super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 107 Like an Angel 1

Chapter 107 Like an Angel

"Wang An is still inside!" Hearing this, Chen Zheng's face turned pale, no wonder Wang An hadn't been seen all this time, it turned out that Wang An had gone to the back garden!Now there is trouble!
"Chen Zheng, what should we do now? Wang An is still inside!" Liu Li's anxious voice sounded behind him, and Chen Zheng glanced at the countdown on the LED light board opposite, only the last minute left, he Without thinking too much, I ran into the lobby.


The faces of the people around were extremely surprised, and they watched Chen Zheng running into the lobby: "He is crazy! It is about to explode, and he wants to run in? He is simply crazy! I don't know how many bombs are installed inside. Once it explodes, the power will be very terrifying, it is estimated that the entire Greenland Villa will be blown up, why did he rush in like crazy?"

A gleam of light flashed in Liu Li's eyes behind her, she gritted her teeth and ran towards the lobby.

"They're all crazy!"

The people behind cursed, and the police chief Jin Zhongyuan quickly waved his hand and shouted: "Listen, everyone, retreat immediately, it's about to explode!"

Chen Zheng ran into the lobby. He quickly performed the see-through technique and looked around. Soon, he found a figure in the back garden. If the figure was good, it should be Wang An!Chen Zheng's clairvoyant eye technique looked around and determined that there were five bombs buried in the entire Greenland Villa, three of which were in the place where people lived, and the other two were at the front and rear doors. Chen Zheng estimated the explosion. Power, I don't know if Wang An will be bombed, but the place where Wang An is located should be the place farthest from the bomb!
At the same time, he was very puzzled, why Wang An didn't come out after hearing the broadcast?
Chen Zheng hurriedly ran towards Wang An.

But he didn't realize that a woman followed quickly behind him.

At this time, beside the stone pavilion, Wang An was sitting there blankly. She had just heard a radio broadcast saying that there was a bomb inside and asked everyone to retreat, but Wang An did not leave. Sitting there because she wanted to be free.Ever since Gu Yu caused sequelae on her body, she has always wanted to commit suicide. Her mind is full of her father's strictness towards her. If her father knows that she has become a monster who is neither male nor female, her father will definitely Those who blamed her, since she was a child, she was the pride of her family and a role model for her classmates, but now, she has become a monster. When she thinks of this, she feels sad and hopeless.

Six months ago, when the experiment failed, Wang An ran away from home. She tried to commit suicide. If the female bodyguard hadn't been with her to protect her, she might have died.

Although she has calmed down in the past six months, but now, when she learned that there was a bomb here and was about to explode, she did not escape. If she was willing to live, she would have already escaped, but she did not, she stared blankly. Sitting there, he said silently: "I can finally be free!"

She closed her eyes.

Chen Zheng rushed in, and saw Wang An sitting in the stone pavilion with his eyes closed and waiting for death at a glance. He was taken aback, but suddenly realized, did Wang An stay here on purpose to wait for death?The radio rang for so long, but Wang An didn't come out. So he was waiting here to die?No wonder from the first time I saw Wang An, I felt that this guy was depressed, lowered his head to play with his phone, and felt a little evasive. So this guy always wanted to die?
"Wang An!" Chen Zheng shouted.

Then Wang An opened her eyes, and when she saw Chen Zhengshi standing in front of her, her face was shocked, and she froze there: "Why are you here..."

"Damn it, you stay here on purpose, do you want to commit suicide? Don't you know that this is very dangerous? It's also worrying!" Chen Zheng felt angry when he thought of Wang An hiding here waiting to die. So scold right away.

But Wang An was scolded a lot, but his little face tensed up, he shook his head, and said coldly: "Don't worry about it!"

"Damn it!" What Chen Zheng hated the most were those who wanted to commit suicide. Life was so beautiful, why did they commit suicide?As long as you are alive, it is better than anything else, why Mao Wangan doesn't know how to cherish it?Thinking of this, Chen Zheng couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, it's a very happy thing to live in this world! Why can't you think about committing suicide? If you're not even afraid of death, then what are you afraid of? Moreover, people have a next life, and the suffering in this life will be brought to the next life, and only by facing it bravely can we end the suffering in the cycle of reincarnation and gain happiness!"

"I..." Wang An was startled suddenly, as if she had been woken up by Chen Zheng's scolding, but when she thought that she could not return to her daughter, she said angrily, "I just want to die!"


Chen Zheng still wanted to say something, but at this moment, there was a loud bang, and the whole earth vibrated violently, and the five bombs installed in the villa all exploded at the same time.The stone pavilion swayed for a while, but it was about to collapse. A flash of relief flashed in Wang An's eyes, but she felt a figure suddenly rushing towards her. She looked back and saw Chen Zheng rushing towards her, hugging her. She fell towards the outside of the stone pavilion.

The stone pavilion behind him collapsed and became ruins.

Chen Zheng rolled over on the grass with Wang An in his arms, and quickly checked the condition of Wang An in his arms. Seeing that he was not injured, he just stared at him blankly. Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. Looking around, he saw that the five bombs had all exploded and the entire Greenland Villa was engulfed in flames. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, the power of the bombs is not so terrifying. If not, you would have to die here today!"

Seeing that Wang An didn't speak, Chen Zheng looked back and saw Wang An sitting there staring at him blankly. He frowned and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

Wang An couldn't express the feeling in his heart. Unexpectedly, when she was about to die, the man in front of her would rush in without hesitation. At the moment of the explosion just now, the Shiting was so shaken that it was about to collapse, and the man in front of her unexpectedly rushed in. He flew towards her and saved her life.

Thinking of this, Wang An felt a surge of sorrow, and she asked blankly, "Why did you save me? Wouldn't it be better if I died?"

Hearing Wang An's voice, Chen Zheng leaned forward, pressed Wang An's shoulder, and looked at Wang An closely: "No matter what happens to you, I will support you by your side! Please remember , life is the most precious, as long as you persevere! Wherever you fall, just lie there. If you lie down enough, if you still want to cry, then stand up and cry again. Even if you cry, you have to smile and curse: Fuck you damn it!"


Wang An suddenly laughed. At this moment, an unprecedented warmth surged up in her heart. Looking at Chen Zheng in front of her, she felt a little sweeter in her heart.She suddenly felt that the darkness behind her became brighter, and Chen Zheng was like an angel, appearing by her side when she needed it most!
 Save the manuscript, it will explode next Tuesday!
(End of this chapter)

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