with each other."

Su Jin also said: "Although the overall situation of Jinsheng is very bad, the profitability of these projects is not bad. Judging from the current situation, the buyers are interested and can afford the price. Not surprisingly, it will be completed within a few weeks. Sign the contract."

Ding Yifu said: "After these projects are sold, at least hundreds of millions of cash can be recovered. I solemnly declare that these funds will be invested in Haochen Film and Television first."

"In addition," Ding Yifu continued, "I was in Beijing recently and contacted a Singaporean company who was very interested in Jinsheng's oil assets. If the oil field can be sold smoothly, the company's cash flow will not be a problem."

Ding Yifu looked at Yuan Ruilang with expectant eyes: "Can your investment be in place first, so that the film can be resumed quickly? It can be as short as a week or two, or as long as a month, and the funds from Jinsheng will follow up."

If it were someone else, Yuan Ruilang would refuse such a request without hesitation.But facing Ding Yifu, it seemed difficult for him to say "no".After all, he was an old leader who had promoted him, so he couldn't just give him no face.In addition, over the years, Yuan Ruilang has become accustomed to being submissive in front of Ding Yifu. The strength of this long-term aura cannot be changed overnight.

"Okay." Yuan Ruilang nodded, "Jinsheng's investment must be in place within one month, so we can't joke anymore."

Ding Yifu smiled slightly: "Ruilang, thank you!"

"I heard that Haochen Film and Television does not have a general manager yet, so Xiao Zhao is only willing to be the art director?" Ding Yifu asked again.

Zhao Xiaoyu gave a "hmm" and continued: "My interest is all in making movies, and I'm not good at company management."

Ding Yifu said: "A serious company can't even have a general manager. Yubin, I think you'll be the one to do it for a while."

Fang Yubin was quite surprised, he didn't expect that he would be sent this errand.He didn't dare to disobey what Yifu Dan Ding said, so he could only agree, "Okay. It's just about Jiangzhou..."

Ding Yifu said: "Of course you are still in charge of the Jinsheng Group. From now on, you will take care of both sides. Anyway, Jiangzhou is not far from Shanghai." He asked Yuan Ruilang again: "Yu Bin is your old subordinate. Let him take charge of Haochen, you should rest assured, right?"

"Of course." Yuan Ruilang said.

Ding Yifu raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "This meal is good, and I can count on the excitement. It's time to go home."

Ding Yifu got up, and everyone was naturally busy seeing them off, but he waved his hand: "Shengfeng drove me to the airport, you are busy with your own affairs, no one should see me off."

As soon as Lin Shengfeng drove out of the hotel, Yan Fei called.Yan Fei said that he had flown back to Shanghai from Shenzhen and wanted to meet Ding Yifu.Ding Yifu took the phone from Lin Shengfeng's hand and said, "Didn't I say that since you are away on a business trip, you don't need to come back?"

Yan Fei said respectfully: "It's because of my negligence at work. I didn't know you were coming to Shanghai. If you come, I have to hurry back anyway." No less than a government agency.When Ding Yifu came to Shanghai, Yan Fei could only interrupt his business trip and rush back without stopping.

Ding Yifu said: "I made this decision on the spur of the moment, how would you know! I have already left the hotel and am on my way to the airport to take an afternoon flight back to Beijing."

"It's so hasty!" Yan Fei said, "I still want to invite you to inspect the Shanghai company and give us criticism and guidance on our recent work."

Ding Yifu said with a smile: "The work of the Shanghai company has been good during this time, so there is nothing to criticize. Since you are back to Shanghai, just wait for me at the airport."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Shengfeng said, "This sudden attack really caught everyone by surprise."

Ding Yifu folded his hands on his chest and asked, "Aren't you even expecting it?"

Lin Shengfeng nodded and said, "A little bit."

Ding Yifu smiled and asked, "Tell me, what do you think?"

Lin Shengfeng said: "A film and television company is just a small project after all. It's worth your time to go there yourself? Jinsheng Group's asset reorganization has just started, and there are thousands of things to do, but you distracted Fang Yubin and came to Haochen Film and Television as the general manager." , even for such a small project, I still have to say good things to Yuan Ruilang."

Ding Yifu pondered for a while and said, "Do I want to beg Yuan Ruilang in a low voice? But what I promised couldn't be fulfilled in the end. If I don't appease Yuan Ruilang quickly, what can I do?"

Ding Yifu sighed: "The agreed investment funds, in the office meeting, someone actually talked about things and pushed things back and forth, so I had to compromise. This is the first time I have encountered it in these years of being in charge of Rongding."

Of course Lin Shengfeng knew that due to the failure of the Jinsheng Group project, Ding Yifu was in a bad situation recently.Fei Yunpeng kept making small movements, and some swaying grass had already leaned towards Fei Yunpeng secretly.A small amount of investment money could not be passed, which shows that Ding Yifu's authority is not as good as before.

Ding Yifu stared out of the window, and continued: "The company will hold a board meeting in half a year. Some people are impatient, jumping up and down, fanning the flames, planning to make something famous at the board meeting."

The board of directors meeting half a year later will determine the candidates for the next leadership team.For Ding Yifu, who is only two years away from retirement age, this meeting has become particularly important.If you succeed in re-election, you will be able to extend your service and complete the next term; if you let your opponent gain the upper hand, you will have to retire early.

Lin Shengfeng is well aware of the power struggle among the company's senior management, but he is still puzzled: "What does this have to do with investing in Haochen Film and Television?"

Ding Yifu said: "A few days ago in Hangzhou, Fang Yubin talked with me about the film and television company. He said how talented Zhao Xiaoyu is and how the new film has potential. In fact, I am not very interested in these, but his other In a word, it touched me."

"What?" Lin Shengfeng asked.

Ding Yifu said: "Fang Yubin mentioned movie box office and foot washing room. He said that China's movie box office is about 300 billion yuan a year, which may not catch up with the turnover of foot washing room. However, there are so many directors in a film industry. , Celebrities, all kinds of media spare no space to report on them. This kind of treatment is not available in the footwashing room. Fang Yubin probably means that the film industry is an industry that attracts a lot of attention and attracts attention."

"This kid is right." Ding Yifu went on to say, "Even if you make a few hundred million in business or even investment, it's not a big deal. But if you want to make a few hundred million in the film market, it will immediately become the focus of public opinion." hot spot."

"You mean, Zhao Xiaoyu's new film is really popular, and the attention and follow-up effects it arouses can influence the decision of the board of directors to some extent?" Lin Shengfeng gradually guessed what Ding Yifu was thinking.

Ding Yifu nodded: "Although the plan of splitting Jinsheng Group into several asset packages and selling them separately is good, it will take a long time. In this case, why not open another battlefield? Even if you don't make much money, you can always make a solid profit Make a real profit and yell."

Lin Shengfeng finally understood why Ding Yifu was so interested in such a small project as Haochen Film and Television.He said excitedly: "This is called the East is not bright and the West is bright! But, will this new film be popular?"

Ding Yifu said: "A few days ago in Beijing, I invited a group of professionals to analyze Zhao Xiaoyu's previous films, and watched some of this new film carefully. The consensus is that Zhao Xiaoyu is a very A talented director, whether the previous films were well-received or not, the failures are all in the later marketing packaging. As long as the shortcomings are made up, the prospect of the new film is worth looking forward to."

While talking, the car has already arrived at Pudong Airport.As soon as the car stopped, Yan Fei, who had been waiting here for a long time, stepped forward and opened the door, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Ding, hello!"

5 Whatever the enemy values, we must value
Ding Yifu was short on time, and he only exchanged a few words with Yan Fei before leaving for Beijing.Yan Fei boarded the car and returned to the city.Yan Fei didn't go to the office, but asked the driver to take him to a hotel near Nanjing Road. He said he had an appointment and wanted to talk about things here.

After getting off the car, Yan Fei sent the driver away, walked around the hotel, and then came out to hail a taxi.Yan Fei's real destination is a high-end apartment in the urban area next to Suzhou Creek.

Knocking on the door of the apartment, Meng Wei was already waiting inside, still wearing formal attire for work.Meng Wei blushed, and said a little shyly, "What's the matter? You called me here in a hurry. He's at work."

Yan Fei put down the briefcase and lightly stroked Meng Wei's thigh: "What's wrong with work, so I can't ask for leave? Didn't you say that the bank issued a statement and asked you to go and deal with it?"

Meng Wei was a little surprised: "How do you know?"

Yan Fei laughed: "During my business trip, Lin Shengfeng presided over the daily work. When you, the head of the finance department, called Mr. Lin to ask for leave just now, I was at the airport with him."

"Bad guy." Meng Wei lay down in Yan Fei's arms, her voice became more and more charming, "I won't deal with the bill."

Yan Fei's hand has already moved to Meng Wei's chest: "Let's deal with me well today. I've been craving this for a few days on a business trip. No, I'll call you as soon as I get off the plane!"

"It's a lie. These days in Shenzhen, I've played with women outside. I don't want you." Meng Wei said this, but she was already untying Yan Fei's belt with one hand.

"Aren't you the woman outside me?" Yan Fei's breathing became short, he picked up Meng Wei and put her on the dining table...

(End of this chapter)

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