Gold Investor

Chapter 71 Introducing the wolf into the room

Chapter 71 Introducing the wolf into the room (8)
This kind of half-meat joke is nothing more than a piece of cake for Yang Yun, she winked at Fang Yubin: "Don't listen to him. I know you are a gentleman, even if you stand up, you will be very elegant, you won't So rude."

At this time, Yang Yun had already taken off her windbreaker, and Shuangfeng became more tall and straight against the backdrop of the tight top.The chest of the top is slightly hollowed out, and the pink bra inside is looming.

Taking advantage of the wine, Fang Yubin said, "Since it's a game of cards, I will definitely try my best."

"Bad guy." Yang Yun's tone became more and more coquettish, "You are too strong, and it makes people can't stand it, and then you will complain."

Yu Fei laughed loudly, and then relaxed the standard of language: "Whoever makes Fang always criticize, he should criticize. Don't complain about suffering, it's useless even calling for spring."

"I hate it!" Yang Yun gave Yu Fei a blank look, and said delicately.

Fang Yubin felt that such jokes should be stopped in moderation.He knocked on the table: "Hurry up and play the cards. Since it is Fighting the Landlords, you have to see the truth on the cards."

After playing several rounds, Fang Yubin kept winning.Look at this posture, it shouldn't be a problem to win eight thousand today.Ever since Fang Yubin became the general manager of Rongding Venture Capital, not only has his annual salary doubled, but he has also cut melons and vegetables at the poker table with a majestic momentum.In the last few games he played, he was almost unbeaten.He also knew that someone deliberately showed mercy on the table.It is said that the butt determines the head, in fact, the butt can also determine the luck of the cards.

After playing for a while, Fang Yubin's poker luck was still very good.Yang Yun had a helpless expression: "Mr. Fang, your card skills are superb. If you have any unique skills, please pass them on."

Fang Yubin shook his head and said, "When you play poker, it depends on your luck. There is no trick." After a pause, he continued, "Look at the way the cards are played. Mr. Yu must be good at this. What's your opinion?"

Yu Fei was not polite, and said: "I was fighting against the landlord with a friend before, and I was deeply impressed by his insights."

"Let's listen to it." Fang Yubin said.

Yu Fei said: "Brands have big and small, and officials have high and low. The chairman is the king, the top leader; the general manager is Xiao Wang, the second in command. As long as these two people work together, they are a natural card and can suppress all opposition. Unfortunately, in a certain In some enterprises, these two cards are separated."

Yu Fei continued: "Even if you have two kings in your hands, you can't be complacent. '2' is the deputy general manager, and 'A' is the head of an important department. You also have to fight for the majority. If there are no other big cards in your hand except King and King, the chances of winning are not great.”

Yu Fei added: "If you have enough big cards in your hand, even if you have solved the problems at the top, you have to straighten out the relationship at the grassroots level. If the foundation is not strong, the ground will be shaken. Don't look at those six of diamonds and nine of spades. Cards like , etc. are inconspicuous, but missing one at a critical time is enough for you to have a headache."

"And the last point," Yu Fei said, "don't care about the three religions and nine streams, they must be divided and disintegrated, and don't let them get together and cause a mass incident. For example, the cards of Xiao San and Xiao Si belong to the socially disadvantaged groups , but they really want to get together and make a small bomb, enough for the leaders above to drink a pot."

As soon as this joke came out, Yang Yun couldn't straighten her waist with laughter, and Fang Yubin even sprayed a sip of tea onto the precious carpet at the bottom of her feet.

The game lasted for more than an hour, and Fang Yubin became the only winner.Yu Fei stretched his waist and said, "See, Boss Fang is an expert, we are still far behind." Then, he said: "You go and buy the bill, and Boss Fang and I will sit down again. "

After receiving the order, Yang Yun and Tong Xiaozhi got up and walked out.There is no need for two people to pay the bill. Yu Fei sent his subordinates away, so he naturally had something to discuss with Fang Yubin.

Fang Yubin knew very well that the previous chats and card games were just foreshadowing or creating an atmosphere.At this moment, it was finally time to lift the hijab.If Yu Fei doesn't take the initiative to attack, Fang Yubin is also happy to play cards and chat, since he is here, he will be at ease. Now, he wants to see what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

Yu Fei lit a cigarette: "The last time we met in Binhai, until today we meet with Mr. Fang, it really feels like we've met each other late. I'm committed to you, my friend."

Fang Yubin cupped his fists and said, "Thank you!"

Yu Fei took a puff of cigarette: "To make friends, the most important thing is to be honest. I don't like to beat around the bush, so I just speak the truth."

"This is the best." Fang Yubin also lit a cigarette.

Yu Fei smiled and said, "Since you have been to Qisuo Clubhouse, I don't need to introduce this place. Don't worry, no one has the guts to install surveillance equipment here. Therefore, the conversation between us is absolutely safe."

After saying this, Yu Fei took out a plastic bag from his purse and handed it to Fang Yubin.

Fang Yubin took a look, it didn't look like there was cash inside, so he asked, "What do you mean?"

Yu Fei shook the soot: "Look for yourself!"

Fang Yubin opened the plastic bag and saw more than a dozen ID cards, bank cards, and the online banking U-shield attached to the bank cards.He became more and more confused: "Which song is this?"

Yu Fei said: "If I hand over the cash to you, and you deposit it in the bank, you will be exposed immediately. Opening an account in someone else's name is too focused, and it is not good! It is best to use a dozen people's names, plus Go to their bank cards and spread the money. These cards are all opened for online banking, and you can transfer them as you want, which is both concealed and convenient!"

Fang Yubin was puzzled: "Where did you get so many ID cards and bank cards?"

Yu Fei said: “Nowadays there are people who specialize in this business. They go to mountainous areas to buy ID cards from farmers, or pay tens of dollars to collect lost ID cards from waste pickers. With these ID cards, they send special personnel to Go to the bank to apply for a bank card. After the things are ready, they can be sold to those in need.”

"Someone even does this kind of business!" Fang Yubin was amazed.

Yu Fei said: "There are 50 scattered in these cards, which can be regarded as my meeting gift."

"You are quite generous." Fang Yubin smiled, "I just don't know, what role will I play in Mr. Yu's deck? Is it the king of spades or the three of diamonds?"

"What is the K of Spades? Boss Fang is too modest. If we join forces, it will be a combination of two kings, and it will be a blast." Yu Fei said.

"What do you need me to do?" Fang Yubin said, "I have already said about the Qiancheng Group last time in Binhai, as long as you don't create any storms, Rongding is not interested in getting involved. It seems that you don't need to come here to send it off for this matter." I have some money."

"You misunderstood." Yu Fei laughed loudly, "If I came to you with 50 yuan for something, is that still called making friends? I don't have anything to ask of you. You and I make friends."

"So simple?" Fang Yubin shook his head.

"Is it that complicated to make friends?" Yu Fei looked calm.

Fang Yubin was still shaking his head: "You said just now that making friends is the most important thing. If you have nothing to ask for, why would you give me 50?

After pondering for a while, Yu Fei said: "Since you asked the question, I will not hide it. Now you are the general manager of Rhodium Venture Capital, and you are an important person. In the future, I will make a living in the capital market. I hope I can get your care."

Yu Fei continued: "Rhodium invests in many companies, many of which are listed on the stock market. If the opportunity is right in the future, I would like to select a few companies and let their stock prices jump up and down. If there is such a day, Naturally, I need your help."

"That's right, this is the truth!" Fang Yubin took a puff of cigarette.

"It seems that we are friends." Yu Fei picked up the teacup and said with a smile.

"Of course you can make friends, but you have to speak clearly." Fang Yubin crossed his legs and flicked the cigarette ash, "First of all, I can't take this money, you take it back. Second, if you want to make an idea of ​​Rongding's joint stock company, Expecting to make a lot of money by sitting in the farm, I have to advise you from the standpoint of a friend: It’s best not to think about it.”

Yu Fei still had a smile on his face, but the hand holding the teacup was shaking slightly.Fang Yubin continued: "As friends, it's fine for us to drink wine and play poker. But it is absolutely impossible for me to cooperate with you in the bank. The water in the stock market is too deep, and various interests are intertwined. In case you sit in the bank Don’t implicate many people, I’m not asking for trouble!”

"You can rest assured that I am a person. If there is anything wrong, I will never hurt my friends." Yu Fei said hastily.

Fang Yubin still shook his head: "At the beginning, I followed Mr. Ding and learned a lot. He has a saying that I have always regarded as a motto - don't make mortal enemies, don't seek out buddies. All people in politics and business should learn from him. Believe it as a creed. More friends, more roads, fewer enemies, less walls, unless it is absolutely necessary, don't make a deadly feud, if you can raise your hand, do it. In addition, don't seek out buddies, because there are no buddies you can rely on. Set up an offensive and defensive alliance, usually drinking and eating meat, wishing to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but when the catastrophe is approaching, no one will help the other to carry it. Those who were arrested were recruited faster than each other. I have never heard of them Sacrifice yourself to save your friends."

Fang Yubin stood up: "I drank a lot of wine today, and my head is a little dizzy, so let's talk here."

After all, Yu Fei was a person on the scene, although he was refuted by others, but when he walked out of the private room, he still had a calm demeanor.He bid farewell to Fang Yubin courteously, and arranged for Yang Yun to send the guests home in person.After sending Fang Yubin away, Yu Fei and Tong Xiaozhi boarded another car, and after driving for a while, he cursed bitterly: "Fang, you have no face!"

"What's wrong?" Tong Xiaozhi asked.

Yu Fei said: "In the private room just now, I gave him 50 yuan. Not only did he confiscate it, but he also advised me not to use my brain. He thought he was something, and I gave money because I valued him."

"Why give someone money for no reason? Isn't it harmful to others?" Tong Xiaozhi said, "If I had known that you asked me to ask him out for this, I would not have called."

"You protect him." Yu Fei became furious, "What's the matter, met an old friend, and the old love rekindled?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Tong Xiaozhi raised his voice.

"Don't think I don't know." Yu Fei sneered, "Since we met in Binhai last time, I can see that the relationship between you is not that simple. Yang Yun is a big beauty, she is doing so hard today, but her surname is Fang I'm not interested at all, and keep looking at you."

Tong Xiaozhi's fire was also ignited: "I don't care who he looks at. Don't think that with a vixen by your side, you can conquer the world."

Yu Fei scolded: "You are getting more and more presumptuous. Yang Yun is the leader of the company anyway, can you say that about him?"

Yu Fei softened his tone: "I should talk to you about finding Fang Yubin. But this kid is too ungrateful, I can't spare him."

Tong Xiaozhi's mood also calmed down a little: "I don't understand, can't you just do business seriously, why do you have to go this crooked way?"

"You don't understand!" Yu Fei sighed.

"Without Rongding, you can't do business?" Tong Xiaozhi said.

Yu Fei said: "Of course you can do business without Rongding. If you can rely on Rongding, your business will grow even bigger."

Tong Xiaozhi taunted: "Fang Yubin is now the general manager of Rongding Venture Capital. He has already rejected it. What else can you do?"

Yu Fei sneered: "Without him, there are a lot of people who want to cooperate with me." Then, he squeezed out another sentence: "Fang Yubin said that he would not make mortal enemies or seek buddies, so next, I'll send him to his death."

Tong Xiaozhi said disapprovingly: "Don't think you can handle everyone. In short, don't get me involved in your affairs, and don't ask me to contact Fang Yubin for you in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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