super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 115 Li Huang's Panic!

Chapter 115 Li Huang's Panic!
"Brother Xiaozheng, these villains are here to make trouble!" Wang An looked a little angry.

"Yes, they are here to make trouble." Chen Zheng also knew that he should not be too reckless when encountering these law enforcement officers. He immediately thought of Xia Xue. His girlfriend and father are high-ranking city officials, and he still needs him Shot?So Chen Zheng took out his mobile phone and called Xia Xue directly: "Honey, I'm in trouble. Wang Dong sent someone to make trouble. It's Li Xiao's father."

On the other end of the phone, as soon as Xia Xue heard about Li Xiao's father, her face darkened: "That's unreasonable! This Li Xiao is too hateful. He pestered me time and time again, and now he wants to attack you again! I am now Just rush over immediately, I guess it will take an hour for me to go there, I will call Secretary Zhang to go there first, don't be impulsive!"

On the other end of the phone, Xia Xue hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Chen Zheng and Wang An walked towards the company, but saw the middle-aged man commanding his subordinates to move the company's equipment and desks to the door. Xu Ying had already arrived, and she was talking with the middle-aged man with a pale face. , Hearing that the other party is from the city hall, where did Xu Ying encounter such a situation?For a moment, her face was pale and bloodless. She looked up and saw Chen Zheng outside the door, and hurried up: "Mr. Chen, they are coming to seal this place!"

Standing at the door, Chen Zheng said coldly, "Everyone must put things down!"

"You are Chen Zheng from Zhengzhen Trading Company? Very well, we are here to enforce the law. Your place is illegal and has been seized!" The middle-aged man was Li Xiao's father, Li Huang.

"Then who are you guys? Are you so arrogant? Are you from the Municipal Committee? Or from the Municipal Inspection and Disciplinary Department? What qualifications do these two departments have to seal up my company? Even if they come, they are from the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, you bastards You came here to make trouble!" Chen Zheng said coldly.

Li Huang was exposed, and he didn't panic. When he thought that Chen Zhengzheng was just a hooker who wanted to climb up to Xia Xue's relationship, and then wanted to fly to the branch to become a phoenix, he felt angry. The daughter of the Xia family, looking at the whole of China, Who wouldn't want it?You are a mere hang-si with no background and no relationship, and you are so arrogant when you come up?Thinking of this, Li Huang became angry, and shouted at Chen Zheng: "I will kill you today, everyone listen, move things into the car immediately, and seal this place!"


Seeing Director Li's anger, the seven youths didn't dare to neglect, picked up their things and walked out.

"It's you who messed up!" Chen Zheng was also furious. These guys were very arrogant because they belonged to the city hall, and there was no procedure for handling things. It doesn't belong to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and it's clearly here to make trouble!Thinking of this, Chen Zheng was no longer relentless. He leaned forward and started to strike. He only used [-]% of his strength, slapped his left hand and fisted his right fist. In less than half a minute, he killed all these people. down.

Now that Li Huang's face became angry, he pointed at Chen Zheng, and said firmly, "How dare you hit my people? You are dead, you are dead!"

"Director Li, are you too arrogant?" At this moment, a cold voice sounded from outside the door, and a middle-aged man came in from the outside. It was none other than Secretary Zhang next to Xia Shangguo , He was going to work with Xia Shangguo, but he received a call from Xia Xue on the way, saying that someone was going to bully Chen Zheng. Once he heard that it was Chen Zheng, Secretary Zhang did not dare to neglect him. Hua Tian is also acquainted. I heard from Xia Xue that Chen Zheng also rescued the commander of the Jiangnan Military Region and was recognized by Fourth Uncle Xia. All of this shows that Chen Zheng has various relationships with the Xia family. , if there are no moths, he will be the son-in-law of the Xia family, and I will have to call Boss Chen at that time!

As soon as he heard about Chen Zheng's accident, Secretary Zhang rushed over immediately, thinking of establishing a good relationship with his future boss!
As soon as he entered the door, he saw that it was Li Huang, a high-ranking municipal official, and his face sank. This Li Huang was too arrogant, and he didn't have any background, so he dared to touch someone from the Xia family?Let's not talk about Xia Zheng, just Xia Shangguo alone is enough for Li Huang to eat a pot, this girl is so bold to come and seize Chen Zheng's company?It's just a municipal committee, and it's not from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. What qualifications does it have?
Thinking of this, Secretary Zhang said to Li Huang with a serious face: "Li Huang, you are too bold, you don't even look at who owns this company. Chen Zheng is the son-in-law approved by Boss Xia, you dare to come here to make trouble! "

When Li Huang heard this, his brows frowned: "Chen Zheng has already been approved by Secretary Xia? Chen Zheng has nothing, no background, and no relationship. Will he be approved by Secretary Xia?"

When Secretary Zhang heard this, he also understood. It is because Li Huang saw that Chen Zheng had not officially become the son-in-law of the Xia family, so he came to make trouble first, trying to kill Chen Zheng to avoid future troubles. Secretary Zhang also knew that this Li Huang is not a good fruit. He wanted his son to marry Xia Xue. He probably knew that Xia Xue’s boyfriend was Chen Zheng, so he deliberately came to kill Chen Zheng. He was approved by Fourth Uncle Xia, saved Commander Xia Wei, defeated Xia Lei, defeated Xia Shangguo and Hua Tiandu on the chessboard, and was Xia Xue's chosen boyfriend. Chen Zheng is more qualified than Li Xiao!
Thinking of this, Secretary Zhang snorted coldly, and said: "To be honest, Chen Zheng has already been approved by Secretary Xia, not only Secretary Xia, but even Hua Tian, ​​a senior provincial official in Xiangdong Province, has approved Chen Zheng. Said, Chen Zheng is definitely the son-in-law of the Xia family!"

"This... Secretary Xia has approved Chen Zheng? Even Secretary Hua of Xiangjiang Province has approved?" Li Huang's face was a little pale. If this is the case, then he has hit the gunpoint this time.However, he also knows that Secretary Zhang is the secretary next to Xia Shangguo, so naturally he knows Xia Shangguo best. What Secretary Zhang said is very credible, and the Xia family and the Hua family are two big families with a long history in China. If Chen Zhengzheng has been approved by Hua Tiandu, so this matter is indeed a sure thing. Li Huang weighed it, his face was a little pale, and he said to Chen Zheng: " our fault..."

The people around were all stunned.

Li Huang's face was angry, and he shouted at everyone: "What are you still doing here? Why don't you move back immediately!"

"Yes, yes, yes..." The seven men couldn't help cursing in their hearts. Damn it, you were the one who told you to move out just now, and now you are the one who told you to move back. Let's vent our anger, old ghosts who have no use for ghosts!

Li Huang smiled and pulled his face, and said to Chen Zheng and Secretary Zhang: "Boss Chen, Secretary Zhang, I made a mistake today. I apologize to you. I have other things. I will come to apologize in person when I find time some other day!"

After saying that, Li Huang led the crowd and walked out in a desperate manner, but when he got down to the parking lot, he took out his mobile phone and called Wang Dong: "Brother Wang, Secretary Zhang next to Xia Shangguo came out personally , Said that Chen Zheng has been approved by Xia Shangguo, but I don't want Chen Zheng to be arrogant. On the surface, we can't offend Chen Zheng, because Chen Zheng has already been approved by Xia Shangguo, but secretly, we have to find a way to kill him !"

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I thought about it, didn't he provide Wang Ting with the rough stone? Let's play tricks on the rough stone. It's better to kill people, so that Chen Zheng can't bear it!" Li Huang said coldly.

On the other end of the phone, Wang Dong's eyes lit up: "You have a good idea, and you really deserve to be a jerk in the officialdom. You have a good way of doing things."

"Then you know what to do?"


"That's good!" After hanging up the phone, a murderous look flashed in Li Huang's eyes, he beckoned people to get into the car, and drove towards the outside of the Science City. At this moment, standing by the window, watching Li Huang's car drive away After leaving the Science City, Secretary Zhang snorted coldly, and said to Chen Zheng: "Xiao Zheng, now Li Huang probably won't make trouble again."

"Secretary Zhang will be the one to help this time."

"Hehe, that's not necessary! You are now a big celebrity around Boss Xia, how can I ask you to thank you?" When Secretary Zhang thought of Chen Zheng being recognized by Uncle Xia, Xia Lei, Xia Wei and others, he said Knowing that Chen Zheng is terrifying, and that this Chen Zheng killed Xia Shangguo and Hua Tian on the chessboard without any power to fight back, and was praised by the future leaders of the country, Secretary Zhang secretly decided in his heart that he must have a good relationship with Chen Zheng in the future!Whether he can turn old wood into spring depends on Chen Zheng's here!
"Chen Zheng..."

At this moment, a crisp voice sounded, and Xia Xue came in from the outside, with beads of sweat on her fair face, as soon as she came in, she asked, "Chen Zheng, has the troublemaker left?"

"Wife." When Chen Zheng saw Xia Xue, he walked up and hugged her tightly for a minute. Seeing that Xia Xue's face was flushed, he let go of Xia Xue, and said with a smile: "This time there are too many tensions." The secretary's shot."

Xia Xue smiled and looked at Secretary Zhang: "Uncle Zhang, thank you this time."

"Hehe." Secretary Zhang saw that he had nothing to do here, so he said a few words and left with an excuse. As soon as Secretary Zhang left, Chen Zheng took the opportunity to hug Xia Xue tightly and kissed her.

Sensing Xu Ying's burning eyes, Xia Xue quickly pushed Chen Zheng away and said, "No seriousness, do you have any news about Xiaoying?"

Chen Zheng shook his head: "Still looking."

"Hey." Xia Xue sighed: "I don't know where Xiaoying is hiding. Both Uncle Hua and Grandpa Hua are worried about her. She is the only daughter in the Hua family. If something happens to her again, it will really end! I met her a year ago, when Grandpa Hua was asking Xiaoying to choose a son-in-law to come back, how could I have expected Xiaoying to disappear in less than a year!"

Chen Zheng felt Xia Xue's sadness, hugged Xia Xue tightly, and said comfortingly: "Don't be afraid, Huaying should be safe!"

Neither Chen Zheng nor Xia Xue noticed that Wang An was standing there quietly behind the door of the meeting room at the moment. Ever since Xia Xue came in, Wang An had been hiding. She knew very well that Xia Xue was Uncle Xia's daughter Well, she met Xia Xue a year ago.Leaning behind the door, she heard the conversation between Xia Xue and Chen Zheng, and thought of her father and grandpa. She felt a little sore in her heart. She hid in the meeting room until Xia Xue and Chen Zheng walked out, and she was relieved. , quietly looking out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

A rapid bell rang.

Wang An looked at the phone quickly, and seeing that it was Ling Ying calling, she quickly answered the phone, but Ling Ying's voice sounded from the other end of the phone: "Xiaoying, your uncle and I have come to the East China Sea, you call Chen Zheng, call back Go to the apartment, we have something to do with you!"


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(End of this chapter)

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