super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 114 The little one hit, and the big one came again

Chapter 114 The little one hit, and the big one came again
"Brother Xiaozheng..." Wang An and Dalizhen ran up behind them, looking at the man with the scar on the opposite side suspiciously, and when Wang Wenhua and Li Xiao got out of the car, Dalizhen's expression changed: "This How did the two guys unite? Xiaozheng, is this man with the scar the No.3 existence you mentioned?"

"No, he is no longer No.3 because he met me." Chen Zheng said domineeringly.

"You!" There was a murderous look in the scarred man's eyes, and he fired at Chen Zheng without saying a word. Called from the front door: "Let me see, do you have the confidence to be so arrogant!"

"Fine, I like to cut to the chase!"

A smile flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. Although the speed of the scar was very fast, in Chen Zheng's eyes, it was very slow. The strength of this scar should be above the king and the emperor, and the emperor is the strongest, so It was only [-]% of Chen Zheng's strength. Logically speaking, this scar should be [-]% of Chen Zheng's strength, but what made Chen Zheng frowned was that the speed of Scar was only about [-]% of his strength.

Could it be that Scar hides his strength?
Seeing that Scar pounced forward and struck out a fist that was as fast as lightning, Chen Zheng shook his head, thinking that Scar should have no reservations about this blow.

"Brother Xiaozheng, be careful!" Wang An exclaimed suddenly, she saw Chen Zheng standing there the whole time, neither dodging nor obstructing, her little face was very tense and pale.At this time, a smile appeared on the corner of Chen Zheng's mouth. He made a move, grabbed the fist that Scar had hit with a snap, and then hit Scar's chest with only [-]% of his strength, but it was like a train. He slammed into Scar's body fiercely, knocked Scar upside down, and slammed into the BMW behind him with a bang, causing the BMW to be dented.


There was a burst of exclamation from around, and all the people from the nearby food stalls rushed over, and said with a surprised face: "This young man is terrifying! Just now, he hit this scarred man so hard that he smashed the BMW hood!"


Wang Wenhua and Li Xiao looked at each other, their faces turned pale. They spent a lot of money to hire Scar, who was ranked third in the underground boxing ring. They thought they could deal with Chen Zheng. After all, the kings and emperors who were defeated by Chen Zheng were not Scar However, what made their faces horrified was that Chen Zheng knocked the scar upside down with just one blow, which was probably easier than dealing with the emperor at that time!
What's happening here?
Isn't the scar stronger than the emperor?

Why is it easier for Chen Zheng to hit the scar than the emperor?
Wang Wenhua and Li Xiao's eyes were full of surprise.

At this time, Chen Zheng was also looking at his hands in doubt. A thought crossed his mind, I should have become stronger!The emperor is equivalent to [-]% of my strength, and the scar is more powerful than the emperor, but it is only [-]% of my strength. In this way, I have become stronger!Thinking of this, Chen Zheng was a little excited. He didn't expect that if he practiced according to the fixed rules, he would become stronger after a certain period of time!


Scar got up, his face was angry, he was the No.3 underground boxing ring, and today he was sent flying by Chen Zheng with one move, which made his eyes full of anger, he roared, covered his bicycle, and jumped Jumping up, like an eagle, he spread his hands and slammed down towards Chen Zheng: "Look at my flying eagle attack!"

"Flying Eagle Strike?" Chen Zheng smiled coldly, and kicked backwards. This kick turned 180 degrees, and finally kicked heavily on Scar's chest.

After a loud noise, the knife scar was kicked upside down and hit the BMW body hard. This time, the entire BMW was smashed to the ground, and all the window glass was broken on the ground. Scar opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of rotten blood. He looked at Chen Zheng with a pale face, and said tremblingly: "Why are you so terrifying? Why? When I heard that you defeated kings and emperors one after another, I still doubted it, but now, I can only believe that you are a terrifying existence! But why is it so terrifying?"

The faces of Wang Wenhua and Li Xiao next to him were pale and bloodless. They thought that Scar could fight against Chen Zheng, but unexpectedly, they were dealt with directly by Chen Zheng as soon as they came up. This is simply terrifying!
"This little brother is too scary. What's going on?" The crowd watching around looked at Chen Zheng closely with horror in their eyes.

Dalizhen was very excited, he put his arm around Chen Zheng's shoulder, pointed at Chen Zheng and said to the people around him, "This is my senior brother, my name is Wang Zhen, just like my senior brother, I am very good at fighting."


The people around all stared at Dali Zhen and Chen Zheng with envy in their eyes: "This is simply a pair of terrifying senior brothers! Where did they learn martial arts from? They are simply god-like existences!"

"Haha." Being praised by everyone, Dali Zhen's eyes were full of enjoyment, and he laughed again and again, making Chen Zheng sigh in his heart: How did he meet such a bad friend?
On the other hand, Wang An next to him said to the scar, "Do you know why brother Xiaozheng is so terrifying? Because he is an ancient killer!"


Scar that had calmed down trembled violently, staring fixedly at Chen Zheng, trembling with horror in his eyes: "He turned out to be the ancient killer? My God! He turned out to be the legendary ancient killer? How could this be?" Possibly? But if he is not an ancient killer, how can he explain his terror? God, so to speak, he is really a legendary ancient killer! Haha, he is an ancient killer, I did not lose face, The Ancient Assassin is a terrifying existence, to be able to lose to him is my good fortune!"

As he said that, Scar struggled, knelt down on the ground, and respectfully said to Chen Zheng: "Ancient Killer, please accept my worship!"

As he spoke, Dao Scar rapped his head on the ground a few times, and then staggered out, leaving behind Wang Wenhua and Li Xiao who looked puzzled, and they looked at each other: "What is ancient killing?"

However, when they thought of Scar being beaten to the point of vomiting blood by Chen Zheng just a few times, a trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the two of them, they didn't even want the BMW, they ran outside, and disappeared without a trace in a moment.And Chen Zheng clapped his hands and said, "Xiao An, let's go back to sleep."


Wang Anle smiled happily, followed behind Chen Zheng quickly, walked out with Chen Zheng, and said with a cheerful smile: "Brother Xiaozheng, you are so powerful, you are simply my idol! I met you sooner." You're fine, otherwise you wouldn't be living so monotonously till now, hehe."

Chen Zheng glanced at Wang An's little red face and thought it was cute, so he didn't say anything.

At that moment, the two bid farewell to Dalizhen, and then returned to the rental house. Chen Zheng had a fight and was covered in sweat, so he hurried into the bathroom to wash up. After reaching the top of the building, she called her female bodyguard Yingjie, and after a while, the call was connected: "Sister Ying, brother Xiaozheng is really an ancient killer, I saw him make a move again tonight, it's too powerful! "

On the other end of the phone, Ling Ying said excitedly: "Then you have to follow him and let him protect you!"

"Hmm." Wang An thought of something, blushed a little, and said cautiously: "I'm going to sleep in the same room with brother Xiaozheng tonight, will it be that..."

"Hehe, Xiaoan, you can pursue your own true love and happiness, and Sister Ying supports you!" Ling Ying talked with Wang An for a while, then hung up the phone, looking back at Hua Tianping who was busy in the laboratory, she hesitated for a while, Finally, he knocked on the door and walked in: "Doctor Hua, what's the result of the experiment? Can you teach Gu Yu's exercises again?"

Hua Tianping raised his head, glanced at Ling Ying, sighed and said, "Come and have a look, this is the process of my experiment just now, I put the same ancient jade on the experimenter, but the result is still a failure of!"

Ling Ying hurried up and looked at the video of the experiment. In a laboratory, two researchers held ancient jade and pressed it on the chest of a man. The man was sleeping at first, but was caught by ancient jade. When touched, the whole person jumped up, foaming at the mouth, trembling all over, and finally rescued after rescue. After watching the whole video, Ling Ying sighed. Foaming at the mouth is a symbol of failure. , Every time the ancient jade is used for experiments, the subjects are always foaming at the mouth, dying, and have never been successful.

"I'm really curious, why Chen Zheng can succeed, but these people fail!" Hua Tianping took off his coat.

"Then what should we do next? If we can't research ancient jade, we won't be able to restore Xiaoying to normal. Then, the Hua family will still be a tragedy!" Ling Ying was a little sad. She thought it would be successful, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be bamboo again. The basket was empty.

"Get ready, we're going to the East China Sea and find Chen Zheng and Xiaoying in person! I don't believe it won't work!" Hua Pingtian said.



When Chen Zheng came out of the bathroom, he found that Wang An had already got into bed, wrapped himself in a thick quilt, curled up in a ball, and turned his back to Chen Zheng.Chen Zheng thought it was weird, but he didn't say anything. He changed into his pajamas, took out the quilt from the closet, and went to sleep on the sofa in the hall. It was time to sleep on the sofa, Wang An stretched out his little head from under the thick quilt, and said with a blushing face, "Brother Xiaozheng, I don't mind you sleeping with me."

"Two big men, why are you sleeping!"

Chen Zheng glared at Wang An, then ran to the sofa to practice.

There was nothing to say all night, and Chen Zheng threw himself into the practice, holding his breath against the influence of the outside world. He didn't get up until dawn, and when he came back from running, he found that Wang An had already changed his clothes, humming and sitting They were playing computer games there. As soon as Chen Zheng came in, Wang An said with a cheerful smile, "Brother Xiaozheng, I am very glad to rent with you for one night. Let's go to work now."

"it is good."

At that moment, Chen Zheng and Wang An drove a BMW to Science City. On the way, Chen Zheng called Xia Xue and made an appointment to have dinner tonight.

Soon, the car came to the Science City. When Chen Zheng parked the car in the underground parking lot, he encountered two official cars 100 meters ahead, and a group of people stepped out of them. These people should be law enforcement. Chen Zheng paid attention, and felt that the middle-aged man who led the team looked somewhat similar to Li Xiao. He didn't say anything, and walked directly into the elevator with Wang An, but when the elevator door was about to close, the person walking A man in a suit with a serious face also came in. Soon, Chen Zheng came to the eighth floor, which was the building where the company was located. He walked out with Wang An, but his brows frowned, and he saw the man behind him. The men also followed, walked forward, and came to the door of Chen Zheng's company. Among them, the middle-aged man who was similar to Li Xiao looked at the information in his hand, checked the address and company name, and rushed to the door. The person behind said: "This is the company Wang Dong was talking about. Let's all do our best to seal this company!"

"Yes! Chief Li!"

The seven law enforcement men nodded.

When Chen Zheng heard it, his eyes turned cold, Wang Dong?These people were called by Wang Dong, right?Looking at Director Li, Chen Zheng felt that the other party looked really similar to Li Xiao. His heart moved, and he sneered, "You hit the little one, and then came the big one? Very good!"

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(End of this chapter)

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