super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 116 Betrothed Xiaoying to Chen Zheng

Chapter 116 Betrothed Xiaoying to Chen Zheng

"What! What did you say? Uncle has come to Donghai? What is he doing here?" Wang An's face was pale, and on the other end of the phone, Ling Ying said with a smile: "Xiao An, don't be nervous, your uncle is also here In order to see how Chen Zheng became the ancient killer, the main reason is to save you and restore you to normal!"


Wang An nodded, but she thought of something else, and said nervously: "Then you won't tell Chen Zheng that I am Huaying, right? Don't tell him, I don't want him to know that I am a monster, if you let him know If I am male or female, I will be miserable..."

Wang An's face was pale and bloodless. If such a situation really happened, she would be miserable, and her mind would go blank.

On the other end of the phone, Ling Ying smiled and said, "Don't worry, Xiao An, I've already told your uncle that he won't reveal your identity. We are here to treat you!"

"Oh." Wang An nodded, and her emotions calmed down. She said, "Okay then, I will go back with brother Xiaozheng later. Don't tell him that I am Huaying. I have completely returned to normal, and I will appear in front of brother Xiaozheng with the most perfect image again!"


On the other end of the phone, Ling Ying nodded heavily.

Wang An said a few more words, then hung up the phone in a hurry, she walked out of the meeting room, but saw Chen Zheng coming in from outside, and said quickly: "Brother Xiaozheng, when I get off work today, I want to drive me back to pick up my clothes."


Chen Zheng nodded.

Soon, Dalizhen came, and other employees were also present. Chen Zheng called everyone to hold a meeting, and the key point was to ask everyone to follow up on the business with Baoqi Group. At noon, he asked Dalizhen and Xu Ying , took the employees to the production workshop of Baoqi Group.Time passed quickly, at noon, Wang An came to Chen Zheng: "Brother Xiaozheng, we are going back."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes.

"Sister Ying is back, and she brought back someone who said she was looking for you..." Wang An hesitated, making Chen Zheng puzzled. The female bodyguard is back?Also brought back a person?who?Chen Zheng stood up and said, "Let's go, let's go back."

At that moment, the two of them walked out of the parking lot, got into the car, and drove towards the Hongxing Community near Donghai University. They had already rushed back in less than an hour. When the car was parked downstairs, Chen Zheng saw the car outside the window. A female bodyguard with a cold face.When the female bodyguard saw Chen Zheng and Wang An, she rushed up to greet him, and respectfully said to Chen Zheng, "Chen Zheng, Dr. Hua is looking for you."

"Dr. Hua? Who?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. He and Wang An followed the female bodyguard and walked into the apartment. There was a middle-aged man sitting in the lobby. This middle-aged man was very strong, with a height of 1.8 Mi Duogao was wearing a pair of prescription glasses. When Chen Zheng saw this middle-aged man, his eyes moved. He felt that this middle-aged man was very similar to Hua Tian. If it was good, it should be Hua Tian. His younger brother Hua Tianping died.

Chen Zheng didn't expect Hua Tianping to come!
Then all the previous guesses were correct.

Wang An is a descendant of the Hua family, and should not be a child of Hua Tiandu, but Hua Tianping's!

"You are Chen Zheng who takes care of Xiao An?" Hua Tianping stood up, greeted him with a smile, and stretched out his hand actively: "Hello, I am Hua Tianping, Xiao An's father."


Sure enough!

Hua Tianping is Wang An's father!

Chen Zheng stretched out his hand to shake Hua Tianping's hand, and said with a smile: "So it's Xiao An's father. That's great. Xiao An needs someone to take care of him the most recently. You are back. Now Xiao An has at least one person to rely on!"

"Hehe." Hua Tianping glanced at Wang An with a smile, and said to Chen Zheng: "To be honest, I came back this time to stay for a few days, and then I had to go back to work. I have troubled you, here, I really want to thank you very much! Xiao An is a little introverted, and I really need to trouble you during this period of time. "

"Then why did you come back?" Chen Zheng asked suspiciously.

"I heard from Ling Ying that you are the one who killed Gu?" Hua Tianping had already communicated with Ling Ying, knowing that Wang An didn't want Chen Zheng to know that she was Hua Ying, and he didn't want Chen Zheng to know that Gu Yu was Wang Antou. It was for Chen Zheng, so Hua Tianping didn't cut to the chase.

"The person killed by Gu? That's right." Chen Zheng shook his head.

"I came here this time to take some of your blood, and then take it back and study it carefully." Hua Tianping said something, and seeing Chen Zheng looking at him suspiciously, he quickly explained: "It's like this, my brother Hua Tianyou has a daughter. She has disappeared. Before she disappeared, she was poisoned by the ancient killer. It is because of this that she disappeared. I want to use your blood to go back and study it carefully, and then heal Xiaoying and let her Go back to her grandfather, because she is the only daughter in the Hua family, and she needs to choose a son-in-law for the Hua family, and then inherit the incense and power of the Hua family."

"Oh?" Chen Zheng frowned, feeling that Hua Tianping's words were full of mistakes and omissions: "Don't you have a son, Wang An? Just ask him to inherit it."

"Alas." Hua Tianping sighed, and said, "Actually, you don't know that although Xiao An is my own, he has the same surname as his mother, and he has already passed it to his mother through adoption, and I am sterile. Infertility, which involves all aspects, how can it be said in one sentence? To be honest, the entire Hua family can only rely on Huaying to inherit the incense."

Hua Tianping was right, Hua Ying was the only descendant in the entire Hua family.

And Wang An is Hua Ying.

When Chen Zheng heard Hua Tianping's explanation, he suddenly fell silent. At first he felt very strange. Why would Wang An be Hua Tianping's son?But Hua Tiandu didn't know about it, and Xia Xue never mentioned that Hua Tianping had a son. Didn't she say that Hua Tianping was infertile?Why did another son come out?But these things, Chen Zheng is not easy to ask. He thinks that Hua Tianping must have difficulties. Chen Zheng glanced at Wang An's flat chest, and knew that Wang An is definitely not Hua Ying. After thinking about it, he no longer doubted it. Said: "Well, I can give you my blood, but where is Huaying now? I don't know if you have a clue?"

"I don't know about this, I still have to rely on you to find her out!" Hua Tianping was also very nervous after lying for a whole day, glanced at Wang An beside him, and said to Chen Zheng with a smile: " Chen Zheng, as Huaying's uncle, I have one thing to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Chen Zheng asked suspiciously.

"Please help me find Huaying. After I find her, I will marry her to you and let you be the son-in-law of the Hua family! Let you inherit the power of the Hua family and protect China with the Xia family!" Hua Tianping said. He was very excited because he knew from the female bodyguard that Wang An had fallen in love with Chen Zheng.


A flash of surprise flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. He was about to say something, but found that Wang An's face was flushed at the moment, and he was so shy that he could bleed. Chen Zheng became even more puzzled. First, what qualifications does Hua Tianping have? Betroth Huaying to him?The second point, why did Wang An blush?

At this moment, Chen Zheng felt that Wang An might be Hua Ying.

But when he looked at Wang An's chest seriously, he shook his head again. Wang An's chest was flat, so how could it be Huaying?He said, "Okay, I will seriously find Huaying!"

"Hehe, then I have to thank you very much!" Seeing that Chen Zheng no longer doubted, Hua Tianping secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He also knew very well that what he said was full of mistakes, but fortunately, he still lied Overcome Chen Zheng, because Wang An is really a boy!Except for the chest, other parts of Wang An are feminine, but it is this flat chest that deceives Chen Zheng!Hua Tianping sighed in his heart and said: Brother, I'm sorry, in order to restore Xiaoying to normal, I will help you decide and betroth Xiaoying to Chen Zheng!

A sneeze!

At this time, Hua Tian, ​​who was working hard in the eastern province of Xiangdong, sneezed. His eyes were puzzled: Who is scolding me behind my back?

clap clap!

There was a knock on the door, and a middle-aged man with the appearance of a secretary walked in, and said to Hua Tiandu: "Boss Hua, Miss Hua's signal has been tracked and can be located! The location is in Science City, Tianhe District, East China Sea. Unit 19, Shizili, Alley, No. 12, Backstreet!"

"What!" Hua Tian stood up, his eyes were full of excitement, he quickly took out his cell phone, made a call, the call was connected after a while, Xia Xue's voice sounded from the other end of the phone: "Uncle Hua, what can I do for you?"

"Xiaoxue, your sister Xiaoying has been found. She called me yesterday, and I have found her exact address. I will send you the address now. You can find it!" After calming down, he still couldn't restrain his excitement. He sighed in his heart: Which parent in the world doesn't worry about his children?

On the other end of the phone, Xia Xue's face was overjoyed: "Uncle Hua, don't worry, I'll go right away!"

On the other end of the phone, Xia Xue quickly received the address from Hua Tiandu. Her eyes were full of excitement, and she finally found Huaying!She hurriedly dialed Chen Zheng's cell phone, wanting to call Chen Zheng and go to Huaying together, but after calling for a long time, Chen Zheng didn't answer, so she gave up and got into the police car and drove out by herself!

At this time, Chen Zheng in the Red Star Community took out his mobile phone and saw Xia Xue's call. He just wanted to answer it, but the other party had already hung up. He quickly called back, but found that the other party hadn't answered the call. He thought to himself, Xia Xue should be off work at this time, she didn't answer the phone, she should be riding back in a police car, so he decided to call Xia Xue later.

"Okay, Chen Zheng, nice to meet you. If possible, I want Xiao An to continue to follow you and let you protect him. In this world, I am afraid that only you can protect him, because you are the ancient killer!" Hua Tianping As he said that, his heart trembled a little. Thinking of how terrifying the closed ancient killer in the laboratory was, Hua Tianping's heart trembled extremely. It is full of awe of Chen Zheng.He tried to send someone to kill the ancient killer in the laboratory, but all failed, and Chen Zheng might be as terrifying as that ancient killer!
"Okay, I will protect him." Chen Zheng stood up and said to Wang An: "Xiao An, pack some clothes now and come back with me for a few days."

"Okay." Wang Anle grinned, and then dragged Ling Ying into the room to pack her luggage.

Looking at Wang An's running figure, Chen Zheng felt a headache. He said hello to Hua Wenping, and then walked out of the balcony, wanting to call Xia Xue, but at this moment, the phone rang, and it was Xu Ying calling Yes, his eyes were puzzled, and he answered the phone quickly, but Xu Ying's panicked voice sounded: "Mr. The explosion killed two workers!"


 Ask for a ticket for a reward! !
(End of this chapter)

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