super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 108 I will come to find you!

Chapter 108 I will come back to find you!
Liu Li is still inside!

The cry I heard just now was not an illusion, but real!Unexpectedly, when Chen Zheng rushed towards the lobby, Liu Li actually followed in!Chen Zheng knew very well that the fire had already spread towards the back garden, and it should have burned the entire back garden at this time!As soon as he thought of this, Chen Zheng hurriedly ran towards the police car, put Wang An on his body in the car, and told Director Jin to pay attention to Wang An. If Wang An wakes up, don't let Wang An get lost again!

Director Jin nodded, and looked closely at Chen Zheng: "Are you still going in? The fire has burned the entire back garden! If you go, you will die!"

"must go!"

Chen Zheng didn't hesitate too much. He rushed into the lobby and plunged into the fire. He could hear the exclamations from outside, but he ran into the fire and activated the spiritual energy in his body. , condensed into a protective shield, and then walked like flying, ran towards the back garden, he performed the see-through technique, and looked towards the back garden, his face changed, and he felt that the whole back garden was surrounded by fire, only the stone pavilion was surrounded by fire. Flames, but if a person stays in it for a while, he will be suffocated to death if he is not burned to death!

Liu Li must be next to Shiting!

Chen Zheng ran towards the side of Shiting, penetrated through the raging fire, and soon came to the side of Shiting, but frowned, Liu Li was not here!

"What's the situation? Where is Liu Li? Has she already left? Impossible, the fire is so fierce, she can't go anywhere!" Chen Zheng thought for a while, but his face paled for a while. Could it be that Liu Li has been killed? Burned?How is this possible?

But if not, where is she?
Chen Zheng hurriedly used the see-through eye skill to look around. With him as the center, he turned around. The see-through eye skill could see everything within a radius of 2000 meters, but he still couldn't see Liu Li's body. figure.

This is strange!

What about Liu Li's people?
Was it burnt to powder?

How can this be?

Suddenly, there was a slight cough. Although it was hidden in the sound of the flames, Chen Zheng could hear it clearly. He looked up, his face was overjoyed, and he saw a tree about ten meters ahead. On a large oak tree that is more than 30 meters high, a woman is huddled on the branch. It is none other than Liu Li. Through the firelight, Chen Zheng sees Liu Li's pale and fragile face in his eyes. At this moment, Liu Li was in a half-awake state, almost suffocated by the smoke. Chen Zheng knew that once she passed out, she might never wake up!
No wonder when I looked around with my clairvoyant eyes just now, I couldn't find Liu Li. It turned out that she had climbed a tree!
Chen Zheng quickly performed the flying exercises, and he flew up, towards Liu Li on the tree, then hugged Liu Li, and flew towards the back mountain.But Liu Li, who was in a half-conscious state, felt something, but opened her eyes at this moment. Those weak eyes looked closely at Chen Zheng for a long time. There were waves of whistling sounds, and she felt herself being hugged and flew up, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "It's finally you..."

"What! Are you waiting for me?"

Chen Zheng was puzzled for a while.

"Yes, I'm waiting for you, Masked Superman!" Liu Li smiled and hugged Chen Zheng tightly, a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Chen Zheng had doubts in his eyes, and he didn't say anything at the moment. He flew towards the back of the mountain, flew over the sea of ​​fire, and then landed on the ground. Seeing the blazing fire behind him engulfing the entire villa, Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Now, Both Wang An and Liu Li are safe!"


There was a burst of laughter in his arms. Chen Zheng looked down and saw Liu Li's tender and emotional eyes.

At this moment, Liu Li was leaning quietly in Chen Zheng's arms, looking at Chen Zheng quietly.

This look made Chen Zheng's heart skip a beat. He always felt that Liu Li was interested in him, so he coughed quickly and said, "Okay, come down quickly."

"I'm sorry, my foot is sprained, you can continue to hug me, Masked Superman." Liu Lile giggled.

"What? Sprained?" Chen Zheng frowned, and quickly checked Liu Li's injuries. He found bloodstains in many places on Liu Li's body, and her ankles were purple and black. Injured by impact.However, Chen Zheng was surprised, Liu Li was so injured, why could she still climb the tree?And still climbed more than ten meters!Although the stone pavilion collapsed, it covers an area of ​​[-] square meters. If you hide on the stone pavilion, you won't be burned to death. Why does Liu Li have to climb a tree?
Suddenly, Chen Zheng reacted.

Just now Liu Li said that she has been waiting for him!Thinking about it now, it turned out that Liu Li was injured, so she deliberately climbed up the tree, and then waited for Chen Zheng to show up to save her. She always suspected that Chen Zheng was the masked superman, so she deliberately climbed up the tree, just waiting for Chen Zheng to fly up!
Chen Zheng suddenly realized!

It turned out that Liu Li did it on purpose, she just wanted to know if he was the Masked Superman!

Thinking of something, his heart skipped a beat again. This Liu Li kept saying that he was the one killed by Gu, so she naturally believed that he could rescue Wang An. Why did she follow in?And he followed behind, but he deliberately didn't let him know. Now that I think about it, if it's not bad, all of this was done on purpose by Liu Li!I just want Chen Zheng to show up, I just want to know if Chen Zheng is the Masked Superman!

Thinking of this, Chen Zheng looked towards Liu Li, and seeing the smug smile on the corner of Liu Li's mouth, Chen Zheng sighed in his heart: She really is a beautiful woman, and she is extremely scheming!

"Masked Superman, from now on, you can no longer hide from me! I already know your identity! But don't worry, I will always keep your secret for you." Liu Lile looked at Chen Zheng gigglingly. Weakness that has just been suffocated by smoke?
Chen Zheng thought he was unlucky, but he didn't expect to be fooled by this clever and scheming woman!
He put Liu Li on a stone, knowing that Liu Li had already understood everything, so there was no need to hide it anymore. He circulated the spiritual energy in his body, and then poured into Liu Li's ankle. Soon, the congestion dissipated, and Liu Li Lina's ankle, which was originally purple and black due to the sprain, returned to smooth and fair in a moment. Chen Zheng stood up and said, "Okay, let's go down."

"You really are the ancient killer!" Seeing that her ankle had recovered, Liu Li became more determined that Chen Zheng was the legendary ancient killer!
Looking at Chen Zheng's back, Liu Li was shocked, the ancient killer really existed!She is really happy to be able to meet one of them here!
She raised her head and asked Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, I don't want to go down anymore. I have nothing to do here. I have to go back. When you go back later, say that I was burned to death."

"What!" A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes: "Why are you doing this? Could it be that you want to hide your identity so that you can kill Song Zhi?"

"That's right, that's right!" Liu Li nodded: "After this fire, I will completely disappear, and in this way, the pressure on Song Zhi's bodyguards will be relieved, and it will be easier for me to attack! "

"Do you have to avenge your brother?" Chen Zheng asked.

"It's for sure!" After a pause, Liu Li raised her head and looked at Chen Zheng seriously: "My brother betrothed me to you to take care of me for the rest of my life. I feel so bad, I want to ask, do you still take it seriously now?"

"This..." Chen Zheng was a little overwhelmed by Liu Li's fiery gaze, so he nodded.



"Okay, I will remember your words, and I will come back to you after I kill Song Zhi!" Liu Lile giggled, walked up, and suddenly raised her heels, and quickly kissed Chen Zheng's face, Then quickly walked down the mountain.

"This..." Looking at Liu Li's far away figure, Chen Zheng touched the face kissed by Liu Li, feeling a little reluctant to leave Liu Li, but Liu Li is a killer, she has identified a goal, and she will never give up until she achieves her goal !

Chen Zheng took a deep look at Liu Liyuan's back, and then walked towards the top of the mountain. When he came to the mountainside, all the passengers and employees were evacuated. There were only busy firefighters and police officers on the scene. Chen Zheng saw the commanding officer at a glance. Director Jin, he hurried up, thinking about how to convince Director Jin that Liu Li had been burned to death, but when he came to him, Director Jin grabbed him and walked to the side , and said with a panicked face: "Xiaozheng... I know you are Masked Superman, so I am not surprised that you can come back safely, but what surprised me is that the boy you just recited, why did you have the same relationship with Xiang? Eastern Province******** Huatian all look exactly alike?"

 It will break out on Tuesday next week, please vote! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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